Enjoy your Rolexes and your leased Audis now faggots, it is coming and it will hit this year

Enjoy your Rolexes and your leased Audis now faggots, it is coming and it will hit this year.

Pay back Mr. Goldstein now for he will be coming with a vengeance.

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>Rolexes and your leased Audis
projection much?

i do have a rolex but not a leased audi. i have savings and no debt. you, however, will be enjoying a long dicking from mr. sheckelstein quite soon

Is this good for Bitcoin

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Are you sure he's able to do revenge, maybe Mr. Goldstein is involved in a recent scandal...

Upset boomer q faggot detected

Thinks a rolex and a audi are impressive both are pleb tier
the absolute state of /pol

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I have a house and enough cash in the checking account to pay off both cars. I lived through the last one and didn't want to be caught with my pants down again. So I'm in a fairly recession proof field and hoarded money. Pay me for land after this next recession, faggot.

Yes . lower interest rates announced and if a crisis happens the central banks will need to go to negative interest rates and that will pump bitcoin to 400k.

not scared. I invested $100 in microsoft before msdos 5.0 was released.

fucking boomers

The stock exchange collapse always starts after the first cut

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I don't care I have Xbox game pass ultimate paid up through 2022

according to an user who was posting a couple of weeks ago, european & british based currency traders are under orders from "above" to devalue the british £ in an effort to cripple the bong economy for daring to leave the failed EU experiment. i'd obviously think this was the usual tin foil hat nonsense, but ummm it's not. this is actually happening right now and you can literally watch as billions and billions are being bet against the £ on the basis of.... nothing.

Fake news heeb back in the oven now and shut the door

Yeah, because frail little jews will be out collecting when shit hits the fan.

Share your wisdom, oh based economic Pollack

it's not fake news, the bong £ is right now seriously undervalued. like ridiculously undervalued. and that is not good for our $, not good at all.

Buy silver and some gold, silver first. The gold:silver ratio jumped yesterday. Silver is undervalued compared to gold, which itself is undervalued. Were looking at an actual happening here anons.

Im buying some cheap metal filled with gun powder...let say some 5000 pieces for start.

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Also valuable. Get the 5Gs. Guns, grub, gold, ground, gas

yup when the fed lowers intrest rates....