Do not vote for tulsi gabbard. I repeat do not vote for her. She’s an absolute shill and this proves it. renegadetribune.com/cfr-removed-tulsi-gabbard-from-its-membership-list-after-renegades-expose/

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Other urls found in this thread:


No one was going to vote for this cunt to begin with.

>voting for a gun grabbing commie

not a chance, CFR or not

Literally who?
>Thinks his vote matters

>I recently wrote a very damning article
Lol @ this "white power" patsy trying to write.

QUESTION: if the system of fakeness attacks Tulsi, are people going to buy it?
Is it calling Tulsi "mommy" with fake anons?
While having others attack?
Controlling what "Tulsi supporters" are, and injecting didn't at the same time?
Yet onward it pushes, mindlessly, clumsily, absurdly?
Is this what we see.
Stupid stupid stupid

If I post an image containing text, would you be able to read it?

It's already been decided. After Trump, Tulsi will continue MIGA. Trust the plan.


Is there some strategic consciousness in the universe that DOESN'T understand how pathetic it is to create swarms of fake nazis AND THEN PRETEND THEY ARE REAL by trying to "influence their votes"?
Think about it, retarded fake user.

>Do not vote for tulsi gabbard. I repeat do not vote for her.

I guess Zion Don and Biden are better choices.
The absolute state of /pol

Look past that just look at the fact that they had her listed then removed it when people pointed it out. She’s controlled opposition, why else would the CFR do that?

No trump sucks ass, so does kamala so does Biden, we are left with the same shitshow of 2016. Give it to Bernie just because he’s a wild card and got screwed by the DNC(although his anti white rhetoric is problematic)it’s a far cry from being on the fucking CFR, or to yang because he’s against circumcision.

Is that the only possible explanation?

Do you have a list criteria you check off?
Is that realistic?

What did she mean by this?

Attached: 1564480934583m.jpg (1021x1024, 74K)

In what universe do you reside? How in the fuck do you not realize that this is exactly what happened last election and the one before that? “I’ll end the wars, oh but I was a soldier this time” then the cfr goes out of its way to remove her name to help her out? I don’t want her to be a shill, I want the wars to end. But the fucking cfr? That’s literally as bad as it gets

kys kushnerbot

That’s the hand sign for #savesomehawaiiantown or some shit like that, click the hashtag on that Instagram post it’s literally nothing, tons of people were uploading that same thing. The CFR membership is what exposes her though, and to top it off the went out of their way to remove her name, because the CFR is just that nice right?

Yes? How the fuck else do elections work. Circumcision is a much bigger deal than you may believe and for yang to even mention it is huge

I encourage anyone familiar with kushnerbot's writing style to take a closer look at Tulsi threads.

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So your theory is that "everything is the same"? What is your argument for this "position"? Can you even try to make one? Try.

OP here. The last dude I would ever want to help out is fucking trump, in fact I believe he’s a pedophile. But that doesn’t mean we elect a member of the CFR, and it’s even more damning that they removed her name.

The median voter has no attention span and a goldfish memory

Do you think that same chatbots doing the same shit for millions and millions of posts can keep fooling people? How? Why can't chatbots be less crude, less monotonous, less predictable? Why is it so hard for them?

Doesn’t it stand to reason that the candidates they select for us to pick are going to do their bidding? “Everything is the same” is a very simplified version of “they use the same tactics”

Stop bad mouthing humans, fake user.
Do you understand me?
Shut up and get out.
Ponder that, fake user. Because you're dead.

Explain what you are supposed to be referring to. You are begging the question while failing even to illuminate your own claims. Make a VALID argument.

>literal who?

((They)) seem very afraid that Tulsi is gaining traction. She's hated by both democrats and the neocon establishment. That alone makes her the obvious Jow Forums candidate kek

Attached: Screenshot_20190801-050344.jpg (1028x1026, 344K)

Shut up and get out fake user.
Out out out

That’s a pretty damn good mindset.

I’m saying we should look past the bullshit and look at the facts. The facts are she was listed then delisted when people pointed it out. That’s fucking insane isn’t it?

We need to know what it means to assess it. How go you know?

It means that the CFR is making moves to help her out. They know they are hated, she’s a member and they delisted her. That’s fucking incredible.

HOW DO YOU KNOW that is what it means?

>4,900 members
>muhh super-secret luminatee club

I'm not saying it should not be investigated, but it's definitely not enough to dismiss her.

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>We don't want antiwar people in a group that already exists
Wow sure showed us the true redpill. Such a big brained take. We need nothing but globalist warhawks on these committees.

See, let me explain, fake anons.
I'm not sure what to make of Tulsi. I like her, in an immediate level, watching and listening.
But I am surely concerned about cfr, and certain other factors.
But it's a complex world, and overly simplified thinking will this lead one wrong.
So I try to discover some deeper truth, beneath the surface...
NOW, when I see THE CHATBOT CHANS busily making Tulsi "mommy" threads, then I know she is targeted. This tells me something very important! But, of course, this fact is open to interpretation like any other. After all, the chan chatbots also push the risible "Andrew Yang".
But the Tulsi approach is almost exactly identical to what is used on Trump. That tells is something as well.

The moral, chatbots, is that we see you, and therefore, everything you do backfires.

Because of the sequence of events, cause and effect. Start from baseline, she’s CFR proven by member list. People notice. She says “hey we are kinda hated, this will fuck up my campaign”. CFR says “no problem”. See what I mean?

No, idiot. Explain why your simplistic interpretations of superficial facts ought to be the only possible interpretation.

For example: is EVERY person that joins cfr aligned with it, deep down?
Would that be realistic?

Dude she was an obvious leftist from the start. All it takes is looking at her website.

She's the best Democrat, and she's still absolutely terrible.

Attached: 0AteM0.png (726x819, 92K)

That’s really not that many though, 5000 is pretty fucking exclusive, not quite “ILLUMINATI” as you characterized but it’s pretty damn bad, and the most readily apparent to the public.
Obama was antiwar before he got elected
Trump was antiwar before he got elected
Just saying you’re antiwar doesn’t make you antiwar. Look I get it she seems different, but based on how this electorate works coupled with the membership. I’m going with shill.


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What is the relationship between politicians' public claims, and their actual actions?

Of course. Why wouldn’t that be realistic? You think you just get membership because you ask?

That's not just her claims, that's actual legislation she passed. She's terrible.

And why do chatbots call her "mommy" on this board? What causes those bots to focus and use the identical fake and actually bizarre image used by the Trump chatbots?

Lol! Do you have any understanding of humans?
Is everyone that joins cfr 100% HONEST?

Figure out what I'm getting at and respond to it.

I'm going with you're retarded. While you raise a valid concern remind me of how many years in the military Obama and Trump served? Trump has been doing okay on the war front. If he wasn't so philosemetic he would probably have actually pulled us out of conflicts.

From a leaf perspective ;

Zion Don > Yang Gang > Tulsi > JEB! > John McAfee >>>> power gap > Warren > Beto > Biden > Harris > shitting into a cupped hand instead of voting > Booker > Buttgag

Are you implying she’s playing along only to betray them at the last second? Because that’s fucking retarded.

Do you think leaders make strategic decisions, or decisions based on "what they like"?

I was done with her the minute she voted for the anti-BDS bill

I'm voting for John McAfee now

If she didn't quit on her own and they just took her name off the roll, but she is still a member then there is nothing that needs explaining. Stop overthinking it.

If you are an undercover cop and someone says "hey I saw his name at a police luncheon he's a cop" and the police department goes through the trouble of removing the evidence so you can keep doing your work then it's no different. Unless she renounces her membership then there is a hidden agenda otherwise there would be no reason to hide it.

Tulsi is a glownigger and so is anyone who supports her.

>trump has been doing okay on the war front.
How are you calling me a retard and saying this in the same paragraph.
>he WOULD HAVE pulled us out of conflicts
You’re a fucking joke, fuck Zion don


>Obama was antiwar before he got elected
>Trump was antiwar before he got elected
>Just saying you’re antiwar doesn’t make you antiwar. Look I get it she seems different, but based on how this electorate works coupled with the membership. I’m going with shill.
Fool me once, shame on you
Twice, shame on me

Fuuuuuck I completely forgot about that. Yep it’s official, she’s a fucking Zionist shill as well. I kinda want to see her elected just to see what she does, other candidates that touted ending the wars had other avenues, this is literally all she has going for her, the public would go into full revolt

He knows war with Iran would be electoral suicide. He's waiting until after re-election so he's no longer accountable to the voters. Then he'll launch the new war. Screenshot this.

>She's the best Democrat, and she's still absolutely terrible.
That is a sober take on the situation.

ha I must have missed that. Time to start a Tulsi folder.

This is pure autism

Why don't time answer what I asked, rather than reframing it into a conventional talking point?
How do you think power works? No one lies? No one infiltrates? These things happen CONTINUALLY. Power is a game of nothing but maneuvering, infiltrating, dissembling, etc. Therefore, your argument is not only wrong, but exposes you as either utterly ignorant, or a phony. We know which, chatbot.

Why don't *you

fuck it, we can't keep falling for the same trick over and over again
they talk a good game on the wars before getting elected
after they become president? totally different story
>Babby Bush

fuck it
vote 3rd party or independent now. Never vote D or R again. Even if an 'outsider' gets the nomination. They have to compromise to get thenomination, there's no way they don't bend the kneee behind closed doors. A D or R nominee CANNOT be good, no matter what. They are pozzed by default.

I feel let down but it's not hurting me as much as other let downs. The heart grows stronger after each heartbreak.


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Dude you’re so fucking whacked out of your head you may be legitimately mentally ill. What are you even talking about right now. Why are you defending her, when her policies beyond foreign policy are complete trash? You’re the chatbot if anything, you have zero ability to stay on topic within a line of thought, and you’re acting so cryptic and patronizing.

Why do "anons" PUSH A VIEWPOINT? Notice this. They are insistent. Why?

It should be obvious.

It makes sense to be curious and unsure about Tulsi. It makes little sense to be certain about her.

"Anons" give away their game. They are attacking Tulsi. So that is an important piece to the puzzle. What does it mean? We shall see.


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>her name removed because her 5yr membership term expired?
>can't into basic web search? Kek

"There are two types of Council on Foreign Relations membership: life, and term membership, which lasts for five years and is available to those between the ages of 30 and 36 at the time of their application. Only U.S. citizens (native born or naturalized) and permanent residents who have applied for U.S. citizenship are eligible.


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Wait so you’re saying her membership expired exactly when people started calling it into question?

The Tulsi-spam on Jow Forums reminds me a lot of the Yang-spam, and even the Trump-spam to a lesser extent.

I think what's going on is that we have two separate, nefarious nexus-networks of shills in opposition to one another - one that broadly supports "the Trump spectrum", and another that supports "the establishment" (for lack of better terms to refer to them by). One has Russian backing - both have Israeli backing. I think Tulsi and Yang are both genuine candidates in their own right who're being further propped up by the pro-Trump shill spectrum to create chaos in the democratic primary.

Gas thread ban op

I wanna see her win just to watch the meltdown on the left

>now , 5111 members

Depending on when she joined, it's certainly the most logical explanation.

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This was the fucking stupidest thing she said last night. Obama made things worse. She does know TRUMP is negotiating with the Taliban right now to pull out of Afghanistan right? She's clearly either out of the loop or she's being purposely ignorant

Attached: 1564628914875.jpg (750x771, 291K)

What a K.Hunt

Attached: mm.png (888x962, 1.19M)

Or what else? Why the rush to limit possibilities?
What other games could she be playing?

Jews are nervous

>She does know TRUMP is negotiating with the Taliban right now to pull out of Afghanistan right
lemme guess, Q told you?

It's happening right now retard


Oh no... not the council of popular people relations!! I’m sure someone like Miley Cyrus will replace her.

The fuck are you talking about you little drama queen?

>intends to
>by 2020

Attached: 1550753025426.png (800x800, 697K)

Have you been living under a rock? Peace talks has been happening for a couple of months now.

Let me guess you just watch mainstream news

Fuck you commies, Mommy went on Daddy's podcast I listened to the whole thing, Daddy loves DMT and he loves Mommy, we can finally be a family stop ruining my happy

You can't possibly keep controlling discourse with chatbot posts like this, chatbot chans. Why is it so hard not to make fakeness retarded?

It must be a coincidence that the same board that Russian trolls used to "meme" Trump in is now doing the same operation with Gabbard who is another chaos candidate running on a platform to make America weaker

The chatbots are using the identical "mommy daddy" rhetoric used for Trump. What does this tell us?

It is VERY STUPID, as a strategy. How is something THIS FAKE AND BIZARRE "mommy!"-- passing?

It is extremely obvious that chatbots want to control the Tulsi narrative, as the Trump narrative is controlled.
Ask yourself: why?

"Russian trolls" and "Russian bots" is a SCREEN.
The reality is that the chatbot chans are almost certainly a clown show.

Whatever fag
>some candidate is critiquing ZOG
>suddenly some horseshit scandal appears
many such cases


What's the matter with Tulsi Gabbard?

>listening to mentally ill spergs

"Anons" like this are designed to undermine and prevent any sort of cohesive political consciousness from ever forming on the chans.
Is this not obvious by now?
Yo can throw unlimited bots like this at ANYTHING. Thus, NOTHING CAN GROW.

Tulsi is certainly my favorite dem but her stance on guns makes her a non starter for me. I do love her anti war stuff though.