What the hell is going on in Germany?

What the hell is going on in Germany?

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>battle arena toshinden, live


the strength of diversity

Cultural enrichment. Beautiful Syrian culture.

Is this the same 'sword attack?'

No this is a new one with a machete

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As previously stated, they are showing the world the strength of diversity.

They really need to start forming a massive anti immigrant gang over there

the ashkeNAZI /deep state is in control here. thats whats going on.

Finally, the shitskins are starting to show their true colours, we need lots more of these to happen, hopefully not only in Germany or they’ll find something German to blame, they’ll say neonazis were racist and upset them or something


>machete attack
Smart money says this "Syrian" was an obvious nigger who had a fake Syrian passport when he entered the country.

holy fucking lmao

Germans really need to put a stop to this somehow.

Their government has lost its fucking mind

Since when is CÜCKED on the list?


Dude this is a common occurence since 2015.
Forget germany as much as it hurts me, they are completly fucked.

Holy fuck that pigess is hot.
Why don't our pigs look like that...?


The machete attack was on another man, not a pregnant woman or is this about something else?

The reason is clear: when you import barbarians, you also import barbarism.

kooked is not same as cucked

kook = crazy

not to be confused with coot, which is specifically a crazy old man

There are a lot of hot female cops in germany and the netherlands

What color is the victim? Stop leaving that out you double niggers

this is for crusades!!!

nah that was a based weeb doctor engineer

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Polish parents are blindingly sending their kids away to creepy "education camp" funded by leftist organizations and staffed by foreigners

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>What the hell is going on in Germany?
whatchu mean? you know exactly what's going on. Everything is going according to (((plan)))

part and parcel

this is based bullshit. Not mentioned in any newspapers. Fake sage losers

Well they’re being reported instead of covered up at least? There’s also been a huge gap since the last trucks of peace and bataclans etc which I find hard to simply pin on succesful counter terrorism
We need endless attacks that can’t be ignored even by the people with their heads in the sand, you know what I mean? I know that’s technically already happened but there was always a big push after those with a “not all—-“ narrative, need them to prove it is all of them as they’re starting to

It's gonna be fun here once the greens are in power which will happen next election.

You'll see in the next ~10 years if Germans disappear or go full fashism again.

My money is on disappearing since we are getting brainwashed into self hatred for almost 75 years.

And even if we rise up there will be an EU army in place in a couple of years basically putting dissident states and people into the ground.

Honestly this is white germans fault for not helping better integrate them into society. The only solution I can see is more immigrants.

Makes sense. Dutch women are gorgeous.
Pic related is literally the best a pig in the US looks.

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KEKED test

Just reapin what they been sowin

I can confirm

Part and parcel

KEKED test

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Sorry, this was from 2016

I'm a retard


In austria we call this "Abschiebungsgrund"

2015 i am forgott

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Will anybody be surprised when Hitler2 rises? They think they are doing everything to prevent it, they are actually doing 100% the opposite. You want whites to love shitskins? Keep them away from them!


Wanna trade?

3 yr old news

Who "don't know the law" so can't be punished by it.

A lot of Americans have German ancestry so when you go to states or counties in say the Midwest and they have female cops there's a good chance some German schweinelein will be working as a cop.
Even then considering the average diet it's unlikely she'll be fit like the bird in that pic.

They've also had immigrants pushing German children under trains in the recent weeks. Part and parcel, I guess.

the man was killed by a dollar store katana

Fei strikes again


The new uniform really accentuates their features.

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I mean who the fuck didn't give pause when a syrian guy wanted to buy a machete

It´s also on you, brother. Don´t go silent into the night. Get angry. Get loud. Don´t let them hold you down.
My money is on faschism with the support of the based croatians living here everywhere. Most of the "green" people don´t actually have an opinion. They are like empty vessel where the most common and feel good opinion matrix gets implanted.
As soon as this opinion matrix is one of faschism and it feels good they will switch sides faster than the italians.

yeah smart move, put a blond woman in tight pants in little Damascus, Germany

>tfw i will never have a blonde cop tackle me and search my cock for machetes

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>What the hell is going on in Germany?
Diversity stuff

>syrians are killing kazakhs and polacks in germany
Absolutely based.

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Fucking this. The anti-whites are showing their hand way too fast and it's starting to rapidly wake up our brothers and sisters everywhere.

Pic of the victim.

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>What the hell is going on in Germany?
Exactly what they signed up for.

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Is this not from another incident?

The OP says it was done with a machete, but this is clearly the work of a samurai.

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I cant wait to see Europe be minority ethnic, why do I have to wait so long before I see it true guys?

That cop in the photo looks machete traumatized...

ethnic cleansing

I guess they're calling the sword a machete.


It's a three year old story.

honk honk

>What the hell is going on in Germany?

Merkel is sitting in front of her computer monitor and masturbating furiously as she reads the news reports of her so-called """refugees""" killing, raping, and torturing ethnic German citizens.

Dead germans by the hands of """refugees""" gets comrade Merkel sexually excited.

Post-1945 german stuff



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his ex-roastie gf with his unborn child?

woah good eye, I had only seen her ass

What are the chances of a military coup? I can't imagine many of the high ranking military personnel being too fond of Merkel and her policies.

German police womyn are expert marksmyn!

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first Poland then Germany Italy will follow. hopefully the west joins the right side this time

what do you call this stance?

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excellent stance, ideal for handling the sharp recoil of that machine gun

they are cleansing the military for a couple of years now from rightwing sentiments.

Can't really tell how the military aspect goes. I do not know anyone in the Bundeswehr.

Highly doubt it though. I assume a military coupe would trigger some secret treaty with the US/Zion marching in once again.

If we have a revolution it has to come from the people

the chicken wing

She might get a flying duck in that stance

Why you do this to her Germany!?!?

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My dude... I live in Ohio.
Unfortunately, you're incorrect.


You realise how many sexual assaults in public pools there must be that simply don't make news, or other cases of bodily harm all commited by, what we are seeing is the tip of the tip of the iceberg...

Here in Luxembourg a cop hit a refugee from syria so hard that he broke his jaw and one eye socket, the refugee could lose one of his eyes, the refugee was in handcuffs.
The cop is now in jail. For atleast 2 years.
The other 4 cops 2 of which were present when he hit him, and the 2 others were forced to write a fake report. These 4 are now suspended...
It was filmed by a surveillance camera in the entrance of a hospital.
The cops were called because the refugee was causing havoc in a bar because he was drunk....

Everyone of you should know what happened.
I feel bad for him, but he's an idiot for not hitting him somewhere where there were no cameras.

the woman lean
or chick lean, dont rember.

Hwo can you be that retarded? I mean they learn it the right way in their basic training, I saw it in some documentation...

Holy shit, I mean you should obey them and not try to rape them, this is for all the sand niggers out there.

The weapon is too heavy for her...