When does someone stop being Jewish?

Clearly on here DNA testing is quite popular especially amongst those of you who talk about the ethnostate. I'm 80% Northern European, 10% Southern, and 9.8 Ashkenazi. My Ashkenazi great grandmother was born in 1890 in Poland and left Judaism to marry a protestant Swede. She was then shunned by her family until her death.

My question is, how does one relative born over 100 years ago who left the religion make me Jewish? Are you guys serious about the one drop rule when according to Hitler I would have passed the Mischling test and been a full Aryan?

Also how does 23andme not separate out the indigenous Slavic DNA from the Ashkenazi?

Attached: anne.jpg (521x398, 55K)

One drop is all it takes. Look at you already trying to subvert the rules by appealing to our empathy

>when does someone stop being Jewish?
Around 300°C

In my opinion to be jewish, you need to be 51% Ashkenazi or more to be jewish. Most of Jow Forums has an unhealthy and autistic tier obsession with Jews, it honestly makes Hitler's antisemitism look sane to normies in comparison to Jow Forums

I'm not asking for empathy. I'm asking why you ignore your own playbook to make me the other when I probably have the same views as you. Enjoy your purity spiral.

Thank you. Jesus Christ. I probably would disagree with the 51% and say more like %25 or we should just go with Hitler's Mischling test.

You are only a jew if you are born by a jewish mother goyim.

If you've got enough Jew in your blood that you think it's worth mentioning then you've already got too much Jew in you.

Nice. Did lol.

Top kek based

Dumb logic. Hello I'd like to join you're ethnostate. How much jew in you? I'd rather not talk about it. OKAY YOUR IN.

Thanks my Danish brother. I'm proud to be a goyim with you.

>let people in with the same views: niggers (of every sort)
>three generations down, niggers chimp out and start acting as expected

Three generations down there would be almost not Ashkenazi dna left in my children, but apparently they will be niggers.

Absolutely based.

To be clear my Northern DNA is English, German, and Swedish so I almost should be more embarrassed of my cucked genes.

1% jew is a jew. They have the most dominate genes on this planet, they're a parasite, and Hitler had the right idea.

So if Hitler had the right idea, then how come according to him, I'd be a full aryan citizen?

This isn't a good meme since it suggests the Holocaust® actually happened.

There wasn't DNA tests back then. If Germany would've survived you would've definitely been purged.

True. I just grabbed the first Jew meme in my folder. Lazy early morning post.

dirty kike, sterilize yourself so your filthy mud DNA dies with you

under 10% is okay. Over some generations the DNA would disappear.
25%+ is a problem

Do you not know what the Mischling test was? It went by how many Jewish grandparents you had. I have none. I have one Jewish great grandparent.

Bet you have nigger DNA faggot

Thank you based German friend.

And? like I said you still wouldn't of been found out. Like I said if Germany would've held out till the 80s to 90s you would not be a German citizen to put it lightly. Technology wasn't nearly as advanced as it is now.

I don't know user, you are being pretty autistic about it, and expanding into your own fantasy. Hitler even had Jewish advisors. Guess he would have gassed them once he was done with them huh?

>grandma was born in Poland in a catholic family but her father was ukrainian
>tfw afraid of taking a test because of the high potential for jewish DNA
It sucks to be an euromutt

Attached: gYuNw9z.png (500x500, 58K)

All the one drop fags on here probably are fucking fat faggots that wouldn't be helpful at all in an ethnostate scenario. Usually the most pure ones only have one thing to cling to, and it's there "perfect" DNA.

Lol you're answering your own question.

For a more serious answer, ideally there would be zero percent Jewish in an ethostate. There are plenty of like minded whites without Jewish DNA, you aren't needed.
You can talk about pragmatism if you want but you would be larping just as much as every hardliner here considering that there will be no white countries in 100 years.
23andme does separate, you're just that Jewish.
So my answer is gas yourself, Jew.

Keyword "ideally." The only thing Jewish about me is that I had a relative born in the 1800s that was Jewish. If I hadn't taken that test and told you there is literally no way you would have known.

Also what the fuck do I do then? Join ZOG? Help you guys from the outside wtf.

Maybe not, but the question wasn't about your appearance.

I don't know man. I'm going to stick to Dr. Murdoch's smell test.

>parents keep going on about how I have a jewish great grandparent
can't trick me mom

I never understood what's the genetic marker of an ashkenazi.

That's why I was asking about how 23andme sorts the DNA. Ashkenazi were like 200 Israeli's that bred with Northern Italian women 2000 years ago. So you'd think that 23andme would separate it out that way, but they don't.

In my opinion:
Jews looking like italians are those converts;
Jews looking like arabs are the original hebrews;
Jews looking like eastern europeans are those usually referred as ashkenazis, but i don't know from where they came from exactly

Have you accepted Jesus Christ, as your Lord and Savior?

Yes, I'm Anglican. I've literally read the entire bible and pray everyday.

get a load of this retard.
ashkenazis are the original hebrews,and no we don't look eastern european.

Do a test for psychopathy, sociopathy, cluster B and schizophrenia.
Also see if you are disposed to work and earn money yourself or leech from others, how comfortable you are with backstabbing, crime...