Is she right?

Is she right?

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Why does she have to be so cute?

Wow. She is encouraging violence now. Typical for socialists. Socialism appeals to base, primitive people who think problems are solved through violent behavior.

Is it just me or has she been completely off the radar for a while?

Why do you have to be an incel leaf?

I never thought the biggest advocate of The Day of the Rope would be AOC.

>being so thirsty you think AOC is hot

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This is awesome. We should actually support this. If retarded niggers, spics, antifa members and queers riot all over the place and it's explicitly linked to AOC's idiotic comments, Trump wins 2020.

Her heard her, boys. We marginalized white men need to riot.

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Not just you, I think it's been a few days now
but shit is accelerating too quickly

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The weakness of the west is that in the name of fairness we allow people who simply cannot comprehend system we created to run it.

Yes, she is. Whites should be rioting.

Some people think stupidity is cute. Personally I find her fugly, but at least she knows how to cook unlike most American women.

I own guns in NY, therefore I'm a marginalized minority the government is working overtime to systematically discriminate against the deprive me of my rights so clearly she'd support my rioting.

Yes lets start a civil war fuck it kill them we cant live like this as a country anymore this is a terrible situation and i want it to stop now

“I think that we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard. And, what is it that America has failed to hear? It has failed to hear that the economic plight of the Negro poor has worsened over the last few years.” - MLK Jr.

"Men have no choice but to rape because they have no opportunities to date attractive women." - Ann Coulter

>too quickly

Not our fault if you aren't prepared. We warned you.


The record of history is clear, demagogues have always presides over racially fractious societies and all democrats ever fucking do is get people angry about race.

as a white, male, gun owner,,,,,yes, she is right.

She has the mentality of a child. Throw a temper tantrum to get her way? No thanks.

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Yes, actually. They are animals, it's instinctual.

I hope they do. Let the civil war commence. Pic related.

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I'm white and feel marginalized. So do others like me


>I own guns in NY
>mfw no guns in NY
feels bad man

I'd be her whiteboi slave any day of the week. I'd let her cuck me in front of my own family. I don't care if she's a Muslim puppet or whatever, I'm so attracted to her Alpha female vibes I'd probably have an actual orgasm if I shook her hand.

Gamers rise up

>wants to grab guns
>says shit like this
i can't figure this one out.

For context she is saying this because she said Palestinians should rise up against Israel first

Just hire a representative to riot for you. This is a dereliction of duty.

It does.I have long guns, but I'll be damned if I'm going to submit references just to own a pistol, let alone submitting more references and supplying a "valid" reason to be able to carry a pistol legally.

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Surely armed citizens would be beneficial for the downtrodden masses to rise up against the tyrannical and oppressive bourgeoisie.

Do it so we can put the bullet to them and end this charade.

she is one of a few hundred people in the country with the power to make laws, advocating for people to break the laws that she makes, so that they end up in jail


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Isn't this incitement of violence?

Niggers rioted in my area once. The Sheriff's office dropped bombs on them (no shit). Niggers haven't been too much of an issue since then - even when "unarmed" niggers are shot down by the police they don't do much but stand at the court house until their bus returns (2nd pass would be beyond the window that their free transfer is allowed).

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Plz riot. I feel like destroying something beautiful. That probably coughs and weezes when not given insulin properly because of constant fast food diet equating your health to bill nyes infomercial about gender being a false construct and we should all watch Dora the explorer until white people are put into concentration camps for hazel eyes. Fuck niggers and fuck spics more. Your all mongrels supporting the Fbi in turning the rest of America into Baltimore applecore.

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No. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is never right.
If she initially sounds like she's made a factually correct statement, her grammar or a slight specific is completely incorrect.
If it sounds bogus, it's a fictional talking point.

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>marginalized communities "have no choice but to loot their own community mom-and-pop stores for vain personal gain."
What did she mean by this?

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Name one instance where rioting has solved a problem.

Shitskin Mutt is pushing people towards Civil war 2

Before that riot, my area was considered "Black Wall Street". You don't hear that term anymore.

Of course a savage like her finds the concepts of responsability and self improvement as something imposible for her kind to do.

Why does Jow Forums hate her so much?
Most of what I see here are 'happening' threads and Civil War threads.

"It's Happening!", "When Is It Happening???", "Civil War, When???", Why Is It NOT Happening???"

She wants what you want. And unlike most of you, she is doing EVERYTHING she can to make it happen. Nobody is working harder to destabilize the system and drive angry people into the streets than AOC. She's working even harder than Trump to tear it all down.

And yet you all despise her.

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like "marginalized" americans don't have it fucking easy lmao

Go buy a rifle. It's still possible to walk into a gun store and walk out with a rifle in the same day.

Marginalized groups also have the option to get the fuck out of white countries as well

>marginalized communities
Is she talking about white men?

Yes. She is right.

Surely that will go well for them.

In a way, yeah.
The west is being carved up by oligarchs and direct action is the only thing that would stop it as they've captured the entire right side of the political spectrum, and most of the left as well.
But patience and picking shots would probably be even more effective then rioting.

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she is literally an actress you damn retard

Yeah, sure, why not. It's fucking amazing to me that leftists think this cretin is doing them any favors. By all means, nothing is going to help the left's chances in a national election like a few dozen hours' video of ghetto residents slaughtering each other in the streets.
I'm right there with you, fren. She's a gigantic gift to the right, all the way up through the accelerationists.

the form for buying a pistol is same as long gun
some states are constitutional carry. Here in WV
you can carry no problemo

Let's start a riot, a riot!

>Is she an insane Puertorican woman?

She sure is back on it now.

Guarantee this is a white male poster.

Puerto Ricans have around 20% African admixture. This is why they are like this.

every time you post that pic it reminds me of this.

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you nailed it, yet they bitch and scream constantly while denigrating those that actually do all the heavy lifting in society

Yes she is, but then why would she complain about "white supremacy"?

based and redpilled
even tho shes a socdem, AOC is a queen just for making drumpf supporting boomer fags mad
i love her
death to america

What in the fuck? Why are you fucking red leafs so god damn deranged? Every fucking time!

Jokes aside.
I imagine OPs image has to be a joke

I second this.

Sure, why not? Riot and make yourselves look even worse.

French revolution ?


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>get the fuck out of white countries

White people have always had this cognitive dissonance. Whenever a minority brings up all of the indigenous peoples that whites killed and displaced in the founding of America, all you hear is bragging.

"My ancestors were conquerors!"
"It's not your land if you can't hold on to it!"
"You fought a war and we beat you. Quit whining!"

Now that whites appear to be on the losing end of the fight, the entire conversation has changed.

"You should all go back where you came from!"

Why? YOU didn't.
Why is it that white people seem to believe that white conquerors are positive while non-white conquerors are a negative.

So, to throw your own beliefs back at you, this is for all of you white people screaming "Get out of my country!"

"It's only your country if you can hold on to it."
Sound familiar? Get used to it.


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Yeah, eyeing Vermont for constitutional carry and being close enough that visiting family wouldn't be too bad.

She always gets this doe-eyed look on her face, which I find attractive, when she's about to say something stupid like when she said people shouldn't have children because of climate change. However, those digits check out so I've been set straight.
I don't know about rioting, but I'm starting to feel like they have no choice but to turn to crime. Let's look at Baltimore for example. When the Democrats in power continue to tell them that Republicans are racist and they hate you, you vote for them in for decades. These Democrats then take all the tax but don't actually fix the problems, but you believe the opposition is worse so you choose the devil you know rather than the one you don't. Things continue to get worse and people stop talking about it and then one day you get killed in a drive-by. I really don't know what people are supposed to do in this situation. They're practically being taken hostage.

The slight difference my subhuman friend, is that whites conquered through force and superiority, today non-white "conquerors" are just cowards unable to fix their own problems and Depend of the white man to barely exist, moving into their countries to Leech from their supremacy, the moment white men take out their gloves and really start fighting back you'll see that calling yourself conquerors is a gross overstatement that holds not truth.

>she is literally an actress you damn retard

As compared to who? You damn retard.

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Nice i want more riot videos om Youtube to watch

I'd like to agree. But you're referring to a time when literal fighting and war was the order of the day. Don't think for one second that every single gun toting white American wouldn't happily annihilate the invaders (in Minecraft) ... Sadly, our own government has forsaken us and would prosecute or literally retaliate against any of those that would stand to defend and keep this nation free from invaders. So, it's not simply "them against us" as in the past.

>whites conquered through force and superiority

Ahhh...the old "Whites are just plain superior!" argument.
"Whites DESERVE to conquer non-whites because we're just BETTER!"
Keep telling yourself that.

>But you're referring to a time when literal fighting and war was the order of the day.

Please refer me to a time when literal fighting and war WAS NOT the order of the day.
Take your time, I'll wait.

Riot!!! Kill the white man!!!

Yeah go ahead and riot, destroy what little you have built for yourself, digging yourself into a deeper hole. Please, you have no choice apparently

Right now. It's illegal for me to shoot and kill an illegal invader. That's a modern issue that wasn't the case in the times referenced in the argument. I would be imprisoned and my family would suffer ever further. This isn't hard, user.

Maybe if natives and savages knew how to make gunpowder, guns and advanced tools with high Quality metals they wouldnt had been destroyed and their continent conquered, but alas, they were too primitive to compete against whites. Also, bold from you to assume i'm white.

We know she looks like donkey, Leaf, but keep your urges under control.

What is she saying this in reference to?

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Of course she's right! How else are we going to justifiably swap from .22lr to 5.56 NATO... lmao.

>Right now

Right now?
If you are a boy in America who turned 18 today and had to register of selective service, you have NEVER lived in a country that was not at war. An 18 year old in America has watched his country at war every single day of his life. And if you listen to the neocons currently running the government, the next war is already lined up and ready to go.

>Maybe if natives and savages knew how to make gunpowder

Whites learned to make gunpowder from the Chinese.

she's exactly right. That's because democracy only works in homogenous societies.

All they have to do is work.

I want to have sex with her face.

>cognitive dissonance.
>white people seem to believe that white conquerors are positive while non-white conquerors are a negative.
No shit?
You can't conquer us. You will never conquer us. We are giving you fair warning because we recognize what you're trying to do, and we are trying to warn you off of it, but you're no threat to us. We're not on the losing end of any fight.
Let me explain something about white people: we are nice until we're not. We already have the solutions and plans, we're just keeping them in check because the negative consequences of action outweigh the negative consequences of inaction. God help you if that ever changes.

>a fucking leaf
can we just rage ban Canada posters already? Jesus fucking christ

The Chinese never did anything but make bottle rockets and firecrackers with it.

>you protect your own interests so why don’t you protect your enemies’ interests

Imagine brown people writing a constitution