Fuck off

This JEW compares the HOLOCAUST to MEXICO. It got thousands of upvotes on plebbit, too.

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>imagine unironically comparing a commercial boat trip with walking through thousands of miles of desert during summer in an incredibly dangerous country

also its just like the holocaust. IN WW2 Germany , millions of jews were trying to get into Germany for a better life.... oh wait.

I thought the containment camps were supposed to be the holocaust. Now Mexico is too? Can’t keep their analogies straight

Go back to your faggot website nigger and don't come back. Nobody gives a shit

>thousands of people support this statement on reddit
>you shouldn't care that people are retarded

Is the Holocaust the greatest historical example of the boy who cried wolf? Jews literally can't help crying about it and comparing everything to it. When the Arabs or Chinese finally take over a dying west who's gonna care about the Jews really getting holocausted?

The average american millennial seems to think that the whites holocausted the indians, but this shit still gets posted.

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The way they teach it here, it's not surprising

The only good thing that site is for is showing your dick to whores.

Good god people don't understand the definition of fucking context.
But its not. Leaving a country that you aren't necessarily being murdered in versus one where the doors are being kicked in and your people are specifically being targeted are god damn not the same thing.

But hes a jew so im sure he knows this shit anyways. Gotta get those disgusting creatures into our country so he can profit off that somehow

They teach you about the trail of tears and stuff in the later grades when you're more mature to handle that sort of thing. So hes objectively wrong.

I am in Mexico and looking for the concentration camps but can't find any, I'll keep you posted

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Search the Bars, some nazi guards might be hiding in there

they just have to be the victim and they can't stop trying to one up every other person and jew so you get a group of inbred me-monsters who tell tall tales the become quickly incomprehensible.
>masterbation machines

If you can’t find any, build some yourself.

>and they should have stayed in Germany and died in the gas chambers
I'd prefer the bear and eagle cage or the dog that listens to music and attacks when the wrong note is played (as long as the bear, eagle, and dog were treated humanely).

Admit it, you're manufacturing zyklon beans right now.

When you concentrate a bunch of beaners into a confined space, you’ve created a gas chamber.

commercial ocean voyage to avoid extermination vs dragging children through a desert for gibs
If anything the Mexicans are proving they're too stupid to be let in.

if anything they mexicans want to bring a holocaust of crime to america. we're the future victims of mass genocde by mexican drug cartels.

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This is an indication of how much the holocaust was exaggerated.

Imagine trying to talk about escaping the holocaust in 1937. I escaped the Las Vegas shooting by not being there.

kikes really are the scum of the earth.

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>his parents were shitty and should have died in gas chambers
t. Naomi Kritzer

>mexico is going to turn into nazi germany in two years

They shove the trail of tears and muh genocide down your mother fucking throat every chance they get
Why are lefties so disingenuous?

We have the final solution to the Beaner Gas Chamber problem: ZyklonBeanO-8000

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>The US Invades mexico to stop the cholocaust and builds a wall that splits the country in half
That's one I'd like to see happen