
I live in a diversity “utopia” and I’m fucking sick of it. So I came up with something that would hopefully push people with similar beliefs closer to realizing how absolutely fucked they are, and remind the brown sludge that there are people out there that don’t appreciate their enriching. Me and my buddies want to go out (at night and covered) and spread propaganda posters around the town. Whether it’s stuff advocating for National Socialism (which would probably only succeed in making the brown hordes feel unsafe) or posters that carry and send a message that discredits diversity such as pic related. What would be the issues with that, Jow Forums? Is that illegal and could I get in trouble if caught? This is all assuming that the posters would not incite violence of any kind. Bottom line, is this a good idea?

Also, if you have any good pictures that would do well hanging up in my Mexican-colony city, then post em

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>doesn't know his ass from his elbow
the post.
the thread.

>National Socialism
The longer you hold on to it, the more it will drag you down

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oh boy, this is gonna own the libtards so hard

>I live in a diversity “utopia”
>Mexican-colony city

Kill yourself

Yeah I understand that. It’d be pretty funny to see that kind of shit in the local news though

>hazel eyes, red hair
>brown eyes, dark hair
>blue eyes, red hair
>hazel eyes, brown hair

> white

Nice try Goldberg

Spread the word. Diversity flourishes when the hyperborean BVLLS and pretty pink princess copulate to paint the world in ethereal blues, dazzling gold, chocolate browns, refreshing greens, fiery reds.

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You should let them in to Israel kike.

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doing god's work, user

tbf not all 'diverse' people havethe same colour eyes, hair and skin. It could represent the diversity more fairly without losing its impact, which would be better since its truth would then be irrefutable.


Brown eyes, brown hair, brown skin, MUH COLOR AND DIVERSITY! White people are truly stupid to be fed this horse shit and accept it.

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Save the kids

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pure cherrypicking, you are a kike