/our girl/ was banned
Conservative youtuber banned
Other urls found in this thread:
disgusting creatura, good riddance
Jow Forums cannot have an "our girl" because women don't belong in politics.
Her cute little face is just made for analingus.
I want her to help me wipe, with her mouth.
c’est la vie, F
Sage and reported. Not politics.
;-; why wont liberal Youtube leave us alone
you cant handle the truth
Was she really? That’s a shame. She should practice cooking instead of politics
>the kike cries out as he sage
Stop shilling her, fuck off
Yeah her videos were kinda funny at times but seriously
I wanna fuck her so badly!!!
Mmmm why the YouTuber little girls gotta be so cute?
They are jealous because we have organic followings that aren't propped up by millions of journos spamming articles or funded by orgs like media matters.
>be sure to blame me in your manifesto
no shit she was banned lmao
She (or her handler) should never put any kids like that dragkid in the video. Youtube were just itching to remove the channel for any reason.
oh no our little anarcho capitalist no long able to post videos maybe she should take her content elsewhere
That's a boy.
Yikes, looks like Greta’s even more retarded twin sister
>facts are now considered hate speech
>video gets removed for """hate speech"""
Did anyone get her bitchute and patreon links? Fucking kikes.
>learn more about hate speech in your country
14 year old makes video about how gays are pushing pedophilia and gets banned, people discuss this and you want a 14 year old to lick your ass confirming what she was talking about. Bravo you played yourself.
I will personally kill nasty pedophilics like you next world war
y tho? It was destined to come, mostly because the jews are the key of all your problems dogwhistle
everyone is jumping to dlive
She cute.
She was just trying to get banned in her last video.
Just before she hit 1M subs too. Fuck YouTube.
>our girl
>falling for another trad-thot gibsmedat
nothing of value was lost, you stupid fucks didn't learn anything from the Lauren Southern debacle.
>All of our rights are being taken.
t. Canadian Gommunist.
state one "fact" that ever came out of this creepy, indoctrinated little girl's mouth.
she merely parroted Jow Forumstard memes and incel talking points, and only received views because her videos were pedobait.
soph threads are like a petri dish under a lens where you can clearly see how many shills currently infest Jow Forums. thanks /ptg/
>Videos for children on sexual health that teach kids how to use vegetables as dildos is ok and doesn't require parents approval.
Also Youtube
>Pointing out that Youtube has videos that teach kids how to use vegetables as dildos that don't require parents approval is hate speech.
Who is that?
Try me, Armenian shitlord. Your Prophet was a pedophile too btw
ain't youtube about to get censored by a union of youtubers
Third post, best post.
Hahaha holy fuck I was just watching her last video earlier this morning.
Oh look another atheistic communist how original.
>oy vey goyim a woke as fuck gen z icon with 900,000 followers isn’t useful at all lmao
>just stay on your containment board where we can track you and shower you on d&c
so tiresome
Here's her link: bitchute.com
And the Kommandant, who is also no longer welcome on YouTube: bitchute.com
just wait I will shoot pedophiles in each joint when time comes
It's 100 percent because she included that Desmond dragkid. Last time her video got taken down for including Greta
Shit. Now her brother or father or whoever was writing her material will have to start their own channel
What the fuck mate? Get help.
she looks like
let that sink in