What do you think of him?

What do you think of him?

Attached: bernie-sanders-pa-gty-jc-190415_hpMain_4x3_992.jpg (992x744, 83K)

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i don't.

Checked pretty much. Although I'll give him some credit for helping to prompt unusually interesting IRL discussions when running in 2016.

Would you rather re-elect the Israeli cockholster and give more gibs to billionaires?

Somewhat inspiring in 2016 but only up to the primaries, shouldn't be running again after capitulating to Clinton.

Hrs starting to get a little bitter that no one cares for him anymore

Fuck back off to r/CTH

I think it would be nice if we had a president that wasn't beholden to globalist powers. I don't know that his will solve all of our problems or not but I'm tired of feeling like a pawn.

communists must hang


He looks like he wants you to get off his lawn.

By far the best candidate. Jow Forums fears Sanders.

Elderly old commie bitch. So fucking crusty he doesn't even know communism is a proven failure yet.

Who is he or it...I can't tell these sub-humans apart.

Attached: SandersZodiackiller.jpg (380x446, 25K)

accelerationist who is unelectable after laying down in 2016. His talking points have been co-opted, tho, by the DNC

i think he's jewish, does anything else need to be said? no

he's a jew.
he's only in it for the money.
he's never wanted to win.

He's on drugs, very energetic recently, but only towards white people, will bend over and expose anus for any men or woman of color, possible hand over mic.

pretty much ended his career here

Just look at him! you just can't let this shit happen

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Commie Jew who's become rich from preaching socialism to the ignorant tools of globalism

Top kek, that's what I was talking about.
He might stand up to white politicians from other countries but if Zimbabwe ever decide to annex USA he will just apologise and accept.

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Now that's fucking interesting

scams demonrats and infected party with lethal dose of communism

i want to see him or warren win because the meme war will be much more epic. de blasio too

Missed any chance of being with it last attempt.
Too fucking old.

No spine + big government policies => cynical competent people making a mess out the policies and running away with riches.

Only a Trump like personality can enact big government policies, as he had success with large scale projects. He knows what can eat it from the inside.

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Attached: bernie-sanders-zodiac.jpg (600x300, 35K)

Old leaky airbag

Based af

That he deserves to get his asshole raped raw by a virtous and liberal somali.

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Its fake nigger

Career politician swindler jew


Fuckin blacked. Someone meme this shit lol

He's a fucking cocksucking kike but not bigger than you moshe.

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I hope the commie crypt keeper gets the dem nomination.

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He won’t.

completely full of shit and he knows it, hes just there to collect donations from morons to hand them over to biden

Edomite kike who will burn in hell

Ex Bernie bro here. Dude is a joke and they stole his own platform from him lol

Good man.

Bernie Sanders is a Jew dude.

I read it in his voice. Like fuckin magic and shit

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I dunno man. Biden was straight up acting senile. I don't think he can last, it'll be harris


Sold out in 2016 and went further left. Instead of fighting against the establishment takes crappy fake establishment attacks at Trump.

He's a perverted communist Jew and like all communists and Jews, he hates whites and Christians.

Says the 1 post meme flag

Attached: bernie-sanders-zodiac-01.png (810x2460, 901K)

>If Jewish dislike
>I dislike Bernie

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Literally off his rocker.