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Kamala mad, not nice when Kamala get mad, you b sorry, GOYIM!
Her entire campaign strategy appears to be for her to be nothing but a sassy bitch 24/7. I have no idea who thinks this is a good idea.
Tulsi did make her look pretty stupid last night.
Don't go to that site it has cancer
mystery niggas
We gotta get Yang up.
>90% chance of winning primary
checks out
Are you saying she can't YAS QUEEN SLAY her way to the presidency?
fuck off, shill.
>believing polls in current year
based retard
tulsi fucking raped what is this garbage poll
Masshole here, I can't believe anyone in this fucking country can stomach Elizabeth Warren
What did she do? Or is this the result of other people surging after the last debate?
you just don't want the native americans to have their country back you racist. this is a native american country so we need a native american president
She got raped hard by surfer-mom
Why is tulsi polling so low she's the most reasonable there
she got lit on fire then shit on
Protip: this is the defacto operation of any non white woman.
During the debate, they asked Tulsi how she would help black people or something and she just dodged the question and talked about how Kamala intentionally hid evidence that someone was innocent and it made her look very bad.
Ask yourself why democracy doesn't work and the answer will be the same
What happened?
I bet Biden had a huge smile on his face when Tulsi was smacking her down.
Tulsi did a good job of wrecking her case but she didn't do much to build herself up. People smell the stink of Hillary's energy on Harris because they are effectively the same type of politcian; they want viral moments and gotchas and try to make every statement a rallying cry. Not even mentioning how she uses her ethnicity and gender as a tool.
Biden will continue to rise because, despite his flubs earlier in the cycle with sniffing and the #MeToo thing, he's proven himself to be a competent debater with more moderate ideas. That said, he also carries a lot of the same outdated bullshit platforms of old liberals (like still harping on prison reform/rehab even though our most liberal states have empty prison cells and give out probation like it's candy) but at this point that's a small price to pay.
I'd sign up for one of her classes just to write a paper called "YOU'RE A CUNT"
I hate driving up to Maine via 95. Your drivers are fucking gay ass retards, dude.
>he thinks being reasonable is important to nu-liberals
Biden's strategy will be running as the "not crazy" candidate
That's a tough sell when CNN and other news outlets keep putting the """""Squad""""" front and center, but the average American is probably already sick of hearing it.
good. bernie is gonna win
They literally think twitter likes should equal votes.
You mean the black bitch Hillary, the Kuru-infested face-peeler hand picked isn't popular anymore? Such a shame.
Nope. If y’all bring Kamala down I’m voting for Biden, who by the way is beating trump by 12 points
considering just about every other candidate's platform is "NO I'M GOING TO GIVE MORE FREE SHIT TO ILLEGALS" it's not a bad strategy
But that's Yang's strategy
Hillary was beating trump by like 85 points in polling aggregates lmao. And now with a booming economy and the russiagate conspiracy theory shitting the bed there is literally no stopping him. The moderates in swing states are going to re-elect him because their #1 issue is economy. Stay deluded though if you think any of these dems stand a chance.
Happy birthday aqua
Dats me
That's what you get for trying to Judge Dredd a guy.
Whether it's true or not, UBI sounds crazy (especially to boomers). I heard some middle-aged soccer mom at the store talking about him, and she was saying that there's some guy that wants to give everyone 1000 dollars a month and to pay for it he is going to tax Amazon. Most people aren't going to look into his ideas deeply, so it will be tough for him to win.
>le booming economy meme
Nope. Retard. Fed cutting rates, inverted yield curve, and tariffs are going to cause a recession soon. Keep being delusional though sweetie. When Uncle Joe beats trump in 2020 I’m mining your salt for ages
Look at that fuckin’ drop.
Zoom out dipshit. My 401k and Roth IRA are fuckinf way up since trump was elected. You using and adjustment from overbought RSI just proves how fucking low IQ and financially illiterate you are.
She showed her cards when she accused Tuksi of being a Russian.
> Kamala is stupid
> her campaign staffers are morons
> desperate attack
> she's acfting like a wounded animal
Goddamn, California is politically isolated and she probably only has "woke" Milllennials, blacks, and feminazis working for her.
She should have simply ignored Tulsi's accusations or owned them. "I was a prosecutor, so what? Put potheads in jail."
Dumb bitch has a kneejerk reaction.
Tulsi mindfucked her good. Mindfucked her Californiacunt liberal staff. Stuck the knife in her and twisted.
Holy fuck.
>1 day chart
Holy shit you are literally braindead. Hiw did you even make this post?
you absolute faggot.
>using Dow Jones as an index instead of S&P
>implying that index prices, which are near ATHs, measure anything except confidence
>looking at a one-fucking-day chart on your iPhone
Wanna know how I know you’re poor?
>my 401k and Roth IRA are way up
Holy shit you may actually be retarded. Sorry for not being respectful to your mental disability. Have fun thinking your retirement account is safe. :) enjoy your average returns
holy shit how can you be this fucking retarded. this has to be trolling. holy nigger shit that is unbelievable. how fucking poor are you? LMFAO
Your pathetic
She tapdanced, disco-infernoed, and moonwalked up and down that ass... But she failed to mention that CH was bragging not long ago about locking up parents if their kids skipped school.
The recession has fucking nothing to do with what you just said.
Democrats are the anti-white commie party.
Tulsi BTFO her and even saved Joe from getting fucked
Gabbard's anti-war stance was called into question last night after she nuked Kamala Harris.
>The United States Federal Government is the anti-white party.
she should have said that as a prosecutor she was just there to enforce laws not make or change them then accuse Tulsi of not understanding of how seperation of power works
would have been pretty easy if you aren't a dumb nigress that sucked and fucked her way up the party chain
The Rock is running for president now or is this a joke?
Hard to refute the witholding of exculpatory evidence until ordered by the court to do so. Typically (non-corrupt) prosecutors have to provide any exculpatory evidence they find in their investigations to the court in order for a fair trial.
If a prosecutor was investigating a case pre-trial and discovered documents showing you couldnt have been guilty they must provide it to the courts. Harris withheld these documents, which typically shows either corruption or negligence/incompetence. Any way about it, Tulsi nailed her on this.
This is like half of the current feminism playbook. The other option is to be competent but that is hard. So fuck it.
>mocha hillary
Fucking kek
Biden/Gabbard would be a decent ticket to bring in moderates, some people sick of trump, and some brown voters
She’s bad at improv. She expected softballs and CNN setting her up with Biden as a punching bag and the rest of the scrubs to struggle to establish themselves. She didn’t expect Tulsi of all people to go for the throat. The fact she had no response to her until AFTER the debate speaks volumes
Thats the kind of post a russian would make
You god damn russian
Even 20% is vastly overstating her chances. Her whole persona is establishment shill with the right skin color. Bitch is a clown.
If the dems wanted to win, they'd pull a costanza and go the exact opposite way that they think they should. A Tulsi or Yang, someone who isn't just rehashing the same tired dem talking points. They won't do that tho because the DNC is corrupt as fuck and half their voting base is retarded nogs and spics.
He does a decent job explaining it when he gets enough time to speak. He really is an intelligent guy but the formats of these debates doesn't allow any sort of deep policy discussion. The TV networks want a boxing match and they set them up to get it
>*raises eyebrows*
>*squints eyes*
>*Sucks in turkey neck*
>*increases vocal fry*
>enough of the fancy speeches anonn. when I was Prosecutor I did the work
>*swallows stale cum*