Communist thread

Communist thread

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So, in your hypothetical ACTUAL communism that is ACTUALLY done right, what role do you serve?
Tell me. What would be YOUR job?

>heh identity politics is such a joke guys, we're so smart and wayyy above that nonsense
>OH SHIT! What do you mean a group of trannys and faggots basically destroyed the PC-USA??!
Absolutely pathetic, you cucks would shit on Lenin's corpse and wipe with the Manifesto if a tranny told you to it. You only say "hurr ID-pol is stupid" because you are too deathly afraid to confront the minorities and faggots who own your entire fucking movement and would sell out your "ideals" in a second for some reparations checks.

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>No reply
So I guess the answer is you wouldn't have a job, right?
That sounds about right.

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The USSR guaranteed employment, and had no unemployment. More so, in the Critique Of The Gotha Programme, Marx explicitly stated you would have work in both stages of communism. The only difference the type of work would be different. Instead of working a for a wage, you would work to provide the needs of society. I suggest you actually read what he wrote instead of spewing stupid shit.

You didn't answer the question. What would be YOUR job?

Reminder to kill Jews

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Thank you uncle Stalin for standing like stupid disconnected faggot on other side of Vistula river during 1944 Uprising
if germans are scum, then you are some kind of subscum
mentally ill retards, all of communists, people want to HAVE things, understand that dipshit

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Shooting people like you for being a waste of time.

>implying communists are not financed as well

The majority of communists support nonwhite identities, and see white people as a type of "oppressor" that needs to have their land/wealth stolen.

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Show me some Marxist parties that oppose immigration explicitly.

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What do comedians get paid under communist regimes?

I would work on copylefted software. GNUSSR is my homeland

>not an identity

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Zimbabwe had every right to take away land from white colonists though. How are you gonna tell blacks to go back to Africa... then justify whites taking away their land, and putting them under apartheid? In fact, Mugabe tried being nice with them about it, but they staged violent revolts like a bunch of kulaks. He was too nice to them. He should have been much more harsher.

And this is why most of your supporters are niggers/trannies.

Zimbabwe is literally worse than Rhodesia, even for the black population. Crime and STDs went up, and comparative HDI went down.

Immigration is good. I want wages to drive down to intensify worker struggle. I have no problem with this. Also, those parties aren't "Marxist" you dumb hick. They're neo-liberal.

So you have no empathy, the only thing you offer society is your willingness to do violence and the ends justify the means even if the ends are never ending famine and violence.
Gee, with a game plan like that, how could anyone say no?

No, people like you are why Stalin just decided to have people shot, and put them into gulags. You deserve no mercy, and must be suppressed. I have no time for your non-sense.

>immigration is good
>we need white workers to get paid less and more chaos so we can use that to take over

Again, this is why most whites don't support you.

>hose parties aren't "Marxist" you dumb hick. They're neo-liberal.
Both neoliberals and Marxists support mass-immigration. That's the point I'm making. You're both enemies of the white proletariat.

>dumb hick
Pic related.

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Yes, I have no empathy for people like yourself. You deserve nothing from me, and expect no empathy from me. There are simply people that have to die because they're in way of progress. I care more about the victims of western imperialism, and the non-reactionary wage workers. You die for all I care. Your life is of no value to me.

>hurr kill the kulak

What even constitutes a kulak? Soviets started with people who owned lots of land/livestock, then the number got smaller and smaller, until only atomized peasants were left and forced onto communal farms.

It's just a wordplay used by bureaucratic tyrants to steal more land.

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>being an unironic Marxist
>in 20-fucking-19

holy shit nigga, u retarded

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>Again, this is why most whites don't support you.
Whites don't make up the majority of the world population. Sorry, kid, but whites are declining world-wide when it comes to birth rates. You might want to wake up, and see the world for what is. Whites aren't as important as you think they may be.
>Both neo-liberals and Marxists support mass-immigration.
Neo-liberals support immigration because need low-skilled workers to drive wages down to keep profits up. Marxists love immigration because they're useful for integration into the labor movement for radicalization and violent struggle. I suggest you actually read Marxist literature on the subject instead of acting as if you know what you're talking about. You're not intelligent enough to have this conversation with me, so, don't bother.
He gets the wall, along with you.

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>my job would be shooting people who ask questions
If you're not joking, then your utopia is human rights hell
If you are joking, you're demonstrating a lack of faith in your utopia by being unable to answer a simple question

>I care more about people who would saw my head off for disturbing their way of life, and a non-existent class of people

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hahahaha, u so fucking dumb nigga, like holyshit

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Why grow food? Kill enough people and any amount of food becomes sufficient!

>posting big gay fag stalin

haha haha haha haha haha
y u so gay nigga?
like stop being so fucking gay nigga

Your version of "Marxism" isn't egoistically rational if you're a white person living in the West, then.

You're literally demanding that we decrease our standard of living, and let ethnocentric foreigners rule over us for the sake of your pipe dream. How can you even guarantee that these immigrants will stop being ethnocentric, or will abide by the "laws" of Marxism that you white cucks demand? How will you enforce it all when white Marxists are a minority?

Meanwhile, pro-white worker movements like NatSoc and NazBol provide a better alternative.

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Neo nazis are not ns.

In the same way the sjw crazy neoliberal bourg tier leftists are not commies.

>You're literally demanding that we decrease our standard of living
We don't make demands. We make promises. Also, your living standards are at the expense of centuries of imperialism and colonialism of third world countries. You don't have right to that wealth, so, don't act entitled to it.
Another thing, this conversation is irrelevant. You do realize that the United States is on the verge of collapse, correct? Its debt is unsustainable. A recession is just around the corner. The dollar is becoming less relevant. The fact of the matter is, your country will fall, and there's you can do about it.
>Meanwhile, pro-white worker movements like NatSoc and NazBol provide a better alternative.
Nah, one of the better things Hitler did was have them shot. Nazbols and Strasserites are incoherent neo-feudalists. You should actually read what they wrote. It was pretty fucking dumb.

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Marx never said Communism was a utopia. In fact, he argued vehemently against Utopian socialists. You're thinking of Anarchists. Also, human rights don't exist.

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Lol the biggest warlord horde'll just take over and turn you commie fucks into sex slaves. Don't even try coming to my heavily guarded clannish enclave which has enough firepower to make the horde fighting us not worth it L0L

Reading your posts, it's no wonder why everyone wants commies thrown off helicopters. You're complete and utter sociopaths.

imagine unironically participating in a troll thread

>we don't make demands
You literally said several times ITT that you want to shoot people who disagree with you, lol. You might be able to defeat white conservatives (it will cost you dearly because we have guns), but your own constituents are mostly ethnocentric niggers and emotional women/gays who will side with the niggers over you. You'll just get another Mugabe who discriminates against the white population - you included.

>we make promises
Sounds idealistic and wishy-washy.

>You do realize that the United States is on the verge of collapse, correct? Its debt is unsustainable.
Debt is irrelevant to the US.

> Nazbols and Strasserites are incoherent neo-feudalists.
Most of them supported actual trade unions having control, which was literally closer to communism than the Soviets' tyrannical bureaucracy by a few elites living in Moscow.

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>troll thread

Nah, most commies actually support the things they're saying ITT. I just want them to put it out in the open for more normies to see.


>from each according to his abilities to each according to his needs

You has a foreskin. I do not. Gib forskin nao!

fuck else is there to do after work

>most commies actually support the things they're saying
most left-wing people in the left are social democrats and anarchists, hardcore tankies are not really a thing any more

Tankies and socdems/anarkiddies all support disenfranchising white people, just at different speeds.

no they don't anarchists hate commies and socdems just want basic social programs you are obsessed with racial conspiracy theory

Antifa is literally anti-white.

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They're anti white supremacy. That doesn't mean they don't want white people to exist. There are fucking white people holding that sign, rere.

They're useful idiots who will be overwhelmed by ethnocentric nonwhites they import.

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anti-white supremacist is not the same as anti-white people. the majority of white people don't feel like white nationalism represents them no matter how hard you larp. Also thats a british group

Poland, Italy, and Hungary are literally controlled by nationalist parties right now; and nationalist parties are gaining seats in white countries. It's a result of anti-white leftists/liberals, Jews, and the ethnocentric rapists you import on us. White nationalism will increase in popularity as a necessity for survival. The Golden Dawn are more popular than the Marxist party in Greece.

first off, 2 out of those 3 countries are very close with Israel, so you should be careful about what you call "nationalist". Second, you are describing antifa as an international group but anarchists in greece and italy are far more eurocentric and would probably agree partially with anti-immigrant protectionism.

Notice you keep talking about how antifa is "anti-white" but your only evidence is from the UK and america, places where white nationalists are in power using corruption and do not represent the will of the majority.

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Then kill yourself first you giant larping fat faggot

Tfw globalism will never everever work for you like that and no countries will alow it....even if it works.

Honestly. The dutch party SP (Socialist Party)
That guy is pretty based anti EU etc

>are very close with Israel, so you should be careful about what you call "nationalist"
Israel just shares their interest in keeping Muslims out, plus the libcucked EU opposed them, so they need to seek alliances with other entities.

>UK and america, places where white nationalists are in power
wut? I wish.