Eghh, I'd like to keep my video games pretty cheap. Gonna vote for Biden

eghh, I'd like to keep my video games pretty cheap. Gonna vote for Biden.

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Then you're a faggot.

>not PC master race

Serves you right. Plus he's not going to be able to tariff software, which is where most of the cost for vidya is anyway.

It’s a ten percent tariff and the Yuan has devalued by about ten percent over the past year. So it’s nothing. Literally nothing.

At this point the government should just kill executives from the top down until they get one who agrees to put factories in America, forget tariffs.

They're all located in japan, not china.
And stop crying: Just produce in the US.

Yeah fuck Trump

this. at least its a gateway to programming and other marketable skills. console gaming is a gateway to nintendo themed tattoos and cheesy fandom.

Why don't you start your own company if you think it's possible to do put factories in America and still be profitable? These executives are doing what's in the best interest of their shareholders, which they are legally required to do.

Hope this causes a white baby boom. Go outside incels.

Just buy a pc you stupid fuck.

gaymers btfo'd

As much as I feel you, you are retarded. Save up more.

tariff the shit out of video games, fuck /v/

it only affects filthy console peasants

They're just gonna relocate their factories to southeast Asia anyway

Attached: nintendo switch lite units~01.png (719x592, 215K)

Don't you stupid gooks send all us apes camera shit made outside of Japan now while selling yourselves made in Japan gear? My second string Nikon parts gonna be tarrif'd?

>no one turned a profit before chinks made everything

I don't care. If you want to sell shit in America, you should have to make it here. Go ahead and import raw materials from abroad, but pay Americans to manufacture the products.

Gamers are a big voting block for trump, if games do start going for 89.99$ or something and trump is the face of that it would be huge. Not smart at all.

No one was making consoles that could deliver real time near-photorealistic graphics at $500 per unit 30 years ago grandpa.

>companies should be legally required to sabotage themselves and lose money for their shareholders

fucking moron right here

Current video games are surprise mechanics trash anyway, voting Trump

Not every company is publicly owned and beholden to shareholders

>worship celeb criminal niggers to get black vote
>increase console prices to lose black vote

You sound like an advertisement. I'm not buying a Switch, faggot, go shill somewhere else.


>companies should be legally required to sabotage themselves
There are lots of local businesses in my town. We have factories where the workers are paid legal wages. What's the problem?

Consolefags BTFO

video games aren’t even cheap.
This would force the industry to take the tariff almost head on, gamers will not respond nicely to a $10+ increase pg or $100+ increase to consoles.
Gamers, please rise

They could produce their products here in America! No tariffs!

>still console gaming and doesn't have Steam

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ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED LMAO DO YOU THINK CHINA JUST OWNS EVERYTHING LMAOOOO!! the tariffs will just be on china, so shitty bad quaity stuff only pretty much

>muh 25%
True suffering is trying to play one of their faggy new games.

>microsoft, sony nintendo
Oh look, companies gamers already know to avoid unless overwhelming value pops up.

gonna go spam "NIGGERS" on Mordhau because i can

>video games
doesn't include digital gods, peasant

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Ninten$0ys, XCoons and Snoy fags absolutely BTFO.

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Because they figured we would be willing to pay for it, and they were correct.


go buy a pc at mexico prices.

soon as the gook gets them educated enough to make the circuit boards from scratch.

>if games do start going for 89.99$
They used to cost that in the 80s and 90s

>playing AAA titles

fuck console plebs

This. Voice chat on console is always full of niggers and spics, don't gotta deal with that shit on PC.

when will this homophobia end?

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They’re free on BitTorrent already faggot

physical game fags btfo


Fuck your video games

noone is entitled to sell here. noone has to sell here