Why are social media sites getting away with all this bullshit censorship?

Why are social media sites getting away with all this bullshit censorship?

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Because there are still idiots who think “Corporations aren’t the government so it’s okay if they break the 1st ammendmemt.”

Because you're a lazy fucking coward

>OP is a phoneposter
You know why you goddamn moron

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And then there are retards who think the 1st amendment matters to the elite.


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Fuck off trump said he’s monitoring closely.

sage and report the thread

When Caesar crossed the Rubicon he had an army with him and he had the strength of will to bet everything or his life.

What sort of strength of will do the censors have? How much anxiety would it take for them to fold? Not very much, I think.

you could land a cessna on her forehead


Because the cult behavior of the left has gone completely a wall. The idea of any dissenting opinion is instantly
responded by 15 or so lefties shaming you and discouraging any moderate person with openly agreeing with you

I love how disagreeing nowadays is considered hate speech

Did she shoot up jewtube headquarters yet?

how do jews not realize that doing this only guarantees they will lose power as reactionaries put an end to it.

They hope to finish of white people before reactionaries can obtain power.

Because, no one is willing to storm their HQs with guns.

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they're a private company, if they deem her action worthy of ban so be it, if you don't like it you have other platform's where you can express your opinions

>reeeeee, this other platforms won't let me spam my mental retardation 24/7 without any moderation like Jow Forums does

The reality is censorship is what is allowing them to keep their power. Stop gaslighting yourself.


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says the flag that fears BDS


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Get her on pocketnet.app and bitchute we shall no longer be rule by faggots in silicon valley

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This stopped being a valid argument when social media started being a direct source of communication with government officials. You are a platform or you are a publisher. You dont get to be both. If Donald trump cannot block people on twitter due to it being an open public platform, then you dont get to ban people for speech you dont like.

nice cumbrain argument

before you talk, respect my holy trips

Make your own video streaming service if you don't like corporate censorship. It's a free market.

>Make your own government.png

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Out of curiosity I logged onto this place with an old wii. Everything looked normal until you tried to post a response. Nothing happened. I clicked mobile site version then tried to post. A box popped up saying the wii didn’t meet the encryption level to post... I took that as phones are more anonymous


fucking checking these truth numerals

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>Why are social media sites getting away with all this bullshit censorship?
It's a trick and so in-your-face that you can't see it.
They censor only their "alt-right" muppets. Soph is one of them. Look at every clip of her, she looks like she's been beaten and crying.. It wouldn't surprise me if one of Epstein's bros is her handler.
There is only one e-celeb that is one of us even if he's a fucking kike mason and that's Pewdiepie.

Who is this ugly child

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>satan-spawned noseberg demons
>respecting anything holy or sacred
Welcome, newfren

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>boycott Dakikeistan
Some literally Whos buy don't buy avocados from a Jewish farm.

Oy Vey whatever will they do

They use (((Dual citizens))) not selling kumquats and if you bought a soda stream you are paying too much for fizzy water.

I know UK jobs were lost over it but sodastream is such a Jewish product it was essentially just exercising its right of return.

She gettin V& AF.

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czeched and keked

Because they’re technically private companies and they can therefore deny their services to anyone they choose.
There needs to be legislation passed to prevent this sort of thing, but that won’t happen

Don't fall for political tricks, be libertarian:
>Get land
>Grow food
>Stock food
>Get guns
>Get gold
>Buy Bitcoin
>Move out of cities
Check Arcane Bear on youtube. Not an e-celeb, but a dude like you and I.

It’s not that they arent the government, it’s that these tech corporations have such overwhelming market share and power that they are now effective monopolies, and thus have essentially become the public square. Banning and censoring people from the place where the vast majority if people congregate is a violation of the first amendment.

imagine thinking this is a girl

Holy shit, I see why they shoah'd her

Her latest video was good
Really fast and easy to swallow redpills for normies
Fuck fags and fuck trannies
As-salamu alaykum and god speed
May youtube burn for their crimes

>Why are social media sites getting away with all this bullshit censorship?
Because book burning is only for nazis

It can and should be argued in court this way.

It's not censorship. The terms of service clearly state no hate speech. She made a video specifically about hating gays for their sexual orientation. It couldn't be a more clear cut example of hate speech.

Which video was it?

Because of their monopoly status.

Good watch

Anti discrimination laws. Companies are not allowed to permit anything they host to contain "discriminatory" material. All an employee has to do is complain that the company permits or supports hate speech and they are open to a 6 figure lawsuit.
This is literally federal law. You fucking autists should have figured this out by now.

you should be praying that this goes on as long as possible

the more they get away with the hardest the snap back will be. the more they censor, the closer we get to the final solution

You won't do shit coward

>Free market subsidized by taxpayer funded network cabling.

They may own the platforms, but they don't own the network. They can just go ahead and build a new one, right?

because normies are obsessed with social media, because of their lack of self worth

Meanwhile channels that call for the death of straight white men will be allowed to stay up.

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It was in a recent twitter related case I think. They supposedly implementing a law to disallow politicians from blocking Twitter users as it would infringe on their 1A rights.

>meme flag


“Hate speech” is a made up phrase used to censor your opponents. Homosexuals are universally unrepentant degenerates actively working to indoctrinate children. They should be hated.

I miss Frame Game Radio.
he was great at explaining this grifting stuff.

LMAO Imagine getting triggered by a literal child

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Cry harder faggot

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You won't do shit coward and your memes are backed by nothing fucking coward

is it possible to make a video about hating pedos?

This is the video she got banned for.

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>criticizing the gay mafia is hate speech

'hate speech' is rhetorical trick used to squash legitimate criticisms and political opponents
near sighted faggots like you don't that that one day they'll come for you too lefty leaf

The reason she got axed is that vid was a super normie friendly redpill.

government is not a public entity your argument is void

noun: hate speech
abusive or threatening speech or writing that expresses prejudice against a particular group, especially on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.

Fuck off, kike.

Take your meds, schizo

Kill all censors!

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what does that have to do with anything meme flag?

They are shutting down everything that may even remotely help Trump get re-elected. The confession is literally on tape.

dilate tranny discord

the fuck is wrong with you asshole?

The taxpayer funded the infrastructure that is used to make youtube and google possible they are not private even if currently privately owned. They use public fiber optic lines publicly funded satalites and relays the public owns the airwaves and lines they are using

Oh wow it has a dictionary definition. So does yolo you absolute fucking faggot.
Literally any valid criticism against any group of people could be considered “hate speech” under this definition

They aren't the government so they don't have to run like it. Why are you bringing shit up that doesn't relate to the topic?

Ok, don't talk, DO!

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private company != government
how hard is it?

Why does it glow in here

>Because, no one is willing to storm their HQs with guns.
--- yet... give it time- its the correct response.

Was soph using abusive or threatening speech that expressesed prejudice against a particular group for their sexual orientation?

Corporations exist because the government legalizes their incorporation. They are in a round about way an arm of the State

Yeah if only there was an ammendment protecting speech. Gtfo of here faggot

I mean, that's literally what the law is, yes.
Nothing about the 1st Amendment forces corporations to give you a platform.

The freemarket will solve the censorship of the state. Join pocketnet.app

I bet the left will want to ban that too then.
I was thinking of joining gab but they can pull the plug again after years of me building up a following I don't want to see that ever again.

And gab doesn't give you crypto for shitposting.

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there is no cure for the genetic disease that you are.

>Homosexuals are universally unrepentant degenerates actively working to indoctrinate children. They should be hated.
they should be shot at the library... and they will be soon enough

>its the correct response
Actually, instead of sperging out on their HQ, Why not just go after their employees one by one? Either way sends a good message though.

rent free

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>Posting bikecúck comics

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This. Corporations are LEGAL fictions granted PERMISSION to exist by the grace of WE THE PEOPLE. They should all legally be required to adhere to the Bill of Rights as a condition of their incorporation.

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