Cooking is Redpilled

The Art of Cooking is a skill that fewer and fewer men and women can claim to possess in the Twenty-First century. Dependency on prepared food, whether through cheap and unsatisfying "restaurants" or pre-packaged microwaved meals has grown exponentially. Thousands of USD are thrown out each year per household as a result of this disgusting dependency.

Some may declare that it is an archaic skill, preferring to partake in all sorts of degeneracy instead of bonding with their families when having wholesome meals together. However, the ability to prepare food for yourself and your loved ones is attainable to those who are dedicated to the recipe of order.

A suprising number, approximatley 90% of Americans despise the idea of nourishing themselves properly.

Additionally, it is a national security weakness. Europosters often like to point out that Americans have a gun in one hand, and a burger in the other. This is not tongue-in-cheek, but a statement of fact. Foreign adversaries need but catapult caro-loads of sugar into our nation and watch as imbeciles continue to fatten themselves while making sure the country is doomed to collapse.

Although firearms do not require one to be in peak physical condition to operate them, it is necessary to be appropriately healthy to make sure that no one is allowed to easily threaten the nation.

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Pink is my favorite flavor too!

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1. That's not cooking you just mixed some shit together in a bowl.
2. It looks fucking disgusting

Is that borscht? Beets in general are based. I make my own beet kvass.

I'm an American and I cook for myself but usually it's nothing fancy at all. baked chicken, mashed sweet potato, pot roast, meatloaf, roast root vegetables, frozen spinach/broc/etc.

Most of my cooking is just baking things in the oven or braising in a dutch oven. I don't actually do any high level techniques the most involved thing I probably do is make an asian style stir fry.

I think the issue is many people view cooking as a waste of time, and it is if you are only making single meals.

That's nasty

fuck you nigger borshch is amazing and takes some know how to get the flavor right.

cold beet soup? the eastern european is strong with the based cookposter

Šaltibarščiai good shit

I just ate som kfc does that count

absolutely true
make sure you are eating a diet that promotes testosterone if you are a man
lack of test is one of the biggest issues men face today

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Cooking is not just fucking mixing shit in a bowl
It's what I made for breakfast.

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Damn dude whats with all the beans?

You dont like beans?

I do just shit, you could get that same amount of fiber from a few veges too you know.

>Instagram whore complex
At least you didn't put your face in front of it, just your ugly nails.

I'm not a fan of beans or lentils, I don't feel bad after eating them but I don't feel particularly nourished either.

Beans are slave food fuck you

Yeah I don't get the baked beans for breakfast thing, but it still looks better than the wierd ass cold flamingo soup that OP made.

WTF is this slavic bullshit?

Shiiiiet. Who spilled all this peptobismol in my coleslaw?

beets are one of the best vegetables you can eat period.

Chłodnik bardzo dobrze

Wtf m8 u making šaltibarščiai ?

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>pepto bismol vomit in a bowl
This some kind of art project?

Brotip: crack up you stove to 11. Throw the fattest 0.5" steak on the heat. Sear 45 seconds each side . Let it relax for a few minutes somewhere it won't dry out. Salt pepper serve

Probrotip: let it marinate in bloody marry mix beforehand . Find a mix with anchovies

Apparently they just add the pepto to the meal, because they already know you're gonna feel shit after you eat it.

pamaginu valgyt kasdiena

Bro tip:
Find a dead cat and throw it in a blender.

And voilà, you're a better cook than OP

>pure sugar

Would rice fall into grains? I thought that shit was supposed to be based. I have chicken, rice and veggies several times a week

>implying OP can afford that
europoors are disgraceful


This is definitely not a Slav borsch, but probably a Lithuanian one. Russian/Ukrainian borsch is a hot, boiled soup. This cold mess is similar to Russian okroshka, which is easy and cool shit in hot season. You muricans should try at least okroshka.

accurate assesment. had okroshka with a ukranian and serbian friend, was pretty good


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wow very impressive slicing veggies and dumping into yogurt no skill required

It's about the same as soup except you don't heat it. Nigger.

pepto bismol soup.
beet kvass is based and uma deli.ciao_us

land of the lentil hills is legendary for the chili con carnivore cookoff when living in days of thunder and lightning after the electricity bill reaches heavens doorstep and the scrapple factory shuts down.
>And now a word from our sponsor in which a shill pretends to conspire with the mark to cheat the dealer, while in fact conspiring with the dealer to cheat the mark. The mark has no chance whatsoever of winning, at any point in the game. In fact, anyone who is observed winning anything in the game can be presumed to be a shill.

>not growing your own vegetables and herbs
>not having backyard chickens
>not brewing your own alcohol
>not shooting your own boars

It’s like you hate flavor

>boiled egg
Oh boy.

It's what makes slavs powerful.

Wasn't it Vodka, kvass and babushka's potatoes the source of their squatting power?

It comes in many such forms. Today, I will be preparing a cold salad made from beats, beans, onions, potatoes, and pickled herring. I never thought of putting a hard boiled egg in there, but maybe I should give that a try.

is this a thing now? I thought everyone knew how to cook?

Why would you eat eggs and beans for breakfast?

That way the farts don't keep you up at night.

ya but listen
if youre working out regularly its okay to eat rice and other foods that are not on this list
thats why the top section is labeled 'focus on' rather than 'only eat'
its all about moderating the things that are not and the things to avoid

>Look at me mommy i can mix a bunch of shit together in a bowl!! IM A CHEF NOW!!!!

calling anything redpilled makes you look like the low iq zoomer trying to fit that you are....

gj cooking some food faggot

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Saltibarsciai mmmmmMMMMMMMmmmmmmm

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>heat something
Ok nigger, the real problem is that most people are too lazy to prepare stuff and do dishes afterwards

You shat on eggs?

Rofl is that borsht?
Slavshit food is so fucking bad man I’d be so embarassed if a girl saw me eating that slave food

You have scarred me on a spiritual level.

I one time buy a lot of blood. I was about to make some great foods from that blood. But i went insane and drank it all.

You must be an East-European. Anyway I'm also cooking right now. It's based and it saves a lot of money.

Why are you cooking pepto bismol?

Totally agree with OP. What do you think of pic related, lads?

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I'd ask if there was anything cooked and maybe came from a quadraped.

I'd love to come over, but with only that much people would think we're faggots. Or maybe if you have a girl there it would work; they don't really eat much anyway.

insect food desi

>I'd love to come over you don't go over there. They were so pretentious they stacked a lot of books on a chair.
Just because.
You see shit like that you know you're around a bunch of weirdo fakers and you gotta get outta there.

Looks like shit fren. Canned tuna Gunkan? Kys.

Yeah I made it with a girl I’m seeing.
Here’s some Chinese food we made also

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I'm going to assume there's meat somewhere in all that. I can't really tell.

That rice:toppings ratio is very American.

Good job. That must have been a lot of work. What is in the only bowl with a spoon in it?

I fuckin love cooking. Just made garlic butter shrimp scampi and mashed potatoes, with fresh sweet corn on the cob, and steamed broccoli. I hated cooking for the longest time, but give me a few shots and I’m chef fucking Ramsey. Got a smoker a few months back too and have gone apeshit with recipes. Cooking is based as fuck.

why so much negativity?

Maybe you’ll prefer some non Asian food. I make en epic fry up as well

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That’s miso soup

Good list, but does Canola Oil count as vegetable oil? Also pic related is an alternate image.

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Thas what I'm talkin bout baby.
Lets get married.

Yummers. Could use some blood sausage tho.

I agree that cooking is a necessary skill. You will quickly learn to do better than most resturaunts and eating out becomes a convenience, not a taste thing.

Forgot Pic.

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What the fuck is that pink shit??

Definitely recommend any anons to take a trip to France or Italy and do some cooking there. This was something me and my Dad and a couple of locals made a couple of months back, pic related obviously

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I just fucking hate dishes afterwards, because 99% of the time I eat so much I put myself into a food coma.

Ka cia lochas valgai

I'd be taking a cigarrette lighter and trying to roast each of those circular things while the fancy restaurant looked at me.

Does Jow Forums have a disproportionate amount of people who can cook? Does it come with being INTJ? This place is full of them.
Bro, wash the dishes as you cook the meal. At the very least the cutting board and prep bowls. Unless you're doing the last 30 minutes of a big meal like Thanksgiving you'll have the time.

Jow Forums lately doesn’t focus enough on how people should develop into well rounded individuals, but I think basic cooking skills and nutrition are a big part of that. By controlling what goes into your body you are less subjected to (((their))) influence. I’d also advocate for learning to garden and fish.

Baltic B V L L S >>> slavic sissies

jokes on you I'm part balt

Impressive user.

>. I’d also advocate for learning to garden and fish.
On this note I want to make anons aware that the entry to fishing is really low. In some states you do not need a fishing license to fish off piers and shorelines, only for water vessel fishing.

>Does Jow Forums have a disproportionate amount of people who can cook? Does it come with being INTJ?
I'm all that. But I don't cook anything fancy. I make hamburger helper and tacos and spaghetti and hamburgers and steaks, and chili, and soups.


That's a bummer man, sucks for them. I can cook just fine. I get it yeah, they are my problem but I am not going to go into people's houses and make them dinner..

My friend, you're still doing more than most people who think warming canned soup with a pot is legit cooking.

My parents could both cook. Being boomers, they didn’t feel it was important to teach me any life skills besides acquiring student loan (((debt))) for a (((degree))). I’ve slowly begun teaching myself to cook. Early on I realized my parents were useless so I’ve had to learn many other skills on my own. All things they could have taught me but boomers gonna boom.