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Netflix's Witcher showrunner says race changes was done to combat American racism
Michael Diaz
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Gabriel Long
Elijah Green
America really doesn't have a long history in general. The Irish and Italians were treated like trash as well and we don't see them complaining.
Ian Murphy
At this point what these companies are doing to whites is terrorism.
Adam Morris
What the fuck does that have to do with my native Poland and Slavic mythology?
Jacob Scott
They are trash thou.
Alexander Moore
She doesn't want Polish culture to be synonymous with being white.
Nolan Stewart
>it was done because of america
Who gives a shit about America, they will always do their own thing independent of all of us. Fuck 'em.
Noah Green
These people don't care about the projects or paying respect to the source material, they just view it as a weapon to use for their goals. Sorry man, but ANYTHING put in the US media is going to be pozzed in one way or the other.
Parker Sanchez
>asked poles
Lmao you asked Americans you lying faggot. The polish hate niggers and faggots
Nicholas Rodriguez
Ok, whatever. But what’s up with the fucking pecker helmets and foreskin armor?!
Ayden Roberts
Racism is the core theme of the witcher series, but noteably, you can usually side with the racists. The witcher 2 did this better than 3 IMO.
Easton Gonzalez
Nonetheless they earned theirs meme
Angel Richardson
I hope this project single handedly sinks netflix into the abyss and everyone involved with the witcher series or netflix never work again on this planet.
Ryan Stewart
The American entertainment industry poisons and destroys everything it touches.
Carson Foster
USA are really the nigger of the world, each times they are involved in something, it becomes vile and trash. We should ban everything coming from this shithole.
Ryan Rodriguez
and wtf does that have to do with the ethnicity of people in witcher?
Lucas Sanchez
still watching goyflix?
Logan Flores
Or you could try creating something of your own which people bother to notice/use. Try being a creator instead of a subject you worthless shit tier sub-civ mutant.
Christopher Diaz
Good luck with watching Bollywood and whatever stuff China is working on.
Jayden Thompson
If you've never seen Italians complaining then you haven't spent much time with them.
Aaron Nelson
>each times they are involved with something, it become vile and trash.
surely, you mean (((they)))
Wyatt Cruz
>can the slavic culture be reduced solely down to skin color?
Slavs are white, jesus christ this is dumb.
Wyatt Butler
>Netflix's Witcher showrunner says race changes was done to combat American racism
Has the opposite effect.
They are all retarded at Netflix and I hope the company will go down.
Sebastian Johnson
But they are racists themselves to brownwash it and remove gingers. WTF?
John Myers
why doesn’t this jewess combat palestinian oppression?
Luke Mitchell
Fuck off Italians and Irish have basically completely assimilated even if they still LARP as European nationalists they know that they are Americans first and primarily
Alexander Howard
Chase Garcia
I genuinely, unironically, hate Americans. This has to be the country that's full of the most retards per capita.
Isaiah Walker
Yeah, that'll help combat it... /s
Hunter Johnson
I remember being excited when this was announced. I genuinely enjoyed the last wish, and was excited for an adaptation. But they can’t let us have fucking anything. (((They))) can’t let us have fucking anything we enjoy. (((They))) constantly try to inject their message into everything. Fuck Netflix. I won’t even bother pirating this trash
Sebastian Phillips
the most jewish thing I ever seen
i couldn't cancel this shit soon enough
Robert Cooper
HK late 80's and 90's movies were great.
But it was probably banned in the US, there was no nigger, kikes and feminist involved.
Jaxson Myers
Just remember to refer to this kind of shit as a diversity spin-off because that's what it is
Samuel Bailey
Noah Rodriguez
usa literally ended slavery in the entire world. in 1962 JFK went to saudi arabia and urged he king there to end slavery in the muslim world
Robert Russell
China owns hollywood. it's fucking over.
Bentley Lee
created by nick (((kroll))) and andrew (((((((goldberg))))))
Jordan Watson
Jeremiah Evans
Netflix has gone so far down hill it's starting to get embarrassing.
Their last couple of shows they've pumped out have been absolutely atrocious.
As soon as Disney's streaming service is up and running, Netflix will be history.
Zachary Roberts
Witcher has almost nothing to do with slavic mythology. The books are a complete joke that mix all kinds of mythologies together. Can't believe somebody actually wrote this trash.
It reads like it was written by some kind of drunk slavnigger.
Ryan Taylor
>you could try creating something of your own which people bother to notice/use.
You fucking nigger, the poles created The Witcher.
When other country create something, the eternal mutt has to ruin it.
Carter Butler
>the most jewish thing I ever seen
Chase Lopez
Being white is forbidden
Daniel Gonzalez
Read the witcher original book. It's just a mix and stealing from all kinds of stories and mythology, not Slavic ones. It's actually a terrible book.
Matthew Myers
>America has a long history.
Gavin Wilson
They bitch and whine all the time, but they aren't storming into DC asking for pasta reparations. Ironically, its only the niggers that are doing that shit and they have contributed the least in the formation of this country. Hell, the Natives don't even bitch as much.
Gabriel Martin
It was done because you’re a Jewish nomad with no culture
Jealousy is a bitch
Aiden Scott
to cause american racism
Isaiah Parker
Netflix seems to be run by women so yes, it may be a company full of retards. They wanted to be diverse (no white men) and get woke. Let's hope they rot.
Brody Jones
Wait... The United States of America exists in Witcher?
Jonathan Nelson
America has a long history of being the worst fucking cancer on earth.
Charles Roberts
>make it about skin color
Dumb fucking kike.
Ayden King
Jace Cook
>current year
>watching netflix
Easton Collins
netflix is already billions in debt. It's clear they don't really care about making money at this point.
Brandon Martinez
I can’t wait until Netflix destroys LoTR.
Jason Hill
hahaha bitch is crazy.
Nicholas Bennett
Ha ha. Thanks.
Kayden Gonzalez
If only they threw their weight around. Everything in its place, racist fuckers,
Nathaniel Gutierrez
Book series in this case, not game.
Reminder, the author of the book fucking hates you if you like the games.
Benjamin Gomez
>I'm going to combat racism in America!
>By fucking with the lore of a film adaptation of a Polish fantasy novel!
Luis Flores
Jews attack and deride white people and their culture at almost every opportunity. This is just another Jew and the show is just another opportunity.
Christian Powell
it's canon
Colton Lee
Fucking rad. Except literally everyone in the games was white. I’m pretty sure there wasn’t a single person of color
James Hill
Well, for starters, The Witcher is shit IP. Also, the owners have allowed this to happen. Poland could have made it themselves. Oh, wait, you're a 3rd world shit hole with brick roads and sausage hanging in windows.
Cooper Price
The dryads are from Brooklyn.
Julian Edwards
There was 1 zerrikan merchant.
Joshua Cooper
but that's Amazon's job.
Daniel Jackson
>the author of the book fucking hates you if you like the games.
Fine by me, the retard refused royalties multiple times to stead take a small, one-time payment instead, then got all butt-blasted and tried to sue CDPR. He may have created a cool world but he's still a stupid faggot.
Henry Williams
Fuck, you right
Isaac Edwards
She says she asked a bunch of Polish people if skin color was relevant to Polish culture. They all said no. So therefore, Triss is black now.
Dylan Davis
>He may have created a cool world but he's still a stupid faggot.
He's a business Janusz as we call them here.
Polish court actually said they owe him extra money which is a mockery of justice.
Ethan Harris
Is yennefer at least still a shining example of white beauty?
Ryder Powell
Either way it’ll be a clownworld mesd.
Gavin Campbell
Julian Wilson
As if the BBC doesnt do this same shit.
Ayden White
>tried to sue CDPR.
There was no try to it. He was successful in getting a big hunk of money out of them thanks to a quirk of copyright law that covers things like this.
But, I posted that mainly as a reminder that this isn't just sjws twisting something. It's a creator who is pissed over people liking how someone out-did him with his own IP.
Jeremiah Myers
I won't read it all, but I'm going to take a guess and hope and user will tell me how close/far I was.
"Brown people suffered in the U.S. so this samurai movie set in mythological japan needs black feudal lords"
Ryder Miller
Good job Lauren, you just made me hate niggers more
Jace Lopez
>The Irish and Italians were treated like trash as well and we don't see them complaining.
Wew lad. The Irish bitch about their treatment all the fucking time. Italians do but to a lesser extent.
>T Italomutt with an Irishmutt fiance.
Hunter Torres
Fucking jew jewing
Joshua James
This, everything is a platform for social justice
Easton Gonzalez
Enjoy those shit numbers
Jeremiah Flores
“Dear White People” was the deer in the headlights for me.
No one watched that show - yet they still renewed it...
I unsubscribed after that
Gabriel Martinez
>Irish treated like shit
>Italians treated like shit
>Chinese treated like shit
Yet, what is the difference between these peoples and niggers? Each of them have assimilated well. Niggers however continue to demand 'muh reparations'.
Jaxson Smith
in her circles, Polish probably means a Rosenthal or a Finkelstein
Lucas Parker
Jewish people are mentally ill
Dylan Barnes
It isn't racism user. They judge people off of height, ear shape, and other physical qualities. Skin color is never mentioned. You're the bigot for thinking you can just generalize physical characteristics to races.
Owen Carter
>a demon teaching children to be degenerates
at least they are accurate
Daniel Jackson
He is a faggot for complaining about a pretty good depiction of his IP by CDPR but allowing this netflix WE WUZ POLISH N SHEET version with no complaint.
Luke Edwards
I wasn't going to watch it in the first place and now I'm really not going to watch it.
Caleb Bell
As a evil White Male, i dont want to be racist and oppress the show with my eyes
Gavin Wilson
I don’t watch Talmudvision so I don’t give a fuck desu senpai
Jack Long
So they'll combat American racism by making people more racist. Has this ever worked?
Elijah Myers
We need to keep the legacy going.
Ethan Cruz
Fuck all this, whatever sympathy I had for non euros is gone.
Exterminate them all
Gavin Smith
Firstly why are you replying like I'm defending the asshole? I'm not
>with no complaint.
Nigger, I can almost 100% guarantee it was his idea to do something like this. He legitimately hates the Witcher (games) fanbase.
Jayden Perez
That's awfully magnanimous. I'd like to see something a little more violent, spectacular and deterrent.
Ian Reed
Amazon is making the lord of the rings show.