The absolute state of the democratic party.
The absolute state of the democratic party
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Poc cant be racist so Russia card had to be played.
you guys ever wonder if Russia is actually doing this shit? how would they not benefit from creating agitation in America?
You're all being shortsighted about this
Russia control Trump via Is-real
back in the oven, jew
Maybe if she oiled up her tits like Tulsi her faggot fans would give a fuck.
Just replace russia with jews and you are on to something.
They are, but the DNC narrative is overly simpleton. Islamists, Israel/Mossad/Jews, and the broader international communist party including both China and Russia are all engaged in active measures against the USA.
For Russia in particular, you must read Golytsin's Perestroika Deception. The communist party are masters of psychological manipulation and active measures in the ideological arena. This is the ultimate battleground of the entire world.
1) KGB Chief Andropov was the principle responsible for implementing the Perestroika Plan, and his deputy went on record saying the three great threats to the USSR were pop music, western culture, and hare krishna (the tiny cult, even tinier at the time, that Tulsi belongs to).
2) Familiarize yourself with the soviet origins of the Tavistock Institute. There is ample historical material, but of more pressing importance is that it remains a Soviet institution to this day. For example, there is a deep partnership between Tavistock, Eglin AFB (hub of US domestic propaganda operations), the Esalen Institute.
3) Joe Rogan's handler, Jamie Vernon ("pull that up, Jamie"), is a foreign asset. His father was part of information warfare unit for the Pentagon, but more importantly the father was best friends with Mossad agent Harry Hirschinger, known to have involved in aiding and abetting al-Qaeda operations that resulted in the deaths of US personnel (barracks bombings, same MO as Mossad doing 9/11 basically).
4) One of the primary modes of implementing soviet active measures in the US is through "hippie" communities following the Esalen Institute model. They form cults with hierarchical, intensely loyal followers who are paranoid of outsiders (for a variety of reasons like use of banned psychoactive drugs). Joe Rogan, the person to put Tulsi on the map, gets all of his content from the communist limited hangout, the Esalen Institute.
Kamala's campaign right now.
Doesn't she have someone that's not unhinged to keep the campaign from killing itself? Fuck.
Kneejerk reaction. She could have blown this off.
Tusli showed she's at least 50 IQ points smarter than Kamala and her staff. She literally mindfucked her.
criminally underrated
The solution is simple:
So you're saying that Joe Rogan was Vladimir Putin all along. Makes sense...
>how would they not benefit from creating agitation in America?
Absolutely, and the MSM is cooperating with russia to do so. The MSM's grand strategy is to make this seem like a time of paranoia and fear while trump is in office to make obama's time seem optimistic. It works too. All they want is power and don't care if it kills america, they can just go to another country.
I bet Russia supplied that oil though.
milky milky
Found (you) a shekel
>the same shit for four years now
Even the most braindead Soviet boomers who believe everything TV tells them would be sick of this by now.
of course it's a damn minivan
>the jews are involved that means russia is excluded
fucking brainlets, come back when your brain is capable of functioning on more than a single dimension
Well liberalism is a mental illness
When you look at which candidates get the institutional media blockade its always ones that don't support continuing the failed Axis of Evil wars, which aren't being fought to maintain American hegemony but rather for the sake of a private ethnostate, Israel. It makes sense, it must be a 500 billion dollar a year taxpayer buffet
"RUSSIA" says the cock sucking Midget!
Kys nigger