If only

I've never seen one say something like this. I don't know if he actually means work, or just occupy space and get paid. what does pol think?

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i think ur mom needs to stop SUCKING MY COCK OP

might be sellin work

>can't get a job, even as a diversity hire

How fuggin' shit do you have to be?

Lol fucking retarded niggers can't set up their own businesses, can't get a job, and think that "working" just involves wearing nice clothes and not smelling like shit.

Somehow the fact that if they were providing value to a business they could easily get hired has slipped their mind.

In fact, not even slipped, since given their inability to work with abstract thoughts, its likely such complexity never even entered in the first place.

I don't know. It actually sounds pretty brilliant to me.

Getting a real job is actually difficult

and when they arrest you, just keep working. working on your prosecution. and when they send you to prison, keep working at the prison.

making license plates. BOOM. J - O - B

>I don't know. It actually sounds pretty brilliant to me

>if they call the police, go to the police station and start working there too.

It did crack me up. I think unemployment's at like 35% now, not including the 20% who've given up looking for work.

We have 1.87 million people paying 80% of everything, they get govt grants and free utilities.

And who is going to give these people a paycheck
The money fairy?

And you just know the purple headed bitch in HR would be too afraid to fire him, since he's already "working."

Some white cuck

Niggers willingly going to workplaces to work with no pay.
Thanks OP I needed that laugh.

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T. nigger

No its really not. Hell when I was a fucking 17 year old in the USA on a tourist visa I was able to find cash work... flyering, restaurant/bar work, construction, even computer jobs.

Literally anyone can find work within a day or two max if they're actually trying.

Legalising weed in SA put alot of blacks out of work

This is true, if that nigger was to show up on a residential construction site with a tool belt, a tape measure, a chalk line, a hammer, a pencil, and a speed square they would put his ass straight to work.

Not legal, decriminalized, can grow but not sell. We're actually seeing a lot of European indoor imports though.

Not in my experience

I considered doing this as a joke just show up and start working then go to HR asking if they finalized my paper work.
I've even thought up about just showing up for an interview at a place because truth is most hiring managers don't fucking keep track of who they talk to. Even more so today with outsourcing the first tier interviews and wide net hiring tactics.

nigger's onto something, he would probably get hired so the company doesn't get blasted for being racist

>show up
>walk in
>I'm from the home office
>start bitching at Dave about spreadsheets
Fuck it might work.

There's no way the bitches in HR are going to fire this nigger.

>Black people, storm businesses and start working. They can't fire all of us. Let's see them jobs

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Fucking retarded even by nig standards. Imagine loads of nigs turning up in hospitals and start operating on people. Nigs at airports try flying the planes. Nigs driving trains with no idea what to do. You can bet your balls no nig will turn up at a construction company, fast food place or anywhere with normal jobs. They want the "white man's jobs" but they haven't put the effort in cos that "ain't keeping it real"! Fucking nigs, always playing the eternal victim.


it's already happened :D:

And then one day, for no reason at all, European Jews started exporting Africans to the new world.

Do niggers think they'll get paid even tho they can't do anything but dunk and steal?

my dad works at the national science institute, they tried to get him fired for being a white boomer, during his deposition (he works with high performance cluster computing) relating to his charge, his asked his manager to define a cluster (black woman) she couldn't do it. then he asked what her qualifications are, she said "I don't have to answer that!" while another started shouting "Racist! Racist!", the chair advised that he could ask anything he wants as it is his opportunity to cross examine.

you very likely just described the majority of Jow Forums

Haven't you got a problem in Cape Town with the water cos the government employed a load of nigs with no engineering qualifications or experience to run the water infrastructure and it all went to shit? I saw the gov try to blame the weather but rainfall was normal and there were no problems before.

I suspect that type of work is unofficially only available to young kids, though. For instance, I worked as busboy, store clerk, and then an ice delivery driver throughout my high school/college years. I had no experience, obviously, but that was to be expected given my age. I was presumed to have a clean record and everyone involved knew I wouldn't be working there forever. Basically, I was given a big benefit because those jobs are supposed to be for kids. What would those employers think if some 25-30+ year old nigger or NEET walked in and asked to work? It's a whole different ball game dealing with those people, because right off the bat you know they are a fuck up. If I was one of those employers I would be more inclined to hire the 17-21 year old over the loser.

>what does pol think?

I think I saw Kramer do this in an episode of Seinfeld decades ago.

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>flyering, restaurant/bar work
he said a real job you baboon

>Hell when I was a fucking 17 year old in the USA
They literally hired you just so they could giggle at your accent, you oblivious poofter.

Those aren't "real" jobs as he meant, you child

>Water problems
Not really, leakages are a problem, but the dams were dry due to drought. They're full again, we had daily notifications of dam levels and were restricted to 80 litres per person per day at the worst, but we pulled through and now it's fine.

What is hilarious is when they fired all the white engineers at the nuclear power plant, had the thing disabled due to a dropped spanner or something, begged the whites to come back, and they said no fuck you.

Jokes on us because white tax money had to pay for foreigners to come fix it.


I literally did this when I was 15. I borrowed some of my dad's tools and rode my bike to a nearby construction site, and was the first one there when the boss showed up. I went full fucking boomer on him, looked him in the eye, shook his hand, and said I wanted to work. I hauled lumber around for $10 an hour (this was late 90s) all summer. I worked with him every summer after that. When I graduated high school I was making $23 an hour, and could frame a house almost by myself. I went to college while I worked construction and got a bachelor's in business and marketing. I was making over $50k when I graduated college. I looked for jobs with my degree, but none of the entry level positions I found paid what I was making in construction. So, I opened my own construction company. I'm 38 now and pretty much retired.

and then everybody clapped

Thank you

A lot of companies have their main administration on Linkedin and other social media shit.
It's easy to learn who's who.
I've worked at places with shitty security (i.e. no key cards and dumb lazy niggers who let people in behind them).

Another time when we was working on genomics for TIA (technology institute africa, aka This is Africa). Also government funded, and these ppl get like 80k USD a year, which has a shitload of purchasing power here although govt gets 40%, 40% on petrol 15% sales tax, 100% sin tax.

He had a webcam set up with motion capture in the office. One day this skinny autist tells him that the cops came in after hours. He checks the camera, two cops came, they had a universal remote which bypassed the magnetic locks, with a dog, and stole a bunch of laptops (and a box of cookies). Caught them on camera and sent to the press and police captain, got prison sentences.

It sounds brilliant until
>go to job
>start working
>boss actually lets him do menial tasks for shits and giggles
>quitting time
>asks boss for money
>tells him to fuck off, he volunteered to do it and is under no obligation to be paid
>nigger chimps out

there are two ways to post

Two words.
Drugs Test.
They'll be out the door fast than a chicken legs from a KFC bucket.

>enter company
>go to desk with PC and open their IDE
>start working
>they realize I shouldnt be there
>call police
>go to prison
>get raped by Bubba and Tyrone
Not good

I'm a nurse and nigs are fucking awful nurses They have an attitude. If you give them a job that they don't want to do, the stink eye is immense. They don't understand basic English and look down their noses at patients. I work in mental health, so communication is everything but they simply can't do it. Also as well as being incompetent, lazy and surly they are thieves and perverts. Check out the NMC website for disciplinary hearings. Nigs are grossly over represented and for some really disgraceful things. I've questioned if some of them are qualified but apparently a qualification from Zimbabwe is ok?

Check this shit, stealing electricity. The ANC's main power base, Soweto, owes 10 Billion Rand in utilities. If Eskom sends techies in to disconnect, they get shot.

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>work all day
>ask for money
>boss tells you to fuck off

>go to job
>do work
>don't get paid because you were never actually hired
Niggers are voluntarily becoming slaves now

Open Borders, Open Offices.


> Niggers working without pay
I thought we banned that in the 1860s

My grandfather did this at a warehouse when he first came to the US. He just picked up a broom and starting sweeping. They kicked him out. By the third day the foreman gave up and hired him. He worked his whole career there and retired from that place.

>or just occupy space and get paid

i think a lot of people consider this work

Open bank accounts

Literally based.
We need more immigrants to drive down the wage bubble for those in upper management and administrative positions.

how can a black person be a diversity hire in south Africa? They are the fucking majority.

Well, we call them consultants.

you say this like it's new
in 1994 the ANC opened the borders, we are a country of about 4 million whites and 52 million blacks, on top of that 10+ million illegal zimbabweans, nigerians, congolese, angolans etc. The only border control we have is the animals who manage to eat some sneaking through the Kruger national park.

When the ANC took power, they promised everyone houses, they thought it meant just go to the city and there will be a house and a white collar job waiting for you. If you want examples look at Hillbrow. It was a beautiful urban centre in its day. They moved in to the office blocks, so the landlords cut off power and water. So they started throwing their shit and garbage in the elevator shafts of the high rises they occupied.

Nowadays police don't go there because a Nigie will probably drop a washing machine on their car.

so voluntary slavery?

Nigs just turn up at peoples homes and let themselves in. They take other peoples cars and use them as if they own them and of course just start fucking white women without the woman saying they can. So this is not out of character and maybe the job thing is evidence of them finally evolving from apes?

We still have quotas, they are called "Designated persons" and a white person (non designated person) cannot be appointed for the same job if a black candidate is available. This is 25 years after black government took power. Even our sports teams have to be 80% black. Despite that we still carry the country, 4 million whites, 1.9 million tax payers.


>not sending a picture of a stern handshake with your resume/cv

That always seemed like the dumbest thing to me. An investment group bought a large track of land in my town, and wanted to build low income housing on it. They offered me the construction contract, but I turned them down. Then they offered me $40k to be a "consultant" on the project. I went to a few meetings, talked to the county a little, and answered some stupid fucking questions for them. It was fucking retarded, but I got paid.

Why do you still live there mother fucker?

Won't happen but pretty funny desu

I've thought about leaving often, but I don't know. My family's been here for almost 400 years, we built this land, 40% of us have left already.

I just turned 30, doing ok, about 40kUSD (fuckoff with your living standards). Have delayed buying property because of the shit show here.
I guess I still have hope, I think the beast will consume itself and we can be free one day.

thats illegal though

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I mean if he wants to work for free, sure.

Get out before its too late. Your pride will be the death of you god dammit.

Based if true

Are you eligible for a British passport? Loads of South Africans have moved here. When you ask why, they give some bullshit pc answer until they know you're alright and then it's always the same story nigs and rampant nigging.

>thats illegal though
previous president has over 600 pending charges.

he's literally offering up nigs as slave labor
what a fucking room temp iq

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My family lived in a small county in Alabama since 1730, when it was still considered Georgia territory. I grew up there, made a lot of money there, and never thought I would leave. Then, I had kids, looked around at all the niggers and methed out white kids, and fucking left. I wasn't going to raise my kids in that shit. Now I live on a little peninsula in the Gulf of Mexico and have a great life. I don't even lock my doors to my house.

Yeah when I think about kids I get worried, I've experienced a lot of crime pretty consistently throughout my life. My sister (28), just got permanent residency in aus & can, will probably go see what it's like. I've never been to a white country before.

Is this nigga playin 4D chess?

There is no word in ebonics for "work clothes," or :work boots.

Listen to me user, you do NOT have to live in shit just because your parents did. I grew up in one of the worst towns in Alabama, look up Valley Alabama. I couldn't bare the thought of my children growing up there. Now I live in Cape San Blas Florida, look it up, it's fucking paradise. Life is what you make it. You can sit on a sinking ship, or you can swim your ass to shore.

At least tell the guy to move to somewhere that isn't a bug infested shithole
Come to Washington state. We don't have hurricanes, bugs the size of soda cans, humidity that makes your balls sweat the moment you dry off from your shower, and actual changes in elevation

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Wanting to work, yes goyim best be a worker bee

>muh bugs
>muh heat
Quit being a faggot. This is one of the most beautiful places on earth. But, if SA user wants to move to a commie faggot infested liberal shithole, then by all means I hope he goes west. Your state is fucking shit. You've got some nice parks, if you just like trees and shit, but your towns and cities are cucked beyond belief. You can shoot mother fuckers here, and it rains there half the fucking time. Let's let user choose.

>Washington cuck shed in the nice parts for $500k
>liberal faggots everywhere
>pristine beaches
>beachfront two story homes for $750k
>and zero, I mean zero, fucking crime
>the only black person here is Hershel fucking Walker

Forget pic

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Holy fucking shit imagine living in such an infested shithole that you can't even say anything truthful about it to defend yourself
>This is one of the most beautiful places on earth
It's fucking flat! All you ever see is tree, horizon, water, bugs, swamp people, or kikes
Seattle and its county are cucked same as your major cities or any major city. I don't recall any of our cops too pussy to enter a school during a shooting though, at least you have that going for you
>pristine beaches
Honey what a lovely vacation oh look the ocean is coming to kill all of us again, whoops we forget there's a fucking season where the ocean comes to kill all of us
>beachfront homes
Real fucking smart in the land of hurricanes and a roll of the dice whether that home just goes fucking kaput
"Hey Jimmy we know other kids live in the same house their whole life but you know, hurricane seasonlol!"
"Hey dad, why don't we just move to Washington where there are no hurricanes, we can live on the beach, and there are things called mountains that make you see more than 10 feet in front of you? Is that why you think this place is beautiful, dad? You can't see anything?"
>zero crime
What is broward county you corrupt fucksticks

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?... good try I guess?

I'm speaking of my specific place, and I feel sure it is ten times better than where you live. Tell us user what quaint little town do you live in? Is it picturesque? Does it have zero crime? Is it the kind of place where people save money all year just to spend one week away from thier shithole and in your town? Because, I see faggots from all over the world everyday that work all year to spend one week a year where I live. Were you born in Washington, or did you travel around to different places and decide it was the place for you? I grew up in shit, made money, and picked where I wanted to live. Every state has good and bad. I've been to the west coast, and imo it is a fucking faggot filled shithole. Even the little towns are full of cucks. Show me a pic of your town user.

Hurricanes are fun you fucking pussy.
T. Someone who watched hurricane Michael on thier porch.

Fuck forgot pic again.

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>I grew up in shit, made money, and picked where I wanted to live.
And it fucking tells, you picked the most ghetto-rich choice of housing you could possibly imagine. You seem like one of the trailer park boys in the episode where they get rich

And i tought i was a poorfag kek, what's the material your house is made of?

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>trailer park boys in the episode where they get rich
Meh maybe, but I can tell just by your tone that you think Washington is the best just because you've never been anywhere else, and can't afford to leave. If you need me I'll be sitting on the beach in fucking paradise sipping I drink. Have fun with the homeless people. Also, where exactly do you live in Washington that is so great?

Antifa succeeded in a hostile takeover of Papa Johns, why don't you research that if you think these people aren't serious about the complete lack of distinction betwen de facto authority and applied violence. The right way to do it is to arrest the guy trying to kick you out, because federal law demands that all free citizens prosecute felony arrests by any means necessary when they witness a felony and EMPLOYMENT FRAUD is a felony. Arrest him, bring him to the address of your nearest FEMA concentration camp, hand him over to the UN troops waiting for WW3, then call a locksmith and take over his entire business. Place a lein against the factualized trust account for his business so that he can't pay his taxes without paying you. Eventually his business will owe the town and state so much money that you can buy all his licenses for prepared food and liqour right out from underneath him. Open a new business account, introduce yourself to the personnel and start writing their paychecks. Fucking retards don't understand that (((business))) is all force, no reason. You take things. Do you think white men ask for raises in the office? They demand it, because employment fraud is a felony and all other positions are pretensions. Don't play pretend, take what is yours from the weak.

This is actually how chinese immigrants take over convenience stores from each other, ask me how I know ...

In larger cities there are plenty of jobs, just very few that offer a livable wage that doesnt require the completion of a professional program (nursing/pharmacist/engineer etc) Everything else requires a bachelors or master's (minimum) and several years experience.

Snoqualmie. I've been around, never to Florida but Louisiana. Most of the hatred stems from it being flat. Also how often are you at risk for hurricanes?

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And then everyone clapped.

The niggers will kill you one day and plunge SA into the state that they did when they turned Rhodesia into Zimbabwe

>florida water
o i am laffin

Just looked it up, seems nice, still to big for me (13,000 people). If you are basing Florida off of Louisiana then you are very wrong. Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi have the shittiest beaches I've ever seen. And, some parts of Florida suck too. I've been to Seattle and around the coast some, but it all seemed liberal af. Honestly though did you grow up there and think it's great because of that, or did you choose to be there?

Hurricanes aren't that bad man. I sat on my porch and watched hurricane Michael (the worst hurricane to ever hit the gulf) with a bottle of tequila and friends. Just get a good strong house and you'll be fine. Every structure I built here is still standing. You can see my house in my last pic it's fine.

I was really just trying to tell SA user not to stay where he was just because his family always had, and I would say the same to you. But, he may prefer Washington to Florida, and so may you.

this nigga so black he finna steal a job