I'm through with this fucking faggot. I hope he gets the rope

I'm through with this fucking faggot. I hope he gets the rope.

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Stonetoss is fucking retarded

it's just bants bro


He raises good points user

Pastaniggers BTFO
Seriously though Italy you’re one of the few based European nations left under your current government, hold out

Attached: the moors tho.jpg (1280x720, 83K)

That's pretty funny, "lighten" up Mario.

Imagine being so shit you take this seriously. Imagine trying to turn paul against him with this. Imagine forgeting to dilate and your wound closing. Pus leaking, orange goo scpooping.

fucking kek

its a meme kid. Take the bantz or get out.

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shut the fuck up you spineless white flag frog cuck

Based. I love commie tears

The Italian are blacks meme is ancient. How are you this retarded?

It's a legitimate question. Answer him NOW, OP.

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Calm down mexico

Americans seriously believe we are black IRL and i'm not fucking kidding cuz i heard it multiple times from american tourists

they asked me if i was really italian because they kept believing italians were black

Niggers can't have culture, even Americans know that.

You're basically inside out niggers

Italians aren't white. Get over it.

I thought that was the Russians. Or maybe they were "niggers but the wrong color."

No he really doesn't.

>italians (blacks)

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not only are Italians white, but they're superior to non-Italian whites. Rome cucks you every time Britboy

I’m part eggplant

lol im actually half italian, i only post italians arent white memes to bait newfies such as yourself


he's not far from the reality tho

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Ah come on man. what? only you can do the bants but can't take it?
get fucked

find the white italian

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find the blonde italian

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He's not saying the Japs were blacks you nigger. Just you niggers.


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user, it wasn't a funny joke but he was clearing joking.

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Came here for this.


Settle down Luigi you’re whiter than me


(Nigger if you disagree)


>wop mad that he isn’t white
My sides

>not knowing that Japanese and black white nationalists exist
bruhhh do you even history?
How do you think Africa got so violent?
White nationalism. Bigtime.

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Don't forget Arabs and Africans.

He hates Jews, but you can easily say they're white for the lulz

Of course Mexico is black

Italians are getting BTFO this week. First two Americans kill a carboni and now this. Does anyone have love for them?

one garlic festival wasn't enough

italians are part black though

>che sembri un incidente

lmao absolutely based and redpilled

are you retarded?


No, they don't. If anything, people think some Italians look like Arabs.

Angry little Italian.


can't take the bantz huh?

that aswell

we, meds and blacks are one people. Rome was originally a black ethnostate and started to fall apart once white people took over the government. We will thrive again, brothers.

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Im with italybros on this one, Italy is based

the one heiling behind the shirtless nigger?

fucking moolies

What are you going to do? Bomb him like an angry sandman?


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murder him like a mafioso

grease = shitalia

wrong. try again

>Stonetoss is fucking retarded
>it's just bants bro

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how can you tell from only his hand?

bro my grandma is a terroni (she looked like Alan Dershowitz). the rest are white. still, what i like about Italians is that they almost NEVER have a chimpout about ethnic jokes at their expense. they have the most shit given - least offense taken ratio of any ethnic group in the modern world.

this is not italian behavior

Cool it Nick it’s just a joke. Let the anglos have their minute.

Shut your filthy mouth you amerindian ape, or go suck the dick of your commie president.

Pastala Vista my friend

His joke went 20 feet over your head didn't it you fucking retard?

Yikes 1 shade away from the congo.

Sure thing you side switching subhuman wop,

>implying he's wrong

Attached: italians.jpg (1000x600, 822K)

Damn, that got me out of guard

Lots of Americans are very stupid. Italians are my favorite off-whites.



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Amerimutt education everyone

Im sicilian american and I kek'd

its just bantz

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Eat some spaghet and chill out


Top kek
As an italian id be mad but it's too damn funny

Fuck, calm down


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Why can't rightoids take a joke? Why do rightoids turn friendly banter into genocidal D&C?


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Hi stonetoss.

comedian does comedian things

italians can't handle the banter

What's the name of the black newscaster who thinks he's Italian, fuck i can't find him. I think he's like on abc or nbc

How long will it take before you are going start posting about muh dick my fellow black man?

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Hitler was also very anti Jewish.

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truth hurts pastanigger.

>no source