China can't be trusted. They say one thing and do another. For those who don't know...

China can't be trusted. They say one thing and do another. For those who don't know, China has been operating under a cold war mentality towards the USA since 1991, When Deng Xiaoping gave a nationwide speech following the collapse of the USSR that China was now America's cold war enemy.
Before this in the 1960's the CCP put together a multi-generational internal plan to eventually make China to sole global hegemonic power. Throughout all of China's history it has seen itself as the center of the world unequaled, and its century of humiliation as a small deviation from the order of the universe.
Since entering into the WTO in 2001 China has been aggressively implementing various stages of this plan. Targeting the US manufacturing sector was not just economics, it was military strategy.
In addition China's One Belt One Road dreams are for the projection of military strength, a modern army lives and dies by its supply lines. Just as Eisenhower built the US Highway system as a means to quickly ferry military throughout the US, the Chinese are building OBOR to quickly ferry military supplies throughout Asia, Europe, and Africa.
The USA only woke up to China's Cold War 2.0 mentality in 2016, when they have been at it since 1991.

Attached: TrumpTweet.jpg (572x427, 127K)

replace china with "israel" and you might be onto something.

America is finished.

Attached: hangzhou-light-show.webm (640x368, 392K)

>China has been operating under a cold war mentality towards the USA since 1991
How can you blame them?

USA has installed puppet dictators into most countries on this planet at this point.

They dont have OBOR and are not usurping US Manufacturing. Different problems different peoples user

>are not usurping US Manufacturing
Israel is the one who ordered the manufacturing moved to China.

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Oh no! They mastered the technology of colored lights!
America is cancelled everyone, sad!

Trump will bend the knee, his jewish tactics won't work with the chinese.

Attached: chinatoon07.jpg (620x573, 82K)

Not yet, Cold War 2.0 could be what awakens the USA and white identity. The massive invasion by illegal aliens is being prodded by more than one group.
The problem with this theory is that the nations left to autonomously govern themselves whose inhabitants have low IQ's end up corrupt and become shitholes (cough sandpeople), While American intervetion nations with high IQ's become autonomous with economies that make western Europeans blush (asian tiger nations).

>While American intervetion nations with high IQ's
Like how they installed Saddam Hussein?
And how they installed the Shah in Iran?
Like how they installed puppets all over South America and turning them into shitholes?

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