Is the French Foreign Legion fighting for ZOG, /pol? Been thinking about joining them, weighing decisions

Is the French Foreign Legion fighting for ZOG, /pol? Been thinking about joining them, weighing decisions.

What are your thoughts on the Legion?

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>What are your thoughts on the Legion?

which one?

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Be a waste of 5 years of your life from what I heard

The french foreign one

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>cleaning frog toilets
>dying for frogs

But you get French citizenship and a unique experience as an elite soldier.

I dunno.. France was one of the party of three that brought the UNSC resolution against Libya. You tell me.

>every week this retarded thread
what does it avail the jew to shill the ffl on Jow Forums? or is op yet another retarded fuckup who thinks he can run away into the legion as if we lived in the year 1905?

Point taken. Then again, the Legion is different than the French Army itself, usually off on their own unique deployments like in Mali or Chad.

uhh, isn't that the nigger army? the conscripts are all niggers from CAR and other hellholes lol

Foreign Legion is used by France to have a Military presence in Africa so the blacks don't get too uppity and try to take back the power of their currency, so you'll just be fighting "Terrorists" so you can make French Jews rich.

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Why are they a foreign legion if they're French? Shouldn't it just be the French Legion and for other nations they can be called the French Foreign Legion since then they'd actually be foreign. Or is being French good enough to be foreign and we don't need to tack that on even in the case of non-French referring to them?


I merely asked a couple questions, dumb fuck.

>What are your thoughts on the Legion?
The FFL's only restriction used to be that you could hot have been born in France. By having an army of non-citizens you did not need to worry about thousands of French mothers complaining when there sons were slaughtered in battle.

They were a disposable army given the worst jobs - true cannon fodder.

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The army is made up of foreigners. Anyone can apply to join and you get perks from serving.

>French citizenship
When you retire after 30 years.

OP, one of the first questions they will ask you is why you are choosing the FFL instead of your own country's military. If they bring in an American who could have joined his own military but didn't try then takes a slot from some poor slav who's only choice for a job or military service was the Legion. They are pretty serious about this. Why would YOU choose the Legion.
>t. done as much homework on them as possible and talked to a lot of Legionnaires on Cervens.

>What are your thoughts on the Legion?
The job is hell, mostly due to the lack of sleep.

I considered joining them to get a visa to live in europe, but it is just not worth it considering I would get to live in muslim ocupied france.

They have interesting uniforms. I’ve never seen the ones with a cape. I like the guys with the beards, leather apron, and axes. Also apparently Americans have a tough time getting in because we are too fat

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Why join them and not your country's military? If you're a burger you guys have the best military on the planet.

God you're stupid, what value is there in french citizenship or being an "elite solider". All they're going to do is throw you into the middle east and hope you die.

3 years.

FFL fight so the the french army doesn't(lol)
your worst decision would be to join them
if you want to be around niggers and arabs sure thing
only two kinds of people join the legion
maybe you're one of them, but I doubt it since you're asking

Not everyone can join. For example, if you've smoked weed a certain number of times, you're eliminated. Then there are those who were in at one point but are out now for whatever reason (ie: I was in the USAF, but my job was contracted out in 2005.. I considered trying to join the Canadian RAF, but ultimately decided to stay home).

>All they’re going to do is throw you into the Middle East
That would be the American armed forces who will do that

>if you've smoked weed a certain number of times
There's no way they can prove or test this.

I guess every disgruntled 20 year old goes through the 'should I join the French Foreign Legion?' phase.
Guess what, you'll be a subordinate to africans, your butthole might get abused with impunity since there's probably no system to address legal violations, and you're forced to speak french under threat of beatings and more anal sexual abuse.
Plus you're the canon fodder for the french military

My mistake, i meant Sub Saharan Africa. That's where the FFL cannon fodder are sent.

Some people are stupid enough to not lie about it, or lie about it and still be over the limit.

Citizenship for shitskins from former colonies and east youropoor countries. Nothing fucking elite here, just watch how they act on these two fuckers that shoot up the Sharle Hebdo.

Well i guess it's less about weed and more about filtering absolute retards

Was thinking about it myself.

This isn't completely true or false, they will only accept like a tenth of any group of people no matter what and your history, personality, how much the cadre like you, affinity for french, and physical fitness all play into your chances of selection.

They're pretty badass. Great way to get citizenship and become a man

I don't think that's the case. When I was asked, I was honest about it. My recruiter had to get me a waiver because I was 1 usage above what was allowed. I don't remember exactly what I told him, but it was somewhere in the range of 10-12 times.

>affinity for french
Are you talking about the Foreign Legion? Are you one of those fucking niggers that didn't read the context before you started talking about shit? Try reading the context dumbass.

How many pushups and strict pullups can you do? They will make you do these before they even let you into the selection process to make sure you don't waste their time.

well that's basic fitness requirements for anything

Around 20 pull-ups and 70 push ups but that's not the limit. I'm fit and have 10 years of training in martial arts and I already served in Russian army

What a faggy thread fight for your own country

Are you a fucking retards, to make it through the 4 month basic training you only need to know like 400-500 words. They will teach you the whole way through so if you show up not knowing any, that doesn't prevent you from being selected to go to basic but if you show up knowing even a little your chances are better.

what was your service in russia military like?

Sing your song, scarecrow.

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You should join USMC instead.
Both fight for ZOG, at leasts USMC pay better.

Well yeah, they don't require pullups for their fitness test so a lot of people go not even knowing they are going to have to be able to do 7 strict pullups to the chest before even applying. It weeds out more people than you think.

How old are you and have you committed any serious drug or violent crimes? The way you make it sound, you might have a chance at making it through the selection and assessment and be able to go to basic

I got my free college, and I really didn't even get shipped anywhere. Win win, for both me and the Jews. The only part I really regret.

Nope, being a african nigger rapefugee has a faster rate to gain french nationality.
Don't trust that, they will cock block you for more service times.

He'd have a better chance at getting into the Marine Corps too. Trying out for FFL can turn into a huge waste of air travel as 80-90% don't even make it through the preliminary selection process.

>Wanting to Join military
>Picks the one with the gayest uniform

What the hell do you even know about the entry process?

I know that you still have no fucking clue what we were talking about before you decided to insert yourself. I know that me telling you to read the fucking context (exact words, probably) wasn't enough of a hint for you to figure it out. I know you're going to continue being pic related because you don't ACTUALLY understand the English language, apparently.

What more is to know?

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>cannon fodder
How many legionnaires have been killed in Sub-Saharan Africa in the past 20 years?

They don't like to take in western countries nationality, too much desert, too much whining.
Why put in the effort to smash those first worlder into a legionnaire, while the mongolians and slavs will dance as you command.

Literally retarded. Unless circumstances have forced you to flee your homeland

Funny as it seems, but more legionnaires die from DUI.
Or maybe they make it looks like an accident to hide somethings.

There are two different types of service. Conscript and mandatory. I was serving a mandatory and I felt like a king. I was doing whatever the fuck I want because I don't give a fuck but the rest of the guys had to live pretty shit lives. Working all day long: painting walls, cleaning the platz, the toilets, doing all kimds of work and manual labour. And marching. Lots of marching. I've been in the military since 14. First it was a military school, then it was a navy college so I know this life from a to z. My service was more like a long holiday where I had enough time to concentrate on myself. I picked up Spanish and some German while in the army and read a fuck ton of books. Army is a blessing and a curse at the same time. The best part was when we had drills and fired s 300. That was badass.

Why not join something like that air force or coast guard? You don't see combat and can retire with full pension after 20 years. Do you really think the French aren't fighting for ZOG? How dumb are you? You'll either be deployed in Africa or the middle east.
This is even assuming you make the cut. Which you probably won't.

27 and I'm clean

Oh shit dawg, I got you senpai. I am the nigger here and didn't look at the post you were replying to. You are still a fat cunt who is trash at explaning anything. Also Air Force? Dude, are you gay?

Yeah, that's the general consensus amonst them, Americans very likely don't NEED the pay, aren't able to embrace the suck, and are overall more likely to desert than other nationalities that do need it.

You will be defending niggers from other niggers

Gandhi fin Ch,
Th y guh,
To en jo,
F I ft,

From what I've heard the dudes from Slav nations do pretty well as the Legion treats you either moderately better or the same. How's your cardio?

>You are still a fat cunt who is trash at explaning anything.
.. yeah.. I told you explicitly to read the fucking context. That makes me shit at explaining things.. because I didn't explain shit - I told you how to figure it out for yourself, Paco.

Keep practicing the English language. One day the neighbors will stop referring to you as "the Guatemalan that lives down the street".

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I've met 5 or 6 guys who went there. 5 went AWOL, and one finished his 5 years, but said it was horrible and he spent a month in the prison for failing a medic exam.

But to answer your question: yeah, probably. The (((Masonic))) Lodge has been in France for a long time, the power redistribution after the Revolution was to the kikes, and everything you see about Paris being Africanized and Islamicized is indicative that kikes own it.

1 mile in under 7 min. But I hate running.

>gayest uniforms
That would be the Spanish Foreign Legion.

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Wow, almost like it would have been easier to say "I wasn't talking about the Legion" instead of "Are you talking about the Foreign Legion? Are you one of those fucking niggers that didn't read the context before you started talking about shit? Try reading the context dumbass." Way more succinct, to the point, and clear. You are still shit, but you are shit and in the right. Just accept the W and move on. I've already taken the L dude.

Take off your memeflag kike

>air force

Theyre called Sappeurs. Sappers, combat engineers. They march slow.

That'll do it, if you decide to actually give it a shot then get used to running around 2 miles or so, you'd do fine

Gypsy Legion is better

>Reading r hard.
It's obvious reading isn't your strongest suit.. lets try some logic instead then, shall we? What the fuck does it matter if I have to type it out for you, or you simply scroll up? How about the better option of .. not responding until you know what the fuck is being talked about? Here's a hint: no matter which of these three options you take, the amount of work YOU have to do is the exact same. All YOU have to do is read. I'm not here to hold your hand, Jorge.

>6 million kikes live in America
It's so tiresome, faggot. HH

lol...instead of getting Yellow Ribbon benefits from any US service - you want to go police colonial France. You'll be a fucking low-paid policeman for third-world nogs.
You could go to Pepperdine U. in Malibu, CA for free. But no, you don't want those benefits. Because you want to live a meme called the French Foreign Legion.

>air force

Attached: air force.jpg (275x183, 12K)

It's manly as fuck actually. Guaranteed pussy.
t. spanish legion lieutenant

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>No argument from the Guatemalan.

What was the horrible part?

Cleaning, berating from french officers, lack of freedom, you name it.

>air force

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>weighing decisions
lol, you won't join them then.

youll never make it

>elite soldier.

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Do you guys ever suck each other off?

Yeah - there's no chance for advancement to anything special. I think a lot of legionaires just want to continue their military service after being in UK or E. European services, but there might not be many of those entrants anymore.. i don't know

You can't leave the base in civillian clothes for the 1st two years, can't own a car for the 1st two years, scrub toilets until your 1st deployment, etc. He did 4 in the Marines before, said it was measureably worse. Plus most of the Legion guys don't look jacked as much as they look malnourished and rundown.

I know that US navy did.

>talking shit to a country that routinely destroys france in athletic events

After the religion of peace, you are not allow to leave the base in uniform anymore.
Can't own a car for the first 5 years I heard.
Cleaning usually last 1 year unless you fuck up big time.

That would be gay and gross. We just miss the old fascist days and sing songs disrespecting wamen and democracy.

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this is very accurate video on this topic


>Hold up burger what did you say?

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Ah that's right, I remember the most recent one telling me that about the uniforms. He still went AWOL.

they would get rekt by any high school football team in a track meet

You get any shit being a Lusubro and losing Angola LT?

Used to be 30 years - France used to be a world leader and very exclusive as to who they let emigrate.

Nowadays, it's different.

They are the last world cup champion.

Ok, so basically Russian army. And if I managed to dodge the toilet cleaning and didn't allow officers to get on my nerves here I can be perfectly fine there.