How much would it cost to buy reddit and turn it into a free speech site?
What would you do with reddit to make it pro-free speech? Keep it the way it is but allow right wing subs? Or should we change mod rules?
How much would it cost to buy reddit and turn it into a free speech site?
>having authoritarian on the right
Just change the rules when it comes to hate speech that anyone can say whatever they want as long as it's in the rules of the subreddit and only quarantine subreddits if they're directly linked to terrorism or other acts of direct planned violence and you'll have your free speech website.
Checked and BUMP
Reddit is currently valued at 3 billion dollars.
Elon Musk can do it
Have sex OP
Right/left is not authoritarian/libertarian. Stop this meme. Fuck's sake, the place right and left wing comes from was the french revolution, and the more left wing types were the ones absolutely and completely opposed to monarchy.
So the way it is but don't ban right wing subs? Sounds good.
libertarian/authoritarian, rather.
This is why Voat started. Reddit is dead.
Reddit is thriving though. There are tens of millions of users daily. Voat is the one that is dead and everybody is annoyed by it because you can't post pictures without a link and the format is dull and ugly.
Voat has just been DDOSed to death.
So yeah it´s probably dead for good.
Since we’ve never been a Monarchy your definition means FUCK ALL
strip the power away from the jews who control it. I was banned from the faggotry known as t_d for being “anti-semetic” after posting the names of the 41 congressmen who are jewish citizens.
Only fools, idiots, or lunatics wouldn't organize into a disciplined army when threatened.
I would delete reddit and dox every user of reddit, leak all their personal data, passwords, anything.
The problem with reddit isn't the mods aren't allowing free speech, it's a site rotten to the core and the design of the site would always lead to the same reddit shit. I hate all those faggots who use the site.
It's an absolutely terrible site that no one would use if it wasn't a far left hugbox. The design of the site sucks, the upboats suck, the way people police the boards they create sucks. If you made it into a free speech site it would take a few hours until it would turn back into a far left site that self moderates into getting rid of anyone who isn't completely insane.
Right is authoritarian, left is totalitarian
I think the format of the site is terrible. Looking through post history, banning anyone from a sub for any reason, deleting any comments you want. I think someone should buy reddit and make the whole thing free speech with a few rules like no porn posts and no violence.
>Buying Reddit
Quite possibly the biggest waste of money since welfare payments to niggers.