Is it a meme, or is it real?
>gf claims she is sapiosexual
>kinda feel dumb a lot so don’t know why she is with me
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What the fuck is sapiosexual?
Also/ this is how?
>I like Chads who wear glasses and use big words teehee
So they're attracted to gay men?
Someone attracted to intelligence. A certain kind of girl claims to be such to make herself seem smart.
Let me guess. OP's gf has dark hair, 5'4 - 5'7, wears glasses, studied literature or philosophy, went to a good school, reads pretentious literature, likes Buffy the Vampire Slayer and or Gilmore Girls.
How did I do?
your GF is a sudo intelectual.
Tell her hitler did nothing wrong. If she gets mad then tell her shes just another idiot pleb.
no it is not real
>dark hair
>studied lit at good school
>reads pretentious literature
Eh, I don’t know. She’s well read
>likes Buffy and Gilmore
Did pretty good.
She legit does not seem to care about body type. Like, I’ve gotten more fit in the past few months, and it does nothing. I talk about some Brazilian political stuff tho, and I can’t feel my dick in the morning
Only the most moronic people claim to be sapiosexuals. Actual intelligent people knows that such thing is retarded bullshit. Intelligence is just another atractive trait, but not a different sexual orientation. Basically sapiosexual is like if i invented a new stupid term like "boobsexual" because i like big tits
This is legit my fear. She is in many ways a lot smarter than me, but the practical application is lacking big time. I can keep up with theoretical stuff, but at some point I need to talk action and that doesn’t seem to interest her as much
I’ve talked about Hitler with her, and while she is super lib and likes antifa, she is ok with my “hot takes”. But I do think Hitler did some wrong
It means they are a brainlet
based taco
After a certain intelligence threshold the guy is autistic as fuck and condemned to eternal virginity, a friend of mine told me.
I'm a highly boobsexual, medium buttsexual and low legsexual person.
I see this shit all the time on dating apps, it's a snowflake label for cunts who don't want to associate themselves as part of lgbtqp. Nobody's frothing up over Steven Hawking.
>I'm a highly boobsexual, medium buttsexual and low legsexual person.
Yeah, i would too if i were brazilian
yes, go to college you get your dick so of the wet
My gf identifies as bi, so she’s not afraid of that label. It’s just the Sapio thing that bugs me, because one of our mutual friends who clearly has a crush on her is leagues beyond me in intelligence, but he does nothing for her sexually. Is this just fucking lightning in a bottle?
It's not real.
Every "sapiosexual" I've fugged just doesn't want to spend time with a guy who can't hold a conversation. Actual smart guys aren't sexy.
Its a meme, women probably just think that general whit and charm is intellect. It's also a label women place on themselves to appear less shallow.
watch this with your GF and see if she gets wet.
seen her before
I count anyone who considers themselves as "well read" as reading pretentious literature so I'm giving myself that one as well.
Give me an example, name a few books she's read recently or has lying around.
Dude. Pseudo intellectual.
If you’re going to accuse someone of it, make sure you can spell correctly.
>she is super lib and likes antifa
So basically she's totally faking it.
its bullshit
never go for a pseudo intellectual theyre first to inspire that poly-amorous shit
Honestly, she hasn’t read a book in a minute—she’s more into visual art stuff for the moment. Tom Wolfe was someone she used to like, as well as HST (so both of those will fit your bill)
When I ranted about how antifa were shit, she was very receptive. So yeah, she heard “Anti Fascist” and was down, but when I said my piece she was less cool with them
>she heard “Anti Fascist” and was down, but when I said my piece she was less cool with them
So basically the bitch didn't do her own research because surprise surprise, she's faking it.
Funny enough, she is very trad (wants babies, will give up career for maternity, likes to maintain the household, etc). We’ve talked, and she is totally opposed to a MFM thing because she knows the other M would do nothing for me
Yeah, I don’t think she has real politics other than a better world for our children. That’s not a bad thing as far as I’m concerned if she’s open minded
Well don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. If she’s gonna cheat on you or leave you for someone smarter, then the roastie is doing you a favour. Whole thing sounds like horseshit to me. What’s with people attaching pretentious labels to everything. A female who perceived herself as smart is gonna want someone she perceives as smart. Hypergamy is real. Anyway user, I wouldn’t worry about. Try to get smarter for yourself though if that’s something you value. You don’t have to be a genius to be well read.
dolph lundgren has an IQ of 160
Kek that looks like Brittany venti with her hair up.
Honestly, the best advice before I go to bed. thanks, user. She is of a higher caste in many ways, so was just feeling slightly beta. But I know I have an edge in other departments. Relationships can be weird on the dynamic level and I’m just still working mine out
>hitler did some wrong
yeah he fucking lost the cunt
Goodnight, sleep tight user.
Had to google it. OP your gf wants to fuck around AND have the security of having a steady man.
You know what that's called if you let her do it don't you?
>sudo intelectual.
Get her to make you a sandwich...
The only proper reaction when somebody says they're sapiosexual is to laugh in their face.
looks like the batshit crazy lot lizard my friend lost his life to
thats a bad feel man