Redpill me on blacks
Should I hate blacks?
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Don't hate the blacks.
Only quads can defeat the gigga nigga.
They deeply distrust us and are indignant because of it, made worse by their subconscious acknowledgement of their dependency upon us. Emboldened by the (((liberal))) media's glossing over of their... less desirable attributes... and glorification of the BBC meme, this indignant attitude has morphed into smug condescension and a false sense of superiority.
Hating them is like hating a child that is not your own for behavior learned from its parents; and in clown world this reaction is perceived as a projection of insecurity and affirmation of their superiority.
Rather, know yourself, then understand them as well; for they acknowledge themselves not, neither do they understand you.
dont hate them. just dont relax
Seems like if you take a pin and poke him, he would deflate down to a normal size.
The average African-American IQ is in the 80s, whereas the average European-American IQ is around 100. Despite making up just 13% of the population, they account for 50% of the violent crime in the US. 20000 white women raped YEARLY. this shouldn't be allowed to happen, and it wasn't in the past, but (((civil rights))) gave blacks the right to rape white women.
Minorities constantly vote against our interests as whites, and they will continue to do so until the end of time, since Democrats give them free shit. Get ready to have to pay reparations the next time Democrats get in power.
You shouldn't hate blacks, just their nigger subtype OP.
You will be replaced in your own home within the next 50 years, and you can be sure that the "minorities" will not treat you as kindly as you have treated them.
They hate you for what your ancestors did to theirs, and no amount of white guilt will save you when they come to power. What kind of country do you want to live in, one where the Quran is law and your son in bullied for being white, your daughter raped? This is the future we are fighting against. Join us, and help protect and maintain the legacy of the greatest civilisation to ever walk the earth, gifted to you in trust by your forefathers, or ignore the warning signs until its too late. It's your choice.
When I say slavery you say.....
you're welcome
Your name is Toby. That’s a good nigger!
No, just don't relax around them.
Have a bunch of videos from Yesterday's happening here but Jow Forums thinks it's spam :(.
>content of character
Rolling to defeat mega nigger
It is on facebook.
Black people as a whole are the only legitimate cultural and socioeconomic victims in the USA. Unfortunately they complain about it too damn much and glorify the less desirable cultural aspects of their poor communities. All you faggots stereotyping them because you've never been outside of you geographical bubble need to get some travel under you belt. There are plenty of upstanding black citizens.
White poor people are way worse on average in my experience. Black people are generally cool if you're cool. Poor white people are unpredictable. All other races belong to the immigrant class primarily and sit somewhere in the middle, but the outliers tend to overachieve.
Now go ahead and call me a spic you fuckin tards. Ad hom it up. Just false equivalency my shit to hell. Oversimplify the heck out of it. Appeal my authority.
Come here to Africa then. Thats outside your geographic bubble right?
Avoid and ignore
live around them. seriously live in a black neighborhood for a year.
I don't hate black people but I have zero illusions as how they behave. they're friendly and sociable people, that can go zero to violent ape in a second and you have to be prepared for that. once they know you don't fuck around they'll leave you alone.
That's because in your narcoterrorist nation, niggers were bred out of the gene pool a long time ago plus the Spaniards didn't bring many of them to your country. Go to Cuba, or any other Caribbean country, and you'll see them in action. Get your shit stolen.
nogs are basically ultraplus chilangos, just dumber.
Blacks are fine just hate niggers
They are the personification of Man's primal evil.
itty-bitty genitals