ITT we share lies roasties tell

I'll start

>Men only care about casual, loose sex
>Men can't be thoughtful, subtle or romantic
>Men hate cuddling

Not only are these clearly false, but they ignore the fact that the reason women like and value these things is because MEN DO THEM TO SHOW AFFECTION AND LOYALTY. We literally fucking invented the concept of fidelity, romance, and chivalry, and now (((women))) try to gaslight us into believing we are all crude savages

>inb4 nonpolitical

All of these propagandistic lies are designed to demoralize and undermine strong, healthy, virtuous men, necessary for the continuation and prosperity of the State. We should identify and refute them.

Also, fuck Jannies.

Attached: Fuck you.gif (640x360, 360K)

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Women are whores. End of story. Conquer them if you ever want anything from them.

salty incels: the thread

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Not true, I don't hate women, just Kikes and their Roasty pets. The key is to identify the lies in our culture and refute them, the only way to wake people up.

thats all women projecting

How about this:

>Men are lazy and unsophisticated, have to explain even the simplest concept.

Literally less than 70 years ago most women couldn't even drive.

the fact is women are built to be led, roasties just follow the kvetching rythm
stop associating with them and you will rarely encounter these sad abominations

Wow you are such a chad. How do I become like you?

just another (((hollywood))) stereotype that women believe, it's our fault for letting it cement into (((pop culture)))

Yeah, but even other men accept those stereotypes as true, and act like it's ok to be a dumb slob.

>Sister, the only person in the world close enough to me to taste the redpill is currently going through a peronal crisis where the old boomer cunt at her job hates her for being young and likable, looking for any reason to have her fired.

Anyone got advice? I have no good advice for her becuase I've never had women of power I couldn't wrap around my finger, I don't know what she should do.

well, it's a good point, but there will always be the soiboi
you have to build the world around you with people that are not like that, i've been doing it for some time now, just forget that all these fucked up shit exists and do your thing, there is not much left to do
they got us after the french revolution

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Stop being sarcastic. Its the voice of angsty teenager.

They seem to play a game. They like to complain about these things but if you indulge in them too much they move on to another more challenging player.

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>chivalry is dead
It's actually quite easy and comes natural to most MEN, but most modern day independent wymin refuse it

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Here's a thought: Those aren't complaints, they're desires.

Women don't want some soft boy, these are end times my friend. They want hunters, not gatherers.

>Literally less than 70 years ago most women couldn't even drive.
And that was a good thing

Good point, thanks Argentina bro.

You're white in my book.

Trips of truth

link to whole thing?