BREAKING: US preparing to withdraw troops from Afghanistan as part of tentative taliban peace deal

>The Pentagon is preparing to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan as part of a proposed peace deal with the Taliban, U.S. officials told Fox News Thursday.

>One official warned the withdrawal would be subject to the completion of any agreement. So far, no such deal has been finalized


>The Trump administration has undertaken eight rounds of negotiations with the Taliban, which controlled Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001, led by envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, the Afghan-born former U.S. ambassador to Kabul. Khalilzad has hinted that a peace agreement could be reached in the next round of talks, scheduled to be held in Qatar later this week.

>"In Doha, if the Taliban do their part, we will do ours, and conclude the agreement we have been working on," he tweeted Wednesday, adding that he was, "Wrapping up my most productive visit to #Afghanistan since I took this job as Special Rep."

Do the dems have any chance at all if trump ends the longest war in american history?

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It's one step closer to ending this fucked up chapter. Theres no reason for us to be there anymore. There was no reason for us to go there to begin with though.

Idk how dems can spin it as a bad thing

Didn't jesus himself threaten to wipe them out in revalations?

China is going in to Afghanistan
Screen cap this

W-what? Who's going to protect the crops?

Holy fucking shit, this is the most Jewish kikery I've seen since the creation of the federal reserve. I mean, you can't make this shit up
This tweet really epitomizes why Jews are revered as hypocritical lying rats tricking the dumb goim, playing with them like puppets.
Look at the comments too, holy shit man
>oy, I rememba dey had de mobile gas chambas!
> truly Christ, who called the Jewish people the spawn of Satan, would love and and the U.S. to protect Israel! Who is ofc innocent of all criticism what so ever and anyone who says otherwise is anti-Semitic
I fucking swear, Americans must be the dumbest fucking people on earth, how did we fall so fucking far into these parasites hands
I don't want to look like le edgy storm fag, but holy shit this is fucking retarded

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notice how little replies here?
shills dont like this


What a fucking waste of money and lives
We should have been able to beat the Taliban in 20 years but here we are having to negotiate with them.