>The Pentagon is preparing to withdraw thousands of troops from Afghanistan as part of a proposed peace deal with the Taliban, U.S. officials told Fox News Thursday.
>One official warned the withdrawal would be subject to the completion of any agreement. So far, no such deal has been finalized
>The Trump administration has undertaken eight rounds of negotiations with the Taliban, which controlled Afghanistan between 1996 and 2001, led by envoy Zalmay Khalilzad, the Afghan-born former U.S. ambassador to Kabul. Khalilzad has hinted that a peace agreement could be reached in the next round of talks, scheduled to be held in Qatar later this week.
>"In Doha, if the Taliban do their part, we will do ours, and conclude the agreement we have been working on," he tweeted Wednesday, adding that he was, "Wrapping up my most productive visit to #Afghanistan since I took this job as Special Rep."
Do the dems have any chance at all if trump ends the longest war in american history?
It's one step closer to ending this fucked up chapter. Theres no reason for us to be there anymore. There was no reason for us to go there to begin with though.
Idk how dems can spin it as a bad thing
Benjamin Kelly
Didn't jesus himself threaten to wipe them out in revalations?
Bentley Turner
China is going in to Afghanistan Screen cap this
Lucas Ward
W-what? Who's going to protect the crops?
Landon Ward
Holy fucking shit, this is the most Jewish kikery I've seen since the creation of the federal reserve. I mean, you can't make this shit up This tweet really epitomizes why Jews are revered as hypocritical lying rats tricking the dumb goim, playing with them like puppets. Look at the comments too, holy shit man >oy, I rememba dey had de mobile gas chambas! > truly Christ, who called the Jewish people the spawn of Satan, would love and and the U.S. to protect Israel! Who is ofc innocent of all criticism what so ever and anyone who says otherwise is anti-Semitic I fucking swear, Americans must be the dumbest fucking people on earth, how did we fall so fucking far into these parasites hands I don't want to look like le edgy storm fag, but holy shit this is fucking retarded
notice how little replies here? shills dont like this
Logan Bailey
Michael Wood
What a fucking waste of money and lives We should have been able to beat the Taliban in 20 years but here we are having to negotiate with them.
Jace Mitchell
Dude you know why America is supporting the Taliban right? Because they are anti iran. America is the king of backstabs and flipflops to get a favorable outcome and the Taliban will accept it because they will get really big guns and shit.
Jack Rodriguez
Jesus is the king of Poland not America so ask them.
Owen Morales
only way to beat a insurgency is wipe out everyone in the country mongol style, so yeah this is the next best thing i think most people wouldn't give a shit as long as the taliban stop being sand niggers and don't blow up ancient historical stuff
Adrian Brown
>European nazis are roving in mobile gas gangs in search of "Juden"
A couple years ago I'd has assumed that this was just shitposting. But with the level of clown world we're operating at right now I honestly can't tell anymore.
Parker Scott
I thought they don’t negotiate with terrorists? >too lazy to make your own tabouleh
Jackson Mitchell
>you have the watches we have the time
Madlad Taliban actually only went and did it.
Nathan Collins
Obviously we negotiate with terrorists. That's just neocon speak.
Nathaniel Gomez
>what about the progress made. >what about the little girls. let them go back to their ways, just more proof muslims can't be civlized >bring those poor muslim refugees to our country our problem is not Taliban. our problem is pink hairs
Nolan Thomas
>ends Zionist war. Well, it was nice having Donald trump as our president. It's time for him to get JFKilled now. pic related
Shit, what about the poppy fields? Fuck this captcha google tracking bs
Jaxson Kelly
Those are talking points user. The US administration will support the Taliban as a means to get at Iran.
Daniel Davis
he's rolling out the kushner peace plan
Jordan Diaz
The Taliban is interwoven into Pashtun culture in both Afghanistan & Pakistan. Every invading army throughout history has had to fight bands of Pashtun tribesmen, and more than a few times those invaders have been BTFO by them. You can't really get rid of them, killing millions wouldn't accomplish much because they'd come back after a generation because that's how it be.
Adam Clark
How many times they've withdrawn the troops from Iraq and Afghanistan and replaced them with PMCs.
Nathaniel Nguyen
I hope it works out in your favor what with all the money being spent in shifting sand land.
Ayden Hughes
Imagine being so desperate to appeal to the base you're hung out to dry for 4 years that you start sheepishly trying to achieve things you could have achieved years earlier.
Its too late. You've lost too many White people. The game is over. You lose.
Twitter needs to be shut down for the good of humanity.
Matthew Rogers
>ends zionist war >by having unnamed officials make a statement about maybe withdrawing troops from one region while actively sabre-rattling at israel's greatest threat in the region
>the largest most-aggressively funded military on the planet >at war with literal goat-fucking inbred mountain niggers for near 20 years >outcome: The insurgents effectively control around half the country and continue to carry out daily attacks on Afghan security forces. lel and people think the US White population couldn't topple this country in under 12 months...
Dems will always complain. A total withdraw last was shot down as it had no plan, even as every other draw down was planned and still ended horribly.
Angel Nelson
Jesus literally called them the children of Satan and promised to beat their ass during his second coming.
Mason Rivera
Taliban really aren't terrorists. They're basically a government of their own in a civil war with 2 sides.
Brody Cook
Not as simple as trump just saying 'okay pull out the troops'
There are rich, influential, and powerful people who wanted and still want, the war in afghanistan to continue. Doesn't matter if it's fucking retarded, they dumped money into it and they want a return on that. They'll even kill to get it.
That's the problem with dipshits like you when it comes to politics. You're a fucking naive retard who can't use an ounce of common sense. There's more people involved in all this shit than just Trump, and Trump doesn't have dictatorial powers - he has to negotiate and make deals with people who would get extremely violent if he didn't, and that's especially a problem when you've got a literal sword of democles hanging over your head thanks to mueller/democrats.
Even the king can get fucked in his own court if he can't get the right amount of support from those in it.
The fact that there's a peace deal being floated at all tells me that the US has essentially lost in Afghanistan and trying to push it further is untenable/too costly. Whoever wanted that shit is cutting their losses and that's letting some changes happen.
Whether it's good or bad for america we'll probably find out over the coming decade or two
Elijah Carter
the place should be glassed
Zachary Johnson
It's difficult to believe those replies from "Vicki whatever" are genuine
Good. The American public is tired of playing in the sandbox and wants to go home. Let them squabble amongst themselves like they have for the past 1000 years
Aiden Torres
Very bad idea. We need to fight Afghanistan there so we don't have to fight them here.
Caleb Robinson
No Jesus never defended Jews. Most Boomers never actually read the fucking Bible in the first place.
Nathaniel Ward
Then ban all muslims from entering. Problem solved.
Henry Jenkins
>US troops to pull out of Vietnam as part of peace deal with North Vietnam
Noah Young
When will US stop losing wars against people with rags and AKs?
Why beat the Taliban at all? Was no reason to be in Afghanistan originally either except wasting money. Taliban control more of the country now than before America started the war.
Charles Walker
You don't understand the power of rednecks in pickup trucks, but you will.
Brody Brown
>making peace with a terrorist group Jow Forums will defend this
The mutts fought goat herders for 20 years and couldn't ultimately defeat them. Does that count for losing 7 out of 8 crusades? Holy shit whites are bad at warfare
Lucas Ortiz
Will America EVER win a single war they start?
Wyatt Young
Dunno, we get bored and go kill shitskin Muslims. How'd the Yugoslav Wars work out for ya?
who funded these terrorist groups. read up on your history boyo. he's undoing years of american meddling
Nathaniel Martin
Americans are to warfare what niggers are to maths and science
Jace Myers
You're right, we just control the vast majority of the world with military might on a whim, I'd surely fear the day Brazile upraises.
Charles Garcia
Who is we? Americans don't control any of that.
Juan Brown
Shut up Canada, you bring nothing to any conversation.
Chase Cook
Connor Baker
I despise (((judeo-christians))) so much.
Austin Sanchez
You can stop lying.
The Mongols lowered the population so much in the Middle East, it took hundreds of years before their population bounched back.
Ethan Martin
Not really. You have military everywhere because nobody else is stupid enough to spend $800 billion per year on its army. And what good has that got you? Iran has pretty much taken over the middle east and you can't even defeat Pashtun goat herders.
Isaac White
I said it before and I meant it, random backwoods hillbilly's in a pick up truck are a major pain in the ass for even world class military forces.
You're just too stupid understand that, or disconnected from the strangers you hate.
Hudson Ortiz
This is cope.
Only people failing to take Afghanistan are whitebois with their pasty skin and bad strategies. Only the British, Russians and Americans failed. Iranians succeeded. Turks and Mongols Succeeded.
Hunter Bailey
This is why tulsi retardedly said trump supports al qaida
Connor Garcia
Alexander the Great conquered Afghanistan, Afghans even gave Alexander their royal princesses so he would stop tucking them up.
Landon Moore
The Russians tried to go full mongo on Afghanistan and failed miserably
it's an infeasible proposal and a reductionist fantasy.
Caleb Gonzalez
Life and war is not a Jewish Chuck Norris movie.
Lincoln Brown
Oh I understand it well. The lesson of 'winning hearts and minds' the USA should have learned in Vietnam but apparently you're a slow learner.
I'm Iranian we don't dabble in occupations because we learned these lessons long ago. We might be poorer but we have a much older military history to drawn upon
Andrew Watson
Could have been better, we still got republika Srpska, but tell me, how’s it going with the Bosnian and Kosovar peace loving freedom fighters massacring and raping your people in the streets right now, or are you more of a fan of pregnant women getting pushed before a train by your Albanian allies?
Dominic Perez
Its the American people’s fault - they dont have the stomach to really brutalize an area to exact our collective will. Sad really.
Jack Roberts
Afghanistan is known as the graveyard of empires.
Mason Thompson
But obama already (((ended))) the war.
Christian Mitchell
I don't mind anyone in their own country, never have, still don't.
What you've got mixed up is the nature of our wars, vietnam was a shitshow becuase half the country was hippies in protest. Nixon tried to pull us out but he was in the globohomo crosshairs.
Connor Reyes
only since the British. We (Iran) conquered Afghanistan in the 18th century and it was conquered numerous times before that. To conquer a country like Afghanistan you have to win the loyalty of its tribes
Lucas Rogers
That’s a meme. >conquered by Macedonians/Greeks >conquered by T*rks >conquered by Mongols >conquered by Timurids >conquered by Safavids
Logan Thomas
They did a pretty good job blowing your shithole to smithereens
Brayden Mitchell
Iran has conquered Afghanistan 4-5 times by my count
Aiden Scott
But it's still Afghanistan.
Chase Flores
however we are much the same race/culture. Afghans are more like the rustic version of Persians.
Persia was never homogenous. Iran is smaller than its ever been and its still a dozen languages and cultures. Parts break off whenever there's a crisis over the new Dynasty taking over. In terms of the Afghans, they broke off when the Afsharid Dynasty fell, they didn't support the victors, the Qajars, who they hated.
Half of Afghanistan basically speaks Persian, this doesn't happen without a long term being part of a singular empire
Brayden King
It's fake you gullible negros
Robert Sanders
Dunno, I've never even seen a gun outside family showing it to me. You realize my country can fit Europe in it?
Blake Campbell
Not that I mind, Iran is one of my favorite countries to play in grand strategy games. Middle of the world, never actually did anything, capacity for greatness they never reached...
Hey, why is that?
Sebastian King
A lot of people here pretending to know shit about Middle East, ya'll niggas better listen to Scott Horton if you really care being informed
Been leader in the world in terms of science and prosperity on a few occasions, the last time being in the 1200's before the Khan's depopulated the place. Since the 1200's the country has dealt with successive waves of depopulation events by nomads and the silk road going terminal, which was the economic lifeblood
Elijah Hill
Trump was absolutely right with his remarks about killing ten million people. I can't believe anyone gave him shit for that. He was right; that's what it would take to win a war in Afghanistan. He was absolutely right, and we're pulling out because finally someone in America has realized that.
Benjamin Flores
Should get out since not one person in Afghanistan was responsible for the US/Israeli 9/11 false flag. Imagine going to war over a hoax.
Elijah Lopez
immigrants. Every empire ever.
Camden James
Iran should be obliterated. It's a desert shithole full of sandniggers, I don't really see why that opinion would be controversial. Israel should obviously go too because it's also full of sandniggers. Jews = sandniggers. So can we just glass that entire part of the world already. It might seem monstrous now but the long term benefits are undeniable.
Grayson Walker
stupid thing to say. why would he even bother. Why not just claim the USA can be the only remaining country in the world if it wanted to, that would also technically be the truth with the amount of nukes it has
Jacob Gray
it's the biggest con in history
Jayden Torres
Your country is all immigrants.
The 'immigrants' that destroyed Iran had superior fighting methodology, and came to plunder and kill everyone.
David Rogers
Our's too, but for some reason we just give it to them.