Fat tax and fat hate thread

Do you think a proposition to have an obesity tax in the United States would help to remove our problem? Here's my thinking, I see endless hordes of fat black women, A LOT of whites, and it's even hitting the Asians. I propose a fat tax to stop this from happening. It will enconomically encourage better eating, encourage a healthier diet, and possibly get the fat people out of the scooters of Walmart. What do you think Jow Forums, do you think this would lead to a better America? Also, share your fat people horror stories if you'd like. You can also post people and we'll tell you if they'd get fined under the system. I personally believe we should start fining women at 36% and men at 31%.

Attached: Bodyfat ratios.jpg (480x458, 69K)

Now, since this thread does get comments asking about how to loose weight or questions at where they stand, here is a good calculator to use
http www calculatorpro com/calculator/us-navy-body-fat-calculator/
Now that being said, if you are seeking to loose weight please post
>Bodyfat percentage
>Ideal bodyfat Percentage
>How fast you want to get there (fast is diffuclt, medium is just that, slow means you take your time, I wouldn't recommend this however).
This also serves as a means of telling you how easy/hard it is to get into the system where you are no longer taxed. This might be a fat hate thread but it doesn't mean we don't want to see you guys get better.
Please note: Tits or GTFO rules don't apply because OP is asking gender

Attached: Body fat diagram.jpg (610x786, 131K)

in b4 a horde of morbidly obese incel slobs show up to start role playing as if they wouldn't be among the first of these bloated fucking pigs to get taxed

Im 39%

This is when they all become lolbertarians. They might be socialist later on, but tonight liberty is essential

You should consider loosing weight. You're not healthy. Would you like recommendations?

Why does 30% have the biggest bulge?

It doesn't, it must be an optical illusion

ah, so the OP is, in fact, a morbidly obese incel slob who is compensating for his pathetic, corpulent physique. no surprise there. kys asap, bloated pig bitch.

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sure lets hear it

Nigger I have a body fat percentage of 12% suck my dick

Do a thousand calorie cut. So use a calorie intake calculator, and whatever your base is cut that by 500 to 1,0000. From here go to the gym and do 3x8-10s, increasing in weight when you do all 3 sets 10 times. Do bench press, squats, and deadlifts if possible. Do bicep curls, shoulder presses, hammer curls, and rows. Cable crunches are essential gtooo. This should tone down your size pretty fast

You're also a manlet. Feeling proud?

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Not even close, nigger. I've already made it

Thanks for the info, user

You're welcome :)

Also, you're going to make it ;)

Tell me more rabbi.

Strive for excellence and settler for nothing less

Nice honeypot/datamining thread. This ain't fit. You're asking random people to give physically identifying information. Fuck you.

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Well guys, i'm going to get going to sleep. there was someone I was hoping would respond, from the previousthreat but i'm guessing they fell asleep. Goodnight guys! Also person if you found this, could you leave a contact thing if possible, or when you'll be on? If you do either or, could you do a timestamp so I know it's not one of these faggots LARPing? I enjoyed talking to you and was hoping we could have another conversation :)