Be me, moving in to new flat in Manchester

>be me, moving in to new flat in Manchester
>start moving stuff in, meet some of my neighbours, >all brown and Muslim, women all wear hijabs
>it's fine, they seem kind and considerate, I'll see past it
>11pm, head to bed ready to sleep for the first time in my new bed
>muslim neighbour upstairs starts his exercise routine, running around his flat for half an hour, loud as fuck and unbearable
>start banging on ceiling, neighbour ignores me and keeps running
>eventually manage to fall asleep at 2am, new bed is quite comfy
>5am: woken up by Muslim prayers
>open window, sound is coming from outside on a speaker from the local sports centre
>head out to complain, shit's all fenced off and only muslims are allowed in
>can't even throw rocks because the Muslims are hiding under a tent out of reach
>mfw 6:22am and the prayers are still going on, louder than ever

What do, Jow Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Enjoy prison for wrong think. You can ask your future cell-mates about this hateful wrong think, OP.

convert to islam and ride the arab bbc

Form a militia and beat up any muslim you find. They flee from war like the cowards they are, even if it's unarmed.

holy kek you guys have the 5am loudspeaker prayers in bongland? I thought that was only in eastern european slums

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Move again maybe?

Sounds like a typical day in Europe. I too listen to a call to prayer but earlier at about 4-5am, it's coming from 3km away

Embrace the multiculturalism.
Marry a towel head.
Have little towel head babies. Grow a beard.
Get radical. Maybe fight in a sand dune conflict or two later.

UK is a third world shithole literally the worst country I have ever been to!

Unless you want to go to prison I'd advise you to invest in some of these.

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Handle it like we used to

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get out of the city that's where the weirdos are

Never heard of doing background checks/researching through your neighborhood before you moved in? How long is your lease contract?

Those don't stop banging. it goes through the skull.

Source: my shithole neighbors have car door slamming competitions.

Expel the barbarians.

This, you have no choice but to become Muslim, you live in captured territory sorry OP

they control the police. the police control the populace.

>Living in a big city
You should move to a place like Norwich

Thankfully I took a bunch home from work

Why won't you accept that Islam is the future? You could be happy if only you weren't so selfish.

Emailing this to Manchester police right now. Have fun getting rehabilitated for thoughtcrime.

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I'm a student in Manchester, this was all I could afford


>be white male that doesn't hate himself or like muslims/niggers
>live in the west
That's where you fucked up, OP.
The culture of western countries have changed. It is not one where white men are expected to hate themselves, and treat themselves as second class citizens in every situation (except chads). If they don't they are racist/sexist/homophobic, etc, which is basically as bad as murder.

You either fit in with this culture, or you leave. Personally I went to Asia because the feminism in this country was absolutely killing me mentally. I can't stand a culture where most men are (happily) ruled by women. And hearing about how strong and independent they are every day, and how white men are shit, was crushing my soul.

Don't make the mistake of thinking there is a "silent majority" of white men who think like you. We are a minority. The average, pudgy, effeminate, unfit, beta white normie prefers it this way. Like a dog, he wakes up with a smile on his face and worships women as they boss him around all day. A pat on the head makes it all worthwhile for him.
There are armies of these creatures, and they will VICIOUSLY attack any white male that doesn't fall in line, and worship women (and consequently niggers/muslims) like they do.

In summary: you can fit in, or leave. But try to change it and you'll get a hate-speech criminal record, making it impossible for you to leave in the future.
Best of luck.

>It is not one
It is now one**

By the way, back in Australia on holiday. Live in Asia around 11 months of the year.
Come home once in a while to visit friends and family.

kiss it

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The only escape from airstrip one is death.

East Asia? Southeast Asia?
What do you find the average attitude of Asians toward white people to be?

Your perceived inconvenience is dangerous, OP. I'm sorry but we're going to have to remove you from the general populace for the safety of the citizenry. Enjoy your 60% muslim prisons.

I plan to move in with my girlfriend in China/Asia at some point, her Dad is fully loaded and wants to buy her a house close to home. We both hate niggers and Pakis so it seems like the best option right now, if only I could get a job there...


Buy a PA system and play Spice Girls at full volume at 5:01 am

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At least I'll get to meet Assange and Tommy, right?

Imagine having to wear these cuck-plugs.

am: woken up by Muslim prayers
>>open window, sound is coming from outside on a speaker from the local sports centre
>>head out to complain, shit's all fenced off and only muslims are allowed in
>>can't even throw rocks because the Muslims are hiding under a tent out of reach
>>mfw 6:22am and the prayers are still going on, louder than ever

holy shit move to america why the fuck would you spend another minute in saudi pakistan?

Wow. Thats how I know the US is 1000 times better than the UK. Maybe I just live in a nice area. But I would never move to any China or Asian country, maybe except Singapore, and think my life were better off. Is the UK that bad or are you being dramatic?

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> what do Jow Forums
You could go to another board and make up another shitty story

>be me
Who else would you be?

You are right. And I'm thinking of leaving Australia too. How have you found life as an expat in Asia? What do you do for work? How do the locals accept you? Any advice?

>holy shit move to america
user, we already have plenty of pajeets in the US.

Bwahaha. The absolute state of Bongland.
>Diversity is our strength.
Getchu some cultural enrichment... or you can legit wake up early and go running or workout. Make the best of it, bonganon. You faggots let this happen to yourself.

>just revert to islam bruv
>it worked for me

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If cuck were personified.

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>Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein...

I lived in Clitheroe for the last 13 months prior, 99% white and dead silent at night. It's just the cities here that are unbareable currently, but the Muslims are spreading outwards, for example a new mosque is being built in my home town where there are currently fuck all Muslims.

Britain is pretty much finished. I lived there up until a few months ago. White women are all racemixers now. The government is controlled by Muslims and Jews. It’s basically ground zero for the NWO.

It’s actually really depressing to see just how quickly the country has deteriorated since the 90s.

It's the champagne socialits living in gated white neighbourhoods that allowed this to happen, calling everyone like me islamophobic without ever having lived in a "culturally diverse area" (paki shithole).

Saudi funded, no doubt. Gulf states fund the construction of mosques in the West. People forget they see Islam as their primary export, not oil.

China. Very different to the picture Jow Forums paints, certainly, but also far from perfect.

The good:
>sweet, easy job
>girls love me as a tall, fit, 7/10 white guy, and tinder is like shooting fish in a barrel (once went a whole week banging a different girl every day - and they all weighed around 50kg - compared to the 70-80kg warpigs back home)
>extremely safe from violent crime - cameras everywhere so people know they'll get caught if they try mug you or attack you or whatever, but most chinese seem to be adverse to direct violence anyway - quite a passive group in general
>there is a general level of respect given towards whites: we're kinda treated like niggers are treated by white liberals back home, except it feels less patronizing, they don't think we're stupid - perhaps just excited at encountering a different culture that they don't normally meet
>convenience: cheap taxis, cheap delivery, etc.

The bad:
>Streets can smell really bad sometimes.
>Environment is shit, air quality not good (I'm a natural hermit though, so I hang out in either my apartment or gym when I'm not at work).
>Witnessed a chinese kid (about 3 or 4) taking a dump on the street while his parents cleaned it up
>Seen quite a few people doing that snort-spit on the street, that irritates me
>Internet crackdown is a pain in the ass, but I've had a vpn there for years and didn't have any problems from it
>only one year work visas, unless your job is quite important, then you can get a 3 year one.
>As a white person, you will always be an outsider - but as far as I'm concerned, it's better to be an outsider among foreigners, than an outsider among your own group because you don't hate yourself and love nogs/slimes/worship women.
>while they will always be polite to your face, chinese will mutter about you behind your back - still, better than going home and hearing: "white males need to perish" all day long.

Prosecute the landlord

Make a video of it

Final bad point:
While I hope I can stay there forever, there is a good chance that in the future I'll have to leave - if they decide they don't want foreigners working there anymore or whatever. In which case I guess I would try either Thailand or Singapore.... but I think it's tougher to get a good job in these places for a foreigner.

Sounds terrible. What a sad thing to happen. I have always wanted to travel there, but from the sound of things it may not be worth it.

I mean its been lighting quick. Exponential. This world is absolutely crazy. Clown world, indeed.

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Convert and demand gibs?

Da fuck? Do Arabs not sleep?

Imagine capitulating to shitskins.

lmao i feel bad for you if that happened in my town in a fucking blue state shit would go down. Granted its a midwest blue state IL, people in America take matters into their own hands. Young kids who are bored will fuck people up because you disrespected them, now imagine waking up a bunch of angry white youths who are bored on a saturday at 6am. I know by fact my buddy who burned down a ranch one time and almost went to prison would go fucking insane.

They started praying at sunrise, 7:12am now and they're still going.

>implying they have a job to go to

Stream it cuck also film what's going on so people can know how things are.

we will rise again user, we always do its why they fear us and do everything they can to stop us

This is what you bongs get for giving up your freedom to your retarded government. The Muslims have overtaken your country and there's nothing you can do about it.

did you even walk around the block once before signing a lease?

>give us your location so we can report you to the authorities

My upload speed is too shit for a stream, I'm trying to upload a clip to my Google drive atm

why dont you get a vehicle with subs in it and blast hedonistic music? OR are you bongs so sucked you cant even drive around with loud ass speakers?

can you see the speaker? could you burn the wires with a laser?

Take out the speaker

They do, it's called terrorism.

the police would 100% arrest him, search his computer, find Jow Forums in his history and charge him with a hate crime based on that alone.

You won't be able to see an exact location from a stream unless they stick it out the window and film landmarks like a retard

>living in a large city and having shit internet

Well it's good you make a video to show how things are.

Its probably muhamed ramadingdong week again..

some autist will see a contrail from an airplane and 100% deduce the location based on that and the time of day.

fucking hell. no wonder they took your guns first. my condolences man, i'd lose my shit in 5 minutes.


Went once recently. Never again. From what I seen that place is completely colonised. I saw about 10 White people tops. Shitskins everywhere. Truly dystopian.

That sucks, good luck on moving away from there because that would drive me crazy.


file a noise complaint
youre welcome

The absolute state. At least spics are catholic.

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Cook bacon a lot. Stink up the place

Arson at 4am!

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They likely already have an agreement from the local council to do this so filing a complaint would do fuck all. Though if they are doing it at 5am then you could possibly be able to file a complaint.

pretty sure i remember some people getting in a lot of trouble for doing just that.

I know how you feel bro.

worst part for me is I TRIED to report them to the police for a noise disruption. the man basically looked right at me and said 'you can't report them for following their beliefs.

One of the policeman in the station even said to me (and he was brown of course)

>if you are waking up at that time bro why not just go to Mosque? you have insomnia because you are atheist. it has been shown that dreams are the visits of angels.

i just nodded and said 'Oh haha I didn't know that, I'll try and get to Mosque in future'. fuck sake.

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The absolute state of the UK

>allahu akbar
>aaaallllaaahhhuuu akkbbaarr
>repeat 1000 times
Enjoy living in a shithole, bongs

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>i just nodded and said 'Oh haha I didn't know that, I'll try and get to Mosque in future

What the fuck is wrong with anglos?

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Mfw I only have one apartment below me and one apartment to the side of me.

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>>repeat 1000 times

More like 100,000

if he said anything else they probably would have arrested him or at least given him a ticket.

sure, go to a mosque, user...take some molotovs with you!

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>am*rican projecting his sexual pathology about black men onto smelly arab manlets

Buy noise cancelling headphones
file a noise complaint

Sounds monocultural.
Bring diversity and inclusion.

Norwich is a student city, the poz has got there too. Anywhere else in Norfolk is fine (the east as a whole is underrated) but stay out of Norwich

How did you do that?

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We're better demographically, but it's compounded by three things
>Lack of space. In the US there's plenty of places to white flight to, a luxury we don't have
>State repression. Americans can voice their opposition to it, and while they face doxing and financial ruination, they won't go to prison for it
>Economics. If Britain was a US state, it would be the second or third poorest, and there isn't a political issue in the world that poverty won't make worse