At some point in your life, you realized our system isn't working. What made you go right instead of left...

At some point in your life, you realized our system isn't working. What made you go right instead of left? We're you ever left wing?

And I mean the real left that wants to empower workers, not the neoliberal Clinton "left".

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Other urls found in this thread:

Jow Forums is a National Socialist board.

>And I mean the real left that wants to empower workers
National Socialism? How is that ''the left?'' Is this another one of those boomer ''Nazis are the REAL leftists!!!'' shitpost?
National Socialists are not leftists.

>system doesn't work
>expand that system!
>system not only doesn't work, but is now bloated
>system collapses

or you can fight that and go right, and prevent all the bullshit along the way.

It makes logical sense to go right instead of left, and anyone that goes left is trying to solve being overweight by way of force feeding and becoming morbidly obese.

Empowering workers should be an oxymoron.

>leftist democracy is broken, so let's switch to FULL leftist domination!
Yeah nah, east shit Rothschild-sponsored commie.

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>Jow Forums is a national socialist board
Didn't knew Nazis would take Trump refugees though.

Because the left/right dichotomy is a false dichotomy used to give an illusion of choice.

Y'all some silly faggots if you think our current neoliberal capitalist system is a leftists system in any way.

All Nazis are larping faggots who rage post on Jow Forums to vent their daily frustrations. The white ones are just lucky, most are mutts, and none have contributed a single ounce of “greatness” to the white race.

Roman Catholic Monarchy is the only way. Anti corruption. Christian values. Unity. And no more Jews.

We have all the same goals, stormfags. Join us in Christ and great holy monarchy.

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communiggers can't meme

it isn't foundationaly "leftist" however it has the bloated bureaucracy of a burgeoning leftist nature.
neoliberalism IS leftism by the way. what we have is not capitalism either, it is condoned government enforced oligopoly.

Capitalism by its nature devolves into oligopoly. Did you fall for the libertarian meme of dismissing critiques of capitalism by blaming "crony capitalism"?

did you fall for the globalhomo bullshit of capitalism by nature devolves into oligopoly?

yup, you sure did. Notice the qualifier, STATE enforced.

During the war on drugs I was against locking people up for pot. If I gave a fuck back then I guess I was and still sort of am libertarian. Like leave me the fuck alone and civil servants are not rockstar type. I think the human race is too stupid and corrupt to commune, unless of course you are all alike, like Asians. I can't handle politicians in office for decades. And that the liberal ideology seems like every pervert I ever met, I lean Republican. Not the McCain type, the Clinton type w a heap of Donald mixed in. AOC has some points on wtf why have you been in Congress for 40 years. But other than that, she runs w Tlaib and she hates my Country.

>you realized our system isn't working
Maybe it's just not working for you poorfag.

Most young people are naturally optimist and liberal. Life experience will move them to libertarianism

I thought everyone was going to say it was easier to go right because someone else will do my thinking for me.

Nice try Canada. Right? Right!
Never go left to la entitlement

I was watching a bunch of jeff sharlet videos because of the netflex move the family.
anyway in the middle of one he talked about after the soviet union fell republicans needed a new cause to keep the cult together. they decided they needed an new enemy everyone could rally against. the gay man or the muslims. it didn't matter they'd sacrifice either for the cause. that's how the right thinks.

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Ah yes, quite similar to a sheep
>like you

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you gotta have a threat

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A lot of people start off sort of left wing libertarian before going full natsoc. The reality of race is a game changer.

>what made you go right instead of left
the fact that i want food and not to starve under jewish bolshevik tyranny.
i mean just look at ww2. germans were far better off than the people in ukraine and russia.

When I read Keynes in university and realized how much of propagandists keynsians fuckers are for central bank takeover.

Commies are useful idiots in that takeover.

>still thinks left vs right

the 1-dimensional left vs right is reddit tier idiocy

listen, the neoliberals you hate or nazis aren't inherently right-wing, they aren't inherently left-wing. no group can easily be described like this. it's always complicated than that.

neoliberals are more similar to libertarians than anything, being pro-business, just with more government collusion with business. culturally they're moderate, but with an increase in being complete cultural marxists, now that they've started taking over. (though communists will pretend that they're still evil conservatives on the social issues but then complain that they don't focus on economic issues when they started to takeover the lgbtq/fuck whitey scene)

nazis are socially pro-ethnicity, pro-family; socially conservative yes, though not the milquetoast boomer american christian universalist conservative. economically they're somewhat in the center (anti big business, anti banker), but not against private business and property

Why am I what you call "right wing"?

Because the entire false capitalist/communist dichotomy is just a debate over how you should worship money. True meaning and value comes from the health of the people, and the values of its individuals, not meaningless debates about private property or collectivism. to be fair, I respect the original communists for not continuing the original cultural marxist trend, but it has too much focus on political theory and placement of the state opposed to the people.

I was once in this boat, I think most people were until they saw threw the delusions. me, like many, went through the 2008 crash, saw the huge debate between the left and libetarians, then saw the next debate between the twitter leftists and the "redpilled" crowd (though most of this group are just boomer zion don shills). None of it actually matters. all that matters is the health of yourself and the people who are close to you.

>the fact that i want food and not to starve
so the US state department controlled your thoughts
i see
A common story.

Pragmatically I support trump just because he’s the only candidate remotely opposing immigration and promoting white identity (called out some chimp for hating whites, gave it capital W too. Can’t remember the last time a president did that)

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>bolshevik tyranny
the right has some king of cognitive disorder. the 1% has hijacked the government for their own self interests. but he republican voters vote for tax cuts for the 1% and cuts for themselves and neighbours.
reverse commie

what happens in 2 years or 8 years?
the 1% will still want more immigration and trump will be gone

I'm all for it, but where is the king?
And don't say stupid shit like 'Me', or some commoner, who are you or these people, nobodies from a line of farmers and peasants.

Some noble house has to stand up and claim to be king, then larpers will follow and fight

and if you had a king you wouldn't have to think for yourself anymore

At the end of the day, I genuinely hate niggers. I have 1 black gay friend that’s genuinely pretty alright. Nigger is so hard he doesn’t even fuck with LGBT “foolishness” as he calls it. Other is a half black mutt that you can say nigger in front of and he doesn’t give a fuck. Don’t fully trust em yet; but he seems ok. I don’t see Jamal (gay nigger, and ironically his real name) as a threat because he isn’t putting his genes into reproduction anyway.
When I was a child, my parents hated niggers, and were conservative from the south. As a child in school, the teachers taught us that everyone was equal. I bought into it, and treated everyone the same (still so to their faces). As I grew older, I began to hate blacks more and more and more. The shit you see when they’re everywhere makes you hate the dirt they walk on sometimes. Honestly, idk much about communism or national socialism, but I’ll tell you this. At some point, we hit a point where democracy stopped working. That moment was when the left went very far left, and started saying the most extreme bullshit imaginable and clown world began. It wasn’t until recently when I decided I wanted to save Asia from falling for the same fate that I went full on Nazi ideology (I’m terms of racial superiority). I don’t know where I fall, but I see Asia as sort of a time machine. It’s a place that’s free of all the bullshit here in the West. I want to basically make Asia hate the browns, and blacks, while making them feel racial superiority along with whites. Basically keep Asia Asian, while making them think whites need to be liberated. It’ll be difficult; hell, nearly impossible. But if I can achieve that.. boy, at least the world would go down not black or brown.

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Left and Right wing is pretty bullshit. Its more like the right wing is regular society, the left are blind utopians, and they both exist on a gradient of how centralized and abusive you want to let the authority be.

The fundamental issue of all states is the centralization of authority over time where power corrupts and begets more power. Marx's criticism of capitalism is valid, but he's explicitly criticizing the underlying natural abuse of power that manifests in not just the capitalist state, but ALL states that become subject to human flaws and greed over time to support a powerful interconnected class that keeps themselves in power. And his utopian blindness of the true cause of the abuses he attributed to capitalism that resulted in the creation of dozens of "marxist" states that are indistinguishable from the worst stages of capitalism where an abusive class of administrators, the "party", and the military monopolized and abuse the resources given to them just like a capitalist or fascist state where the most manipulative murderer becomes the head to "represent" the people. Putting "of the people" on fascism doesn't make it of the people.

And so you think "oh user, you must be an anarchist or a libertarian", to which I say no. Anarchy is subject to the same exact rules as a giant authoritarian state. Whether its a nation of ten million or ten, you will see the order be abused, centralized, and expand in scope to serve the abusers until anarchy becomes unified into a new totalitarian state. Its happened in literally every instance of anarchy. Cults of personality, opportunists, and the "strong" overpowering the weak. And you can't erase that human tendency with utopianism. You can go the way of cultural socialism and erase cultural ideas like women are sex objects and blacks are lesser and we're all the same but you will still end up with a society where some people are still brighter, stronger, and luckier and they will use that advantage.

I agree with the first paragraph, the second one is retarded, at one point I went from fascism to a nazbol back to fascism, and then again to libertarian conservative then back to fascism, I'm open about my beliefs. The third paragraph is retarded as well as national socialist Germany accept many beliefs, what they didn't tolerate was anything leftish because leftish shit is fucking cancer.


you think you'll be a winner in a fascist society?

if we go into socialism, I won't have to think for myself as the party will do all the thinking, the party being composed of corrupt jews and their perverted blackmail ring associates.

If we stay in democracy, I can still think for myself but my people will die and I will be more and more silenced so thinking but without a voice is how I will be left.

If we go into fascism, a leader will do the thinking for me, but he will very likely become corrupted as fuck because he is a commoner from a line of mountain farmers who never tasted power or wealth before. He will go crazy on meth and megalomania.

So with all this honk and despair and different flavors of dogshit, why not try to have a noble person of your own people be the leader, spiritually and physically? Crowned by the pope, blessed by god, born into our noblest of lines (who hopefully care about who they breed with, only the best most healthy most intelligent people). That's the person who you follow in this honked world, because if you don't you will be forced to follow some shifty jew, thief, scam artist, freemasonic pedophile and your soul will slowly die under such 'leadership', your people anyway

Of course I was left wing as a teen, most people were. If you’re only scratching the surface of politics and you don’t understand the ins and outs of it then left wing positions just seem to be common sense and compassionate. I quickly swung right as I learned more about politics but I imagine that if I didn’t bother educating myself I’d still be left wing to this day.
Maybe then I wouldn’t have the problem of alienating everyone I know who isn’t as learned as I by making them assume I’m cruel and heartless for not being a lefty.

if you have the same 1% running things it won't matter what you call the ideology

all power to the soviets

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Leftist policy does not empower workers.

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you think you'll be a winner in a capitalist society? I'm not winning in a society where the 1% is getting richer and the 99% are getting poorer.

Exactly, someone will always mold you, it depends on who that is.

the real problem is the 1% isn't going to give up there power/ privilege easily. so it doesn't matter. most of the problems have very simple solutions but that won't be allowed as long as the 1% have all the power band can buy the politicians.

in capitalism, socialism you have very similar people being the 1%, criminals and corrupt thieves from a long line of former ghetto bandits.
In an enlightened monarchy, the 1% will be very different people, men and women from our best stock, most intelligent stock, raised from birth to knowledge, wisdom and beauty, their honor and fate being bound to their realm, blood and people. At least for the first 1000 years before inbreeding possibly kicks into their pure bloodlines, then shit is fucked

you're not going convince me that monarchy is the answer. what if the king goes insane?

>empower workers
the last people i want to empower, those retarded crass blue collar idiots. they are slave material

you don't go insane over night, the wise king will abdicate if he knows he has alzheimers and shit will only get worse, then his son will take over.
King's abdicated all the time in favor of their heirs, even today, except the english queen but whatever she's still fit

My problem with monarchy is that the 1% becomes spoiled and corrupt, sure, the first generations are ok, but soon enough the money goes to there heads.

>What made you go right instead of left?
Progressivism: PC culture, feminism, etc.

We're you ever left wing?

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I could word for word you, its just unfortunate that at certain points along the way, libertarianism does create, though indirectly and more slowly, the grounds for the festering rot to grow. Its a cope I cant cope with now as im at an end, having gone from one end to the other.

Just violently revolt and murder your ruler every few generations. That helps with the corruption and gives a fun sport at the same time.

The 1% power and privilege is build on the back of the 99%, the 99% just needs to stop working for the system and stop giving the 1% money,
but If only the world was that simple.

>men and women from our best stock, most intelligent stock, raised from birth to knowledge, wisdom and beauty, their honor and fate being bound to their realm, blood and people.
Why don't we just extend the policy to the populace? Then you would have a majority of people like this.

maybe people should stop voting and giving them legitimacy.

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>Just violently revolt and murder your ruler every few generations.
Yea, sound like a sable society that will last very long.

yeah that's a problem that must be tackled, maybe with a constitution that goes hand in hand with the monarchy and other ways (religion) to keep them from going apeshit.

So let's get this straigh, in monarchy the corruption seeps in over hundreds of years possibly a millenium to completion until you have the gaudy inbred motherfuckers in charge. Boom.
But in our capitalism and socialism you have the insta corruption, because naturally the leaders, former sewer rats, can only be corrupted by all this power in the first nano second they touch it.

That being said, I think the USA was a good effort to have a moral republic without a monarch. But as you can see today it has been gamed to death and soon belongs to new masters, either neo socialists or corporations, the spirit of freedom being dead the founding fathers only a silent face in stone, dead.

We tried today but failed. giving common people an education, health care, a sense of fashion and dignity etc. now look at our people today. It has been gamed and now we're becoming muttified, mongrelized, our IQ drops every year, our dignity drops every year, our fashion and sense of beauty gets inverted. This is not it.

You will just get the usual "whay about my rights?" ,anyways, your message depends on getting out there by going thro platforms owned by the 1%, they won't have it.
Don't worry tho, the 1% is sitting on a house of cards, society will clasp soon, maybe it will be the US debt, or the increasing socks on politics around the world, God if I know.

>increasing socks on politics around the world
*increasing divide on politics around the world

Leftism does what rightism can't
>"God is on your side? Is he a conservative? The devil is on my side, and he's a good communist"

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Micheal hastings is dead anons ((they)) are killing army personal

and there are alot of "suisides"

this is getting bad bros
Please be safe people are killing Q army
((They)) are angry as fuck

why are they stepping up the killing and if they have so much contorl when why is everyone on Jow Forums on a watchlist

too many anons are still asleep
what got them alarmed?
now there are many dead

conspricy therists have been labeled a terrorist threat , that have label pizzia gaters a threat thay have labeled a presdent a terrorist

they are insane
the house of cards is falling down even faster then predicted

The Panic
the agression is up higher then at anytime in history

attacks on chrsitains is increasing

sat*nism is under attack across the globe

THEY are losing control

Even the AI has reportly killed some of its creators

The children of god and his army are here

the tradewar has stepped up and hurting even more countries

this is how the end of the system plays out
what is happening america why are you failing to fight off the darkness of evil because your turning on god and her people

please stop this madness please, you're hurting your people. SEE reason.

about 1/2 the eligible voters in the us vote.
what would happen if it fell to a 30%. it be hard to claim legitimacy,.
the politicians were bitching about madruo in venezuela. how could they say it's ok if hardly no one votes here?

I went left untill I realised that people weren't equal and saw the crazy shit the post-modern tumblrites were doing.

The majority will never be like that. Education beyond basic and professional is wasted on vast majority of people. There will always be 1%, the only difference you can make is how that 1% is selected and what its relation to the rest of society is. I'm not saying we shouldn't all strive to become better, but allowing subversive nepotists or those at the bottom of the hierarchy to rule is a recipe for long term disaster.

this is what would eventually happen anyway.
people see it doesn't make any difference if you vote or not. the 1% aleays gets what they and everyone else loses

he 1% always gets what they want and everyone else loses

why bother?

>We tried today but failed
No, we just thrown money at people and not make them do anything of there own, rights and duties as your ancestors used to say. hardships is what makes a man better, to make a sword is must go through fire.
>So let's get this straigh, in monarchy the corruption seeps in over hundreds of years possibly a millenium to completion until you have the gaudy inbred motherfuckers in charge. Boom.
But in our capitalism and socialism you have the insta corruption, because naturally the leaders, former sewer rats, can only be corrupted by all this power in the first nano second they touch it.
I would agree which is why I think monarchy can be a better system then most. I just think that meritocracy and sharpening the populace instead of select few is better.
I got to go now as I'm fucking sleepy, bye comrade.

>But in our capitalism and socialism you have the insta corruption, because naturally the leaders, former sewer rats, can only be corrupted by all this power in the first nano second they touch it.
*>>But in our capitalism and socialism you have the insta corruption, because naturally the leaders, former sewer rats, can only be corrupted by all this power in the first nano second they touch it.


If you think the left is about loving refugees and degeneracy, congrats you've been manipulated

The left isn't bad in itself, NS is socialism.
But the left + cosmopolitism is the worse thing

even the ndp are starting to sound like they're asking the 1% for permission.
if no one votes the opinions of the 1% won't matter either

Agreed, but I think the majority can be a lot better then now. Most education talks about how evil the white man is, no wonder the final product is shit. I think the ideal should be as pure as possible, but as you said, "The majority will never be like that." But we should try to strive as close to that, Healthy people of mind, body, and spirit.

Capitalism creates extremes of losers (human potential) and unreasonably wealthy individuals. Communism does the same. Besides Sovereign central banking debts can never be paid off, without debt jubilees and this unfairly is levied on the backs of the working poor.

I want a Resource economy.
I want to contribute to society.
I want to help others.
I want to ensure peace, safety, and enough to meet everyone's needs.
I don't want kids making footwear for 2cents an hour in Cambodia for Nike profits.
I don't want F-35, while kids can't afford medicine or go to school.

Of course none of this is possible right now because of human nature, and the drive to coalesce power and resources.

I started out as a leftist. Spent all of college being super progressive. Then I realized that the left and their brown golems hate me for being white and don't care if I'm intellectually and spiritually superior, because all that means to them is that I'm not allowed to have a job.

Fuck the left and fuck brown people.

NS is truly revolutionary, as it's impossible to put it on the left of the right, it's outside of it.

Ok, I actually have to go to sleep.

we need to come up with some anti voting memes.

voting is a waste of time
2 factions of the 1% party
voting is useless ect

I began researching the docrtine of marxism, how it's implemented, who is implementing it. Marxism is a movement jewish in thought and method. Further reading upon what they actually do once they attain power is to enrich themselves at the expense of non jews until they are themselves purged or they retain power and continue to canabalize the nation they are in charge of, just like their capitalist brethren do under the capitalist system. So in turn what do the capitalist jews and marxist jews fear the most and spend their time crying about coming back.

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looks like people have already thought of it

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is this is the right wing version of not REAL socialism

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Kulaks caused the famine

They also deserved what they got

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The left and the right are fuzzy and changeable notions, one can be both at the same time.
But we can in any case say that NS are nationalists, and socialists

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God damn it, there's a difference between Marxist Socialism and national socialism.

All people have to do is nothing, and this corrupt system would collapse. But people love thinking they have a little piece of power and act like their vote is doing something for their lives, when it's not.

We live in a time, where most things can be automated, all that is left is the service sector. To me, there's no greater calling that serving my fellow man, woman or child. We are all children of 'god' even if you don't believe in such, we are all of one species. I love to see a Resource Economy, but at the moment I'd settle for more economic fairness - this is the real arbiter of a 'fair progressive society', not tranny rights.

Human avarice and lack of empathy are two extremes that seem to be getting worse. When humanity have bridged this and separated wants from needs, and have a fervent desire for the best of others in additional to ourselves, then we can move forward.

Billionaires should kill themselves.
They have more than enough for a 1000 lifetimes.
In Myamar $50 can feed a whole villiage for a week.


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