Gillette loses $8,000,000,000!


>Gillette CEO: $8 billion loss is 'price worth paying' over #MeToo campaign
Gillette CEO Gary Coombe said he does not regret his company's controversial marketing campaign targeted at the #MeToo movement even though the company has taken an $8 billion hit. Coombe admitted #MeToo ad the company put out in January was a ploy to capture market share among millennials, a space in which they were losing market share to Harry's and Dollar Shave Club.

Coombe admitted the work ended up to be more controversial with more "intense" backlash then he originally anticipated but said it was "less provocative" than other versions they had created. "I don’t enjoy that some people were offended by the film and upset at the brand as a consequence. That’s not nice and goes against every ounce of training I’ve had in this industry over a third of a century," he said. "But I am absolutely of the view now that for the majority of people to fall more deeply in love with today’s brands you have to risk upsetting a small minority and that’s what we’ve done."

Attached: e92.jpg (743x367, 27K)

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>upsetting small minority
nazis are small minority now?

These cucked companies going under is a price worth paying.

Lets give them another close shave

>"But I am absolutely of the view now that for the majority of people to fall more deeply in love with today’s brands you have to risk upsetting a small minority and that’s what we’ve done."

They Pissed off the Majority in favour of a vocal minority.

>capture market share among millennials, a space in which they were losing market share to Harry's and Dollar Shave Club.
>I know, to compete with companies beating us on value we'll make an advert about how woke we are.

Is it boomer inability to connect with those dang 30 year old kids or just a kike scheme?

In fact why not both.

explain in 10 seconds or less why i should care

based. keep spreading boycott memes

>X lost $YYYYY because Z specifically!
No they didn't.

bought this bad boy right after the ad came out, fuck their over priced soi razors.

Attached: kirkland triple blade.jpg (680x680, 40K)