>Gillette CEO: $8 billion loss is 'price worth paying' over #MeToo campaign Gillette CEO Gary Coombe said he does not regret his company's controversial marketing campaign targeted at the #MeToo movement even though the company has taken an $8 billion hit. Coombe admitted #MeToo ad the company put out in January was a ploy to capture market share among millennials, a space in which they were losing market share to Harry's and Dollar Shave Club.
Coombe admitted the work ended up to be more controversial with more "intense" backlash then he originally anticipated but said it was "less provocative" than other versions they had created. "I don’t enjoy that some people were offended by the film and upset at the brand as a consequence. That’s not nice and goes against every ounce of training I’ve had in this industry over a third of a century," he said. "But I am absolutely of the view now that for the majority of people to fall more deeply in love with today’s brands you have to risk upsetting a small minority and that’s what we’ve done."
>upsetting small minority nazis are small minority now?
Connor Brooks
These cucked companies going under is a price worth paying.
Evan Wood
Lets give them another close shave
Jace King
>"But I am absolutely of the view now that for the majority of people to fall more deeply in love with today’s brands you have to risk upsetting a small minority and that’s what we’ve done."
They Pissed off the Majority in favour of a vocal minority.
Ryan Walker
>capture market share among millennials, a space in which they were losing market share to Harry's and Dollar Shave Club. >I know, to compete with companies beating us on value we'll make an advert about how woke we are.
Is it boomer inability to connect with those dang 30 year old kids or just a kike scheme?
In fact why not both.
Jason Wood
explain in 10 seconds or less why i should care
Kayden Campbell
based. keep spreading boycott memes
Lucas Baker
>X lost $YYYYY because Z specifically! No they didn't.
Jace Edwards
bought this bad boy right after the ad came out, fuck their over priced soi razors.
>Numale beards >Dollar shave club >Hipster olde blades >Woke commercial What a smart timing!
Isaiah Baker
It's amazing how extreme and far-left corporations have shifted in the last 10 years, compare that campaign with what they used to do not long ago youtube.com/watch?v=ThDBf14qPsc
David Reyes
They were losing market share because their razors are too fucking overpriced.
If they have to keep their product behind glass in the stores so **whypipo** won't steal it, there's a problem.
Xavier Ortiz
Had a good wheeze at this. I think some woke roastie ad consultant had her pierced and tattooed split-ass punted over the fence.
>I don’t enjoy that some people were offended by the film and upset at the brand as a consequence. Don't these ignorant peasants know what's good for them?
He's probably been losing market share for a while now, and this is just an ironic psyop media campaign to shift the blame on consumers being literal nazis
Charles Morales
100% white too
Aiden James
>Small minority >$8,000,000,000 in lost value Okay. Good thing I never buy anything Gillette.
Owen Cox
When this commercial came out I ran in a panic to the bathroom and realized I had Bic razors and sighed out loud and have been happy since.
Nolan Powell
>Fall in love with today's brands Fucking goddam marketing pile of shit. What a faggot, holy fuck
Nathan Murphy
What a stupid bitch. Millennials don't grow a beard and soi bois don't shave it. Keep losing money, filthy jews. I broke my gellett razor right after that nigger cuck faggot add and never buy it. Bik is better. Fuck off old demon cunt!
Nolan Martinez
>CEO specifically says company lost money because of X >Meme flag shill says nuh-uh! Change your VPN Moshe.
Good. I stopped buying all their products after that 'toxic masculinity' tranny fag bullshit. I guess other people did the same.
Parker Cox
>buying razors from companies whose entire business model revolves around the blades going blunt and being replaced repeatedly These pieces of shit may as well be made out of aluminum foil for all the good they are. The barely last a week with moderate usage
Jace Clark
>That’s not nice and goes against every ounce of training I’ve had in this industry over a third of a century, this is an odd statement. what is he even talking about here? does he mean that he expected the ad to go over well, because he learned in his "training" that consumers want to see blatant left-wing propaganda?
Imagine not buying something because the advertisment hurt your feelings
Jonathan Long
>Expensive razors >How do we reach millennials drowning in student debt and working shit low paying jobs? >We could lower our prices or we could push identity politics Hmmm...
Kayden Brown
Cunt was talking about straight white men. In her brainlet world we are.
Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the CEOs job to ensure growing profits and not make decisions on saying 8 min acceptable amount of loss for a bad as campaign ?
>Just sell your fucking razors No no...see..he's explaining why he CANT DO THAT. At the whopping cost of 8 BILLION DOLLARS. > you have to risk upsetting a small minority Yea....you just gotta. I mean...
Ryan Sanchez
I never bought their stupid over priced bullshit, Costco is all you need in your life
The vocal minority controls their worldview and infests their marketing departments. No shit they thought it was a good idea.
But, these faggots will not even wise up and purge the Corp activists
Jose Nguyen
>2488 Added 10 more words?
Grayson Hughes
This fucking kike has no idea what's in store. The jig is up. There are far better deals from shaving cream and razor companies such as barbasol and dollar shave club. Also, some men have opted out to just upgrade to electric razors such as the Philips norelco one-blade (which I highly recommend). Game over Prostate and Gambled.
Aaron Bailey
How the fuck does a small minority of your customers make you lose eight billion dollars?
Caleb White
White's are the small minority lmao
Liam Williams
>it's the customers fault that our products are 3 times as much for the same exact thing.
Tyler Sullivan
how do you lose 8 billion and not go under
Austin Powell
Activist CEOs should be in prison. Their primary obligation is to protect and be good stewards of the investment made to the company to gain a profit.
Caleb Williams
I thought based boy don't use razr blade to shave their pubic hair
Chase Gutierrez
Is that a red dot on french flag
Elijah Mitchell
How can the C level even be activists? They must recognize at that point they are no longer in the business of selling razors if they are trying to push their crap
Jack Stewart
Gillette just needs to hire me to make a commercial. I'd have a cowboy ride up on a horse, and pick up a stranded Mexican senorita, and throwing her over his horse only to then spank her viciously as they rode forward as the music played. And then he would shove baked beans into her mouth and then he'd forcefully make PG rated love to her as the Gillette brand showed.
Anthony Sanders
How do the go shaving your balls?
Thomas Clark
>Not using based philips trimmer.
Jose Torres
Denial. It was a massive mistake and he's just coping. Feels good knowing I contributed to this
Jace Bell
Does that mean nazis are being oppressed because they're a minority? Can nazis no longer be racists, because according to blacks only those who have power and are the oppressors can be racist.
Getting their, but I live outside of Portland next to their world headquarters, and can go to their employee store. 50-75% off everything they make.
Henry Cook
Wow so those videos they put out were the "watered down" versions.
Jesus hate to think what the other videos were like.
Jeremiah Morgan
He's like a little penis man.
Robert Robinson
The whole #metoo thing isn't responsible, it's men with beards. With shit like dollar shave club Gillette's whole business model is a scam anyway. They should've never been valued as high as they were.
Adam Richardson
>Gillette loses $8,000,000,000! Not enough. Until somebody shot their high ranking executives in the street (in a Minecraft street of course) this is not over.
Jack Reyes
Anthony Campbell
>Jesus hate to think what the other videos were like. They had to take out the parts with dads busting up their screaming kids with belts as the mom tries to grab his arm. And then another shot of a man getting angry when his wife ties to stop him drinking again and he hits her and slow motion blood flies. I bet money it was stuff like that.
Brandon Scott
there's a nigger at 0:49 you fucking leaf
Jason Bailey
Can't wait to see Coombe stepping down. Read it here first!
Thomas Campbell
>Imagine voting with your dollars
Parker Phillips
Imagine thinking people would continue buying your product after antagonizing them.
Landon Young
What?!? Over $9000! Honestly no surprise here. >makes products for males >demonizes their own target demographic wew lad
Re Reminder: Gillette is owned by Procter & Gamble. They make way more than just shaving gear. Check brands before buying deodorant, soap, shampoo, etc.
Luis King
That 8 billion loss is going to be even worse next year, mark my words. My local shop has even decreased itts gilette stock because the sales plummeted while their own in-house brand is selling like crazy. Not even joking.
That Gary Coombe is driving his brand into the ground, and he's too much of a stuck-up, know-it-all egoist to admit a mistake.
However it might be, i'll never buy gilette again. What self respecting man is going to buy a brand that hates his very manlyness?
I'm glad it backfired, but Gilette will never go bankrupt and continue to social engineer just like their friends Apple and Coke.
Adrian Peterson
>Imagine paying for TV loicence
Austin Morales
Personally not buying anythng from gigglette ever again.
Daniel Jenkins
I'm going to assume that's hybrid Chinese-English. If you're asking how I shave my balls? The one-blad is smooth as fuck my dude.
Easton Parker
>Admits commercial was nothing more than a pandering ad campaign, designed to exploit and capitalize on controversial social issues, by targeting their OWN demographic.
>Gets fukin' checked and kek'd
"That's not nice" he says. LMFAO holy fuck, my sides. Just making the commercial turned him into a full blown cuck.
James Anderson
just by an electric hair clipper. it takes half the time and gives a nice stylish stubble without damaging your face. shaving is for girls.
Elijah Young
Their mission is not to make money but to control your mind.
Liam Ortiz
It's jews we're talking about they can take the hit in order to upset white minority
Angel Peterson
user, it was $8 billion not a million, Gillette lost a 3rd world African counties worth of GDP
Thomas Baker
He sounds like a fireman doing his best to calmly reassure people that the forest fire is perfectly under control as a gigantic fire ball blossoms over the treetops
Connor Rodriguez
>They were losing market share because their razors are too fucking overpriced.If they have to keep their product behind glass in the stores so **whypipo** won't steal it, there's a problem.
Gillette razors used to be the most stolen supermarket items. Who the fuck wants to pay $40+ for 8 razor blades when you can get the same pack for 12$ from dollar shave club.
Andrew Carter
hell yeah borther i grabbed a pack of these arter my last Gillette blade wore out. pretty good. I've been considering the straight razor/safety razor game too though
>tfw nazis are the new breed of hipsters
Charles White
>I am absolutely of the view now that for the majority of people to fall more deeply in love with today’s brands you have to risk upsetting a small minority and that’s what we’ve done.
Doesn't even make sense. The vocal SJW/PC-culture types are the vocal minority. Most normal people don't give a shit about "wokeness" or about the PC culture nonsense.
This sort of advertising risks upsetting huge swaths, perhaps the majority, in order to appease tiny vocal minorities. It makes no fucking sense, and the fact that they've lost billions should clearly highlight their mistake.
Jonathan Nelson
Amazon is gonna kill them by making DE razors and blades easily available and cheap. More and more guys are realizing this, especially high school and college kids.
Luke Watson
soon polack we be marching through your ghettos again
Elijah Cox
Imagine being bong
Leo Watson
imagine being british
Juan Davis
It really doesn't matter as they're owned by P&G and it's basically a write. Go after P&G if you want to hurt them
Luis Clark
jews would lose billions just to demean white peepoo also Checked
Wyatt Watson
Corporations will view losing billions a worthwhile price to pay in order to virtue signal leftist agenda
David Powell
CEO's of big companies are equally incompetent as soviet officials
Jace Sanders
>Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the CEOs job to ensure growing profits and not make decisions on saying 8 min acceptable amount of loss for a bad as campaign ? Some things are more important than money.