Some serious discussion

What do you think of a French Revolution? Was it good or bad? Discuss.

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If you like your nation being organized along satanic lines according to hermetic/masonic conceptions of the alchemical transformation of man, then it was great.

She didn't need to die imo

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>t. butthurt Christian
Please shut the fuck up retard.

I dunno, but maybe you are right. She just had to rot in jail and all that stuff.

The biggest Jewish coup in history.

>The biggest Jewish coup
Oh really? Are you fucking retarded? Since when did Jews were living in France at that time, like seriously, weren't they expelled before this shit even took place? Also the King was an absolute retard.

All women deserve the same fate

Monarchy is the only legitimate form of government. White European Monarchy that is

No one cares, SAGE in all fields.

Try saying that shit to the starving peasants who were being jewed by their own people. Trust me, you would really love having your head rolling.
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The entire fucking Bourgeoise, who took over after the monarchists were brutally driven out, was Jewish.

And you know it very well, Mosche.

Jewish-masonic plot to get rid of catholicism and monarchy of France
This so-called (((revolution))) is the main reason of the horrible and catastrophic state of France/French people

I think going on a murder spree is always a bad thing. Afaik the monarchy had lost all of its power and they didn't need to die. Then again, they could've just reorganized with other monarchs in Europe and that might've scared the revolutionaries and thus they had to go.

Yes she did. She was a dumb thot.

Monarchists deserved it though, and no they were not Jewish. A wikipedia article would tell you that
>INB4 lololo why you use wikipedia as source haha stupid shill
Well, why are there numerous articles that point out that many people who were in support of Bavarian Socialist republic for example were identified as ethnically Jewish? Why would Wikipedia on some articles hide the information, while on others completely reveal it to you so you can use it for your shitty propaganda efforts? French Revolution was anything but Jewish. There is no proof that any of the people who were in leadership of revolution are Jews.

>To get rid of Catholicism
You mean to get rid of Pedophilia? Oh sure thing, I fucking hate Catholicism.
>INB4 lmao are you an atheist
Nah, I am an Orthodox Christian myself, and Catholicism is a severe trash.
>and monarchy
Perhaps you should've lived there to see if it was really good to be a peasant back then.

this. Very nice summary user, most retards here will have no idea what you're talking about but I appreciate a good comment like this.
You don't know shit about how the world works. You think it's a coincidence these idiots in France and Russia attempted to scrub away every trace of Christianity?

je suis d'accord, mais je dois dire que je ne vois qu'un petit peu des francais qui savent que leurs pays était perdu depuis deux siècles. La France c'était le bijou d'Europe, maintenant c'est rien.

Well there is an obvious reason why the French revolutionaries wanted to destroy Christianity, because it is a cult. And let's not forget how the Clergy literally Jewed out the population to starvation. And there is no official documents nor reports that any of the people who were leaders of revolution were infact Jews as many retards on Jow Forums would propagate otherwise. Well by that Logic, George Washington was a Jew too!

I never claimed any of them were Jews, and it doesn't matter. Most of them were Freemasons, e.g. Satan worshippers. And it wasn't the Church that caused France to starve, it was foolish fiscal policy and the lavish spending of the monarchy. Anyway all of the reforms of the National Assembly could have been put in place without disturbing the church, they simply had to tax the estates that paid nothing and they could have fixed the food crisis. There was no need for the mass murder and hatred of all things Christian, the dumbass attempt to change the week to 10 days, a new calendar, etc. That was all spite.

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They got Napoleon out of it, seems like it was worth it for that alone. Unironically I support the ideals of the republic and any form of monarchy or dictatorship is tyranny that should not be abided. Napoleon being the only exception, he's the embodiment of the Great Man Theory. Any American in favor of monarchy can fuck right off.

>Satan worshippers
So you hate George Washington? The guy that made America, the country you love the most, the way it is? Fucking hell, that American congress should've just ripped out all the mythical bullshit out of Bible and just propagated the teaching of Jesus instead. And yes, there was an attempt to erase mythical stuff from the Bible by Tomas Jefferson.

Well indeed, Napoleon was good.

If George Washington worshipped Satan, then yes, fuck him. However his life is so far in the past that I don't know whether or not we would ever be able to determine the answer to that question. Also, living in the former Soviet Bloc you should know- wherever Christianity is eradicated, hell follows. You happy about Gulags, the NKVD, being worked to death, etc? That's what happens when a nation/society turns it back on God.

I am not a commie you nigger, I only support the ideas of Freedom that are constantly being shilled by both you retards on Jow Forums and these neoliberal progressive cry babies who are to emotional to accept the fact that life is cruel, while you want to intensify the cruelty of that life.

Retarded enlightenment thinkers and social/cultural fucked up the most supreme monarchy the Europeans ever had. Vive La Roi

That's the thing. Jefferson literally ripped every page they didn't like out of the Bible, and claimed it was the teaching of Jesus.
All 18th and 19th century revolutions were masonic. American revolution, French revolution, Greek revolution, etc. and were all built on masonic liberalism. However, monarchy isn't any better.

The French Revolution is the genocide of the French people. Of course it was bad

>The most supreme Monarchy the Europeans ever had.
The only Monarchy that was ever good to begin with was German and Serbian monarchy.

>hurr durr le pedophile catholic church
>Implying that catholicism in those days was the same of today’s totally rotten ans infiltrated by (((then)))
First proof that you are a fucking kike rat

>b-but life was more harsh during monarchy, goy!
Oh yes merchant, thank you for let me live in this (((democratic))) paradise, having 9 to 5 dead end job, having traffic jams, crowded public transportations, insecurity, terrorism, all these toxic screens and electronical craps, non-whites subhumans scums overwhelming my people, (((bank loans))) and wars to fight for Israel

Fuck you Jew, I’ll make sure that next time, there will be more than 6 millions casualties

Complete utter garbage bullshit

This, urban French were replaced by Portuguese and Italian immigrants after the revolution.

Don’t worry, on est nombreux à penser comme moi, à savoir que 1789 est le début de la mort de la France

French revolution was so fucking kiked. It inspired communism and liberalism.
Fuck the french faggots.
They arent white

Technically, the Catholic church actually inspired the French revolution if anything. See Maximos the confessor.

>Implying Democracy is Jewish
Pure autism fuel right there.
>First proof that you are a fucking kike rat
What kind of God's chosen people, that is the Clergy had a right to let people starve? Why would the servants of God allow this shit to happen, and instead sided with degenerate monarchs who sinned more than the farmer who was struggling for his living in the fields?
>Oh yes merchant, thank you for let me live in this (((democratic))) paradise, having 9 to 5 dead end job, having traffic jams, crowded public transportations, insecurity, terrorism, all these toxic screens and electronical craps, non-whites subhumans scums overwhelming my people, (((bank loans))) and wars to fight for Israel
Nationalism, nigger. It was present during the French revolution. Since when Jews promote nationalism?

Wanna know where the right vs left dichotomy exist?
It is because of that revolution.

French revolution literally emancipated niggers and jews.

Never even knew there was a serbian monarchy. Ive heard good things about the Croat monarchy though.

Serbian empire, which got its ass kicked by the Ottomans, then there was the one established by the revolution in the 19th century which later ruled Yugoslavia.

You are not a good person if you are against the monarchy. Because the monarch was the anointed of God.

Those who wanted to protect the degenerate Monarchy were on the Right wing.
Oh really? But does it justify the current political stance of some vegan "eco friendly" faggits who believe that refugees are completely innocent? You certainly don't like when people try to justify everything done by refugees simply because they are refugees. It's almost like the refugees are the Children of God or something. And you do know how much people hate when people give other people the Godlike status within the society.
>Croat Monarchy
That isn't history dude.

I am not really against the Monarchy though, I actually do want some elements of it to come back here in my country, however, I fucking doubt that the King was sent by "God" himself.

Untrue. The French monarchy were a bunch of Frankish warlords and chieftains who bowed down to big hat in the Vatican.

Ok Jew, try to pretend that you are retarded, that you don’t understand what I meant, evading what I said or openly lying
Oh wait, all of these reminds me of something :
Yes, indeed : your whole fucking answer is nothing but pilpul
So, I’ll be short and concise : fuck you & gas all kikes

All Jacobins should hang. Long live the Pope! Long live the King!

Death to both the pope and the revolution. Only the Huguenots were right.

If it means that I want to protect Nationalism, Democracy and Livelihood of mine people is Jewish, so be it. I won't let any autistic warlord to be in here in Europe ever again.

And let us be real, the only reason why you are here on this site in the first place is because your opinion was disregarded as "racist", which led you to become more radical.

The monarchy was degenerate?
I think you should do more research on that era if you think jews only lied about world war 1 and 2 then you are in a big surprise on what you are going to find during the French revolution it is the revolution the pozzed france.

In my country, the monarch, with all its drawbacks, defended Christians in the Balkans.
We fought with the Turks for the independence of Greece and Bulgaria. Therefore, I do not understand your claim to it.

Well it was degenerate. The monarchy was literally leaching off the peasants who worked their ass 24/7, while the Clergy was justifying all of that shit as "a work of God". Yeah hahahaha, no.

Do you honestly expect me to believe that I should give all my rights to be ruled by a single person who I don't know myself if he is gonna jew the people to death?

I mean, the only real role Monarch has is a ceremonial role, while the actual control of the state is given out to someone else.

Finally, you admit that you’re nothing but a kike hiding behind a serbian flag
Thank you for that, you’ll get the bullet instead of the zyklon

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I never admitted that I am kike. I only said that if you are gonna call me a kike just because I defend the liberty of my people and democracy, then so be it. Call me a kike, but I won't care.

For the little Louis XVII dauphin of france,against the freemason and the anti-catholic conspirators ; VIVE LA FRANCE

Have fun with starvation then, lil' peasant faggit.

you don't know a single shit about starvation of france ,fun fact : bourgeois wo took the power iun 1789 didnt even resolve this problem and they had to take food from the country in order to feed paris ,making more problems in the country and a animosity between them and rural people.

Well they couldn't fix the shit, but the King was unable to do that either. But the thing is that they have tried, while the King never gave a fuck even after the bad weather.

>What do you think of a French Revolution? Was it good or bad?

Do you like the world in 2019?? It was the rise of Adam Weishaupts satanic new world and everything crazy you see today is a direct result of the French Revolution.

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the king did care ,he was only bad advised by liberals who just put freedom of circulation of grains that made things worst around 1770/1780 and after they saw it get worst the king decided to not let the freedom of grains continue.

if the king didnt care that much it wouldn't call for an états généraux ;)

>Le Illuminati XDDD: The post
Wow, didn't knew a dictatorship of Jews allows constant conspiracy videos to flourish on JewTube. But seriously though, weren't George Washington and Tomas Jefferson Freemasons too? You do realize that you are fighting against your own establishment?

The rightful sovereign of France is Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The Treaty of Troyes shall be enforced. No king of England if not king of France

For the arguments sake, he could've also not cared about the people and only stopped the freedom of grains because of the fact that people literally wanted his head off, so he wanted to buy time. But then again, I don't really have a proof that he was not generous, nor you that he was generous either.

Wholly evil event, the rebels in Vendée who stood up to the genocidal republicans were one of the last real French men. It was the beginning of the end for Western civillization, it brought all the ideals of decadence (equality, liberty being the foremost ones) into the forefront and committed atrocities against innocents with absolutely no remorse.

>“Destroy the watermills, burn the windmills, smash the ovens. Depend on the humanity of the cavalry for them to gather up the children who can still be given a republican education… put everyone else to the sword.” soldiers’ descriptions, Jan.-Feb. 1794.

No, he's right and I'm not a christcuck but truth is truth.

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>The Drownings at Nantes (French: Noyades de Nantes) were a series of mass executions by drowning during the Reign of Terror in Nantes, France, that occurred between November 1793 and February 1794. During this period, anyone arrested and jailed for not consistently supporting the Revolution, or suspected of being a royalist sympathizer, especially Catholic priests and nuns, was cast into the Loire and drowned on the orders of Jean-Baptiste Carrier, the representative-on-mission in Nantes. Before the murders ceased, as many as four thousand or more people, including innocent families with women and children, died in what Carrier himself called "the national bathtub".

>"We might perhaps believe that these horrors were contemporary with the highest period of cruelty. It is however true that one can do worse than all that, for one can laugh about it." - Joseph de Maistre

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Basically a proto-leftist tyrannical shitshow that collapsed on itself as it always does until a competent dictator in Napoleon came along and put everything in order and undid some of the evil of the republicans.

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A horrific tragedy that led to the destruction of the traditional world, and the main entry into the modern world. Hierarchy, order and religion was destroyed, the natural law was perverted in favour of anarchy, secularism and Republicanism. Europe only became perverted after the absolute monarchies vanished.

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did you realise that no ones wanted his head off,the people were really christian and really for their king ,they were just fed up by starving and wanted someone to fix it.
More and more montagnards get violent about kings,monarchy and when they did catch up the king and behead the king literally all the french rural populations started uprising against montagnards and paris(full of foreigners btw).
They had to fucking kill a and put in jail a lot of french in order to calm nthe population and threaten her ,if you would one day take a look at what sans-culottes did tot the population (killing childrens,killing womens,killing everyone tho) to threaten the population+propaganda for troops fighting against armies of europe to make them not think the terror is happening in their countries.
i don't even talk aout your generous reviolutionnary (google "la bande noire") who was more into speculation and gain money from it and witht he spoliation than spending money to fix the food problem...

This, the only people who actually supported the revolution, were the urban people of Paris and other cities. There was several pro-monarchist revolts during the revolution, the ‘enlightened’ Republican government slaughtered the people who rebelled, eventually the Republic fell to tyranny, as all universal suffrage Republics do, thousands of Frenchmen were slaughtered by the guillotine, a true reign of terror.

Equality does not exist in dictatorship though. According to Jow Forums, we live in a dictatorship of a worst kind, and since when does equality exist within the dictatorship? We do not live in Athens where Direct Democracy was a thing.

Either way, the Nazis might have been right on Jews, even though I could literally right now accuse Hitler of being a Jesuit due to the fact that he had so many connections with the Vatican and Switzerland, and all that unrelated bullshit, but I don't. Why? Because I am not a schizo retard who accuse everyone of conspiracy against me, like seriously I don't give a damn if Hitler was a Jesuit or not. He was right on some things, like Nationalism and other things, but truth to be told, I would not want Germany to become like that again, nor any European nation for that matter of fact.

All of you Nazis, Commies and motherfucking Zionists are going to be persecuted for the ammount of suffering you brought to this world, if not by me, then by someone else who still has some faith in humanity.

Equality can ONLY exist in dictatorship you absolute retard, that's why Robespierre created one in all but name. Also the rest of your post has literally nothing to do with what I said and I see not one argument from you which confirms you as an idiotic shill.

>I am an idiotic shill since I am opposed to both Zionist, Commies and Nazis
I am first and foremost, a Serb, retard. You would know that I would not support any kind of Nazi establishment, right? And it depends on certain types of equality, mind you well.

Equality can never exist, it is a false god, a false and impossible idea, even in dictatorships of the ‘proletariat’ as we saw in the Soviet Union, there was still mass inequality between workers and party members. You can tell any system is false if it promises equality or declares ‘all men are equal.’

Lol :D

It depends on what equality you mean, though. Are you reffering to that Equality with a disgusting intent behind it, or do you refer to something else? Please be more specific, I do not understand if you are talking about Egalitarianism or not.

How did both sides keep from surrendering?

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The French Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

It was the culmination of the destructive enlightenment virtues of equality and human rights. Its success is directly responsible for contemporary dysgenics, the creation of marxism, and is the root from which all progressive thought grows.

It should have been stamped out, but unfortunately it persisted. If you disagree, you are objectively a leftist.

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>If you disagree, you are objectively a leftist.
Wow, didn't knew Voltaire, Neitzsche and Socrates were Leftists lololololo, thank you for that shit bro.

I am a monarchist, I believe absolute equality in wealth, intelligence and status is wrong, I am not an egalitarian, a steady hierarchy is far more stable and it makes subversion far more difficult. We currently do not live in an egalitarian society, because it is quite impossible for everyone to have the exact same equal start in life, I believe in hierarchy and aristocracy. Notice how Europe became degenerate when it removed the absolute monarchies and aristocracies of old.

Socrates wasn’t even around then... he literally disdained democracy...

Brainlet take. Being a military genius and an accomplished conqueror doesn't diminish from the fact that he is directly responsible for spreading the French Revolution beyond the borders of France. The installation of the Napoleonic Code across Europe gave many peasants their first taste of (((rights))) and directly led to the July Revolution and the Revolutions of 1848 - which laid the basis for future communist activity and agitation, and became the deathknell for the traditional monarchies that represented an Older, Grander European age.

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Absolute Monarchy is what led my own nation to lose almost 60% of male population in WW1. Never again I am going to allow that shit to happen, however, I am sympathetic towards Royal Family itself, so I don't mind if they got a role of a "Guide to the people", that is if they got the ceremonial role.

Every philosopher hated democracy.

Democracy assumed the planet was flat at one point.

Oh and also, did you just reffered to the "equality of the outcome"? You do realize that I am against that bullshit since equality can only emerge through equal opportunity. Also, inequality isn't always bad as long as it is not used as a tool to exploit others. You surely don't like to be considered unequal and racist simply because you don't like pro immigration policies, right? Then you sir can come over here to join me if you want.

>Absolute monarchy is what led my own nation to ww1
Eh? You entered the war because Austria was going to invade you because one of your citizens killed the heir, how did absolute monarchy force you to war?

Voltaire was absolutely a leftist and was one of the most well-known products of and contributors to the French Enlightenment.

Nietzsche was intensely opposed to the French Revolution.

Socrates despised democracy, as did his pupil, Plato.

You are posting cringe all over the thread. Srbe na vrbe.

Well if people are bad, why do you even believe that there are some "Good" people that must rule over the society, rather than creating a society that is self suficient on it's own?

P.S. George Orwell, the Jow Forums's most loved writer, was an anarcho-communist.

Oh really? Then why is the phylosophy of National Socialism summed up in three quotes of those three retards on this board?

The reason why I make this argument is because there is an image showing how the "Left and Right" are product of Jews (that is Communism and Christianity), while the National Socialism, on the other side, is described as "Man as a Rising beast", accompanied by three quotes of those three phylosphers.

I am discussing the equality of birth and inheritance, so yes, equality of start to finish, also I don’t understand that part about being considered unequal because of being racist? Could you explain what you meant by that?

I worded that badly, I meant the inequality of birth and inheritance, I believe people inherently do not have equal opportunity at birth, and this is pretty much natural.

Personally, I dislike totalitarianism, not a big fan of National Socialism as it is also quite populist and gets its power from below, whilst a traditional society should receive its power from tradition and spiritually.

Well, everyone loves to use the word "racist" to discredit some obvious facts, like for example how Islam is the most vile and dangerous religion known to man, yet many progressives have made up this shitty term called "Islamophobia". How can you advocate for equality when you allow incompatible thoughts and ideas like Islam while only denouncing National Socialism and Fascism? I seriously don't get how do these people even live.

Well I dislike totalitarianism too, and to be quite fair, I do want to blend in traditionalist thoughts into the modern thinking. I only believe in equality of opportunity, because that is the only way to equality, if you give people the opportunity to make their life much more fullfilling. And like I said, the inequality is fine as long as it is not used as an excuse for exploatation. From social stance, you can already see how the murder is wrong because it is mostly done out of a belief that the person who was murdered by the murderer believed that the victim was unequal to the guy who done that crime.

Oh, read my correction, I meant ‘inequality’ not equality, I agree with you actually, I’m just phoenfagging and autocorrect fucked me.

>weren't they expelled before this shit even took place?

They got out of town because they knew shit was going down. Jews are nomadic.

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Well yeah, and I don't really mind that shit, as long as it is not used as a tool for exploatation, mind you well. Seriously, would you like to be considered unequal just because you are not like those Kardashians?

I have read a lot of traditionalist literature and I understand the need for aristocracy, inheritance and monarchy, though I personally like the way the German Empire allowed those of low birth to do well in society, by advancing through professions or the military.

Jewmerica was always bad though.