Brit/pol/ - JUST edition

It's over.

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Good morning and happy Friday lads.

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People of the United Kingdom are rural or suburban retards who vote against their best interests.

>muh MIGA

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to hell with tories

People came round at 7:30am putting local lifestyle magazines through the doors on my street. One car driving slowly up the road while other people went up to each house to put them through the letterbox. Was woken up by the sound of the letterbox shutting and then looked up to see some guy walking past my bedroom window, probably saw me lying with my arms and legs hooked around the duvet rolled up like jam roly-poly.

>lily the pink
Not heard that in a looong time

You not have curtains lad? Could have been worse, could have been laid there with your morning glory hanging out.

> Conservatives: Chris Davies
> Labour: Tom Davies

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Morning fellas

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really struggling to find clothes that aren't gay as fuck

>Cucked by BP
Best possible result especially after the boomer tories fucked up the previous by election

maybe you are a gay

i am str8

What is his name?

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Then stop shopping at gay boy clothes shops.

Thats a girl you utter spaz.

i've tried everywhere

i'm on fucking amazon now

Timothy James Byrne

Morning Apu girl.

>source: trust me bro

My mate died Tuesday and yesterday I got notice of redundancy from my job in a months time after being there for 7 years..

I don't feel great this morning at all, it's weird how things just crash down on you like this all at once.

stop letting your mum shop for you faggot.

You know, I can't see this having happened if Gove or Stewart were PM.

Boris thought it was more important to swan off on a victory tour of UK bed and breakfasts than it was to even campaign for the Brecon byelection.

He was in Cardiff a few days back, that is probably about half an hour away by car. What a good for nothing lazy fuckwit, he deserves a majority of 1 MP. He probably didn't even know an election was going on.

sorry fren.
maybe a change will be a good thing..?
take some time off, holiday, maybe start your own biz, or be self employed or something.

fuck off seppo

The lib dems won on local issues, their campaign leaflets barely mentioned brexit. Yet my new bitch of an mp is acting like it was all brexit.

I am at a loss atmo.
Got to find something in a month, going to hang on for redundancy payout ..and then?

Brexit party doing whats intented and splitting the vote so lefties win

Tories and Brexit party are lefties

Are you retarded??? The VOTERS are splitting the vote, not the parties.

Get person centred counselling to be the master of your own life and get yourself out of the mindset that you have to do things certain ways to appease society. Become the main character in your own story rather than the supporting character in somebody else's.

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I did counselling and CBT in 2011, was out of work for a while previously to that with reactive depression, I got this job and things were looking up.

I've got to hold myself together and not fall into another depressed state where I dont work and just become a living ghost again.

Both are happy to use right wing talking points to get what they want. Looks like were in for a lib/lab/green/snp coalition next GE

>The lib dems won on local issues

Yeah, right. You keep telling yourself that...

>Yet my new bitch of an mp is acting like it was all brexit.

Nice union flag you have there, as you would if you were in one of the most like-minded places in mainland Britain.

Ed Davey soi face

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Tactical labour voters there, look at their vote share.
Look at the pro brexit vote, it's over 50% but split

>and then?
get on timmy's level?

without knowing your age & experience its hard to give any meaningful advice.

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3,331 complete fucking spastics

Good, keep up what you learned. Remember your CBT for tackling the automatic thoughts that can lead into a depression spiraly thing and take another course of PCC when you're in the right frame of mind to move further up the self awareness ladder. Don't be afraid of being sad or angry about your friend and job either, these are definitely fucking legit things to get sad or angry about, and that is not you descending to depression.

Davies is a really common welsh surname

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how so?

Jow Forums is a BP board.
Go back.

Your a dumb fuck

>Monster Raving Looney


This should read land-locked but my spell checker is shit and thinks in knows better than the fucking dictionary.

voting for a meme party and giving the victory to the lib dems, even while the pm is actively working to let no deal happen

Jow Forums is a free marketplace of ideas which means i say what i want, you say what you want, and then i explain why you're wrong


Thanks man, my worst enemy is rumination.
Thinking the same shit thoughts over and over.
I now force myself to stop them after they start up, before the CBT I used to just let them go on at me like nagging voice.
"You're shit, you never achieve anything, you failure.."
Lol. All that mad self loathing stuff.

what up bongs?
when does boris go to brussels?

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*ting ting*
Fuck the Brexit party and Fuck Nigel Farage.

>one post by this id

>muh tie colour
Fuck off

Similar thing happened in Peterborough, where BP plus Tories has more votes than Labour but they snuck through.

The whole point of the BP is to scare the shit out of the Tories to be tougher on Brexit. An army of Tory analysts will be looking at these results and it’s clear they have to work with BP or be tough on Brexit.

Labour - Antiwhite
Lib Dems - Antiwhite
Conservatives - Antiwhite
Brexit Party - Antiwhite

Antiwhites won

UKIP the party that was slightly critical of Islam, but still mostly antiwhite: 224 votes

tories have shown they will always cuck out without ukip/bp pressure. im glad this happened, fuck the tories

They literally did are you even from brecon and Radnorshire?
Lib dems have a good reputation around here for god knows why.
Didn’t realise people weren’t allowed to leave the country m8

boris gunna finalleh kik da fackin pakis out 'nd giv da norf sum ov da money it fackin' deserves
me vote blue tie, boris ain't like dem ovver fackin wankers he sez it how it is like.
blue tie gud this time.

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there's pressure and then there's giving the one viable leaver pm we will ever get an even worse chance of getting brexit to happen (at all). no one believes BP can even win a seat. just being brainless retards and falling for farage tricks yet again

>Jow Forums is a free...
nope, its a dictatorship.
and your getting gassed.

labor, tories, libdems are clown world parties.
the only sensible option is to vote for BP.
when parties lose, it gives them the kick up the ass they NEED.
FYI boris is already cucking out.

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fuck off seppo

>anyone not advocating the genocide of anyone darker than a scotsman is antiwhite

they would have won a seat in petersborough if not for the 21% of blue tie voting mongs

>and your getting gassed.
you aren't doing anything to me you gay LARPer, from a shit irrelevant country

>the only sensible option is to vote for BP
voting for a party that won't win a single seat and worsening the chance for the only leaver pm we will ever get to actually get brexit done. you are stupid nigger. it's like you want brexit to fail

Sorry for your loss, wife also just got redundancy notice, time will heal and jobs come and go. Things will be better soon.

Boris could be literally gushing for a no deal and you'd still have thousands of useless low IQ zionists voting for the farage party because they don't think about what they are doing.

came again this morning, wet dream 3 days in a row now

it achieves literally nothing if a tiny meme party gets 1 seat out of 650

wot bout da hillsboro martyrs lad

He went to Brecon two days ago you spaz

>yesterday I got notice of redundancy from my job in a months time after being there for 7 years.

illegal m8

>You must be given a notice period before your employment ends.

>The statutory redundancy notice periods are:

>at least one week’s notice if employed between one month and 2 years
>one week’s notice for each year if employed between 2 and 12 years
>12 weeks’ notice if employed for 12 years or more
>Check your contract. Your employer may give you more than the statutory minimum, but they cannot give you less.

You're legally entitled to at least 7 week's notice, even without a contract from them. If you have a contract, check its redundancy section to see if they gave you a notice period above the statutory period.
An extra 3 weeks might not seem like much, but its an extra 3 weeks of pay and time to find another job.

Brexit voters have electile dysfunction.

They DO want Brexit to fail. Nigel Farage and all the Brexit Party are just like leftists; they’re career protesters. If Nigel loses his injustice to protest against then he becomes a poor, irrelevant man.
This is why he torpedoed UKIP when they started becoming an actual party focused on things other than Brexit and set up his single issue party. Granted, their policies have gone up to about 5 or 6 now but anyone voting for them to be in national government is a fucking hack retard who is either deliberately sabotaging Brexit so they can carry on complaining or doesn’t understand how shit a BP run UK would be.

fact of the matter is what should have been a leave seat is now occupied by labour thanks to these 7000 mongs

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>November 2019, still in the EU
we're keeping the pressure on

>June 2020, still in the EU
nice one boys keep the pressure on

>August 2025, still in the EU
good bit of pressure there lads keep it up

>May 2040, still in the European Federal Republican
fuck lads we didn't keep enough pressure on the tories

>European Federal Republican
retard alert

wait til my wheatabix kicks in you cunt

So brecon and radnoreshire coul have a higher brexit supporting majority now?

Don't know why yellow woke tories are appealing. They just look cringe.

Yes lets vote kosher nationlist batten or even better boris the mong who will amnesty illegals.

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>advocating for the genocide of anyone less white than a Scotsman
No, just stopping mass immigration from outside of Europe.
That's all

Bbbbut the Tories are sound because the spectator told me so

I thought in british politics anything under 50% was a hung parliament and this meant the libdems would need to get an agreement from the labour party+ one of the conservative groups in order to proceed?


ffs Do you remember what the dream was about? I'm old so those type of dreams are a fucking rarity my last one was about pic, weird because I didnt ever consider her hot. She was such filth in the dream I started watching Homosexual Street again.

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Sorry my mistake it is 2 months. I looked at the paper work again and its end of September not august.

Is everyone forgetting that this by election was called following a recall petition because the sitting MP was fiddling his expenses?

And that the guy then stood for re-election?

This wasn't about Brexit, why on earth would you vote for someone who was ripping you off because they wear a blue tie?

>gave convicts the giant land full of resources, beaches, & sunshine.
>s..shit irrelevant country
stay triggered nigel.

>pointing out Boris is an untrustworthy deal cuck means you want brexit to fail
what level of retardation are you on cunt.
sad people like you are so easily conned by frauds like boris.
the real threat is Boris passing a deal.

Tories failing AGAIN is actually the best case scenario, because it would finally destroy the 2 party system.
BP would win the GE.
Then we would No deal brexit.
Bonus: no longer ruled by establishment clowns.

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asalaam sky news, thanks for reminding me about your spin
yes he committed a treasonous procedural error, and now he must be flogged on the altar of bureaucratic exactitude


She was a fuck buddy from a couple years back I lost contact with after she went to uni

Do the lib dems have a license for raping this hard?

This is good for the right wing though, right? Brexit gained more than tories lost, so net gain and for the good.

How is this bad?

What on earth are you talking about?

There is going to be a backlash against the sitting party on a local level when their representative screws over their constituents enough for thousands of them to petition him to stand down.

The Conservatives should have put up a new candidate.

>giant land full of resources, beaches, & sunshine
>and yet still a worthless shit irrevelant country
all your ancestors were drunks and criminals that we made fuck off. cuck genes.

>boris is untrustworthy
>therefore lets torpedo his parliamentary majority for a meme zionist party from a just as untrustworthy cuck

>it would finally destroy the 2 party system. BP would win the GE.
Fuck off LARPy boy, you predict this shit every general election

eat shit, tory

yeah we should expect the parties to run around like headless chickens every time some pro-establishment news company throws a teaspoon worth of hot water at them

So couldn't the conservatives just team up with the UKIP and Brexit and filibuster the shit out of the libdems until they get some kind of sensible immigration agreement?

This, combined with the Remain party stitch up it was fucking inevitable and probably a deliberate act by May in last weeks in office to allow him as a candidate.