Should everybody that has had sex before marriage be crucified for their degeneracy?
Should everybody that has had sex before marriage be crucified for their degeneracy?
No. That is psychopathic.
You mean a fair Capital punishment invented by the most influential civilization in history before they were cucked by sandnigger religion?
You require therapy.
>You require therapy.
And I am like a really right-wing guy who is all into making nonPC jokes and shit. But I don't feel like it's a joke from you. I feel like you just need therapy.
Everyone should be crucified for every sin. Thankfully Jesus paid for those.
Get right, the end is near.
Kys virgin christcuck. Men and women have been fornicating for hundrends of thousands of years, and there's nothing your pesky, autistic fit of angst will change.
You're probably a nuchristian that only claims to be a Christian because you believe it means you'll go to heaven even if you don't follow the actual rules of Christianity like not having sex and not drinking alcohol
No but people really should only bang people they intend on marrying.
>Muh Nuchristian "Jeebus died so now we can be a bunch of fucking degenerates and still expect to go to heaven"
You're the one that really needs to learn about Catholicism
SeeI'm not a Christcuck but the degeneracy of fornication is universal and a part of the decline of white Western society
>invented by the most influential civilization in history
You dumb mother fucker. The man who made that law was Augustus. He was the most powerful and influential Emperor Rome ever had and even he couldn't enforce that law
No, we're a civilized nation. Fornicators should receive a fine and a permanent mark on their public record.
Not sure what the relevance is the point is the only way to solve the degeneracy of the sexual revolution is to administer the most slow and painful death possible to fornicators.
No but the jews should be
>I'm not a Christcuck but the degeneracy of fornication is universal and a part of the decline of white Western society
No you dumb retard. It's the stances forged by weaklings like you back then, that the weaklings like you today adopt to justify their lack of pussy.
Fornication should be encouraged for men, it is literally our biological imperative. Women are a commodity to be conquered, seduced and bred, and their test lies in NOT being conquered by just any male. In that, they act as biological and genetical gatekeepers.
Fornication is needed, because it filters out the gene pool by eliminating poor gatekeepers, while ensuring the gatebreakers are kept virile, less anxious and aggressive.
Is it still bad if you get married after you had sex ?
i would go further and say that people should ONLY have sex if
>they're 100% some european ethnicity, no mutts
>they're married
>they're both virgins
>they both want 5 children
>they both are christian
>the man is no older than 50
>the man is no younger than 18
>the woman is no older than 35
>the woman is no younger than 18
>they're both holocaust deniers
>they both have a shrine of adolf hitler
>they both make offerings daily since they were 12
>they both speak english
>they both have never done drugs
>they both have never drank
>they both come from parents that meet all above criteria except age restriction
ONLY THEN can the people have sex or make babies. everyone else who does should be killed, ESPECIALLY if they're white
Really the "strong" are more along the lines of dumb nigger cattle that aren't introverted enough to feel existential dread or anxiety so they can spend their lives focusing on money and women so they can just keep making dumb niggers.
"Chads" or "Strong genetic men" don't invent shit, they don't contribute to philosophical thought and they don't improve the future of the human race, they just fill the world with more docile nigger cattle. If mankind goes extinct because it's filled with docile nigger cattle that don't invent shit or oppose scientific progress then it doesn't matter how many women the "chads" bred with.
Stop buying into fucking internet memes. You cannot view the world in such a simplistic dichotomy of "chads" and "incels". The truth at hand is, the large majority stands somewhere in between. Secondly, it's not the necessarily intellectual who will procreate and expand their lineage, but those better fit to survive, and the fact at hand is, we are here today because some fucker 10 million years ago decided to hunt, drink and fuck, rather than contemplate the collected works of Arthur Schopenhauer - we rode the backs of those dregs that FOUGHT to survive.
You sound like a Muslim who don't believe that jesus died for our sins and thinks he needs to get forgiven by God.
You aren't tricking any of us, Muhammad
And you're going to argue about muh scientific progress and muh philosophical thought while speaking of mankind's extinction in the same breath...
it wasn't those survivors that brought nihilistic thought that swept and ruined Germany and Russia in 19th and 20th centuries. It also wasn't them who invented the most destructive weaponry known to mankind, that upon a button's push could well terminate this fucking planet.
We're in a different time now, what I'm suggesting is that the fittest spreading their seed while the weak don't isn't going to be able to save humanity from something like Earth's inevitable runaway pollution or a lack of space travel. Mankind needs smart people to survive, and the true future humans will be genetically engineered to be perfect, there will be no more natural evolution by breeding
God made that law in the Old Testament
Muslims don't even use the fucking internet or speak English, if anything the fact that you accused me of being a Muslim instead of a Jew is evidence that you're a perfect example of the modern Christcuck that bends over to Israel and permits sin due to liberal Protestant ideas bastardizing Christianity. Martin Luther wouldn't have wanted people fornicating, it's just these other dumb Protestant faiths that fucked everything up by being too tolerant.
Jews are generally atheists and even the religious Jews usually don't believe in an afterlife anyway.
It is only muslims who believes that there exists reasons to follow the rules in the book even if people don't want to follow them.
Jews believe it is just tradition. And for us who are baptised the rules exist as a historical curiosity. So that we can reflect over all the rules we don't have to follow.
you don't get it
if you truly accept god then you most likely wont be a degenerate
You're again dabbling in memes, because you can't move away from a skewed lenses latched onto your head. Weak is not synonymous with intelligent. Nor is strong synonymous with dumb. Hell, many if not most of the mankind's geniuses HAVE procreated, with the notable few exceptions of Tesla, Nietzsche, Newton etc.
Only women. A man having sex multiple times increases pleasure for his partner by gaining stamina. A woman having sex multiple times only decreases pleasure for his partner. Just keep a few disease free exempt whores for practice since the women cant have sex before marriage.
>A woman having sex multiple times only decreases pleasure for his partner.
>a woman
>his partner
I knew it. Korea has no women, only ladyboys, the truth is out boys!
I get your point but my argument was never that people shouldn't try to reproduce it was that people shouldn't try to reproduce before marriage because it's degenerate. I mean if you prioritize Darwinism than a fucking nigger with 5 baby mommas is an evolutionary success
>only women
and who's going to have sex with men you fucking faggot? Men having sex with multiple women will corrupt these women either way.
ffs, low IQ korean
Imagine being a young adult engaged to a hard working, loving husband, then sneaking off to have an affair before you get married. Imagine getting pregnant by accident. Imagine telling your husband that god made you pregnant. Imagine everybody actually believing it. Imagine the whole fucking world starts going to war over it and it becomes the biggest religious phenomenon in the history of mankind. Lol.
It's not degenerate. It is how it must be, and true Darwinism will take hold when your lot ceases being lenient and charitable towards their savage kind. What I mean is, the nigger ability to survive in civilized environment is largely fragile and low, but they've learned how to parasite upon their hosts, like someone else we know here quite well.
Like I said, fornication serves a distinct, valuable purpose within society, take it as you will. At the end of the day, no one forces you to play the game.
No, the old Law still applies. If somebody commits adultery, then they can be stoned.
Imagine being a 12 something and being wed off to a 90 year old for a piece of bread and a goat is a more accurate version though.