Asian women > White women theory

How ready are you to accept the most important redpill?
>White women can't compete in the dating game with Asian women.
>Single White women confused, bitter, desparate and unable to find mates.
>Resort to feminism and self-destructive socialism.
>More welfare dependant women
>More uncontrolled consumerism, pollution, unrestricted immigration, poverty worldwide
>This destroys societies worldwide and destabilises global order.

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Its true but this isnt politics

Plus you don't need a girthy niner to satisfy Asian chicks.

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Just imagine the eyes of your child you chinkloving faggot

>>White women can't compete in the dating game with Asian women.
>>Single White women confused, bitter, desparate and unable to find mates.
>>Resort to feminism and self-destructive socialism.

Well said.

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They’ll be adorable.

Asian women are OK but we're only resorting to the other intelligent race because our own women are so kiked
>yfw Asian men will get a lot more pussy if they solve our Jew problem

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What if you have male children though?

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Fucking an Asian will produce a half breed child. Half breeds overwhelmingly seek to identify and court their non-white heritage. An Asian woman with a European man cannot produce a European child, An Asian man with a European woman cannot produce a European child. Race mixing is death. Do fuck off nigger.

White women are for sex though. Eastern Europeans are for marriage.

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Now show me a picture of that flat mongoloid face without makeup.

But asian women simply cannot compare they arent close to being as good looking and they all look fucking xeroxed, you spergs are just neglected by white women thus you hate them
>let me show roastie how much i wub azn wimin that will make her jealouz n liek me

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Those don't exist anymore

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probably dont spend all my money on a movie and leave my wife and son for another chick. that might help a bit



Is that a trap?

Spotted the boomer.

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All you'll get is a badly aging makeup caked ice queen bitch who will make you miserable.
The end.
Also the divorce rate is higher for white / asian couples than just white/ white couples.

t.seething roastie

found the cucked boomer

>t. racemixed potato britbong abo mutt

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there is one thing I don't understand about women this days. I get why in the past they needed their man to be rich, and always getting a higher status. children needed to be cared for, properly married, there had to be arrangments made for when the guy dies and the woman is alone, but has to live on a certain level. I get that.

But now they do not have children or have one, and those often don't marry, and state takes care of old people. So why can't women settle for men same or lower tier then them, but still only go for the 8-10 chads, and I mean like 3s try to get an 8 in to their nickers. makes no sense and it kind of a unfair to man who are 3s themself.

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>it kind of a unfair to man who are 3s themself.

You don't think women care about fairness, do you?


face may not be great, but at least body is not a ton of fat.
Honestly if white women where to become of normal, healthy weight, there would be no yellow fever.

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Why shouldn't they? they always ask for salaries to be fair, that you have to split costs of living 50/50. that a man has to give up half his salary so she can buy food, pay rent etc At school your not allowed to have too good marks or girls dislike you. you also can't have to many guys at events, the split has to be 50/50.

They are talking about fair treatment all the time.

Asian woman are soo perfect ....

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>At school your not allowed to have too good marks or girls dislike you

When did that become a thing?

>They are talking about fair treatment all the time.

Sounds familiar...

I don't know, but at my school the best 2 people from each class were suppose to go to paris. And by best I mean highest marks. Thing is that most of those people were not girls, so the rule was changed to best 2 people, but 50% of all have to be females. So for example I had an 352/380pts, but weren't allowed to go, because there was already my friend going, who had 373pts. Instead they took a girl who was 323.
the reason for this was explained to us that it was unfair for girls, because all of them are exempt from doing sports and home economics are vulunatary, so get fewer points.

>White women can't compete in the dating game with Asian women.
What does that mean?

>Single White women confused, bitter, desparate and unable to find mates.
>Resort to feminism and self-destructive socialism.
>More welfare dependant women
>More uncontrolled consumerism, pollution, unrestricted immigration, poverty worldwide
>This destroys societies worldwide and destabilises global order.

Ever heard of 'left-over women'? Hah, get ready for the TRUE REDPILL ON WOMEN:


White guys trying to fuck Asian women is just more White flight.
Why do so many White men want to run away from everything? I was told by this board that we were fighters and aggressive conquerors, but it seems like all you ever want to do is run away.

You ran away from the cities when jews filled them full of niggers.
You ran away from your colonies when the jews made the mud-people called you raycis.
Now you're running away from your own genetic legacy when jews caused you to fail a societal shit-test and your women went crazy.
Why is that?

Then again, maybe here is the wrong place to ask, ya know?
Considering Jow Forums is full of men who're running away from reality, that that is what Jow Forums is for?

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uhh sauce?

dat terminology

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The thread is just a proof that a lot of people in pol are npcs. Im sick of this stupid ideas over and over again.

White woman: big eyes, big boobs, big asses, mosty balanced in terms of personality

Asian women: small eyes, small tits, small asses, obssesed with you and they take away all you freedom, weird unbalanced personality, they do a lot of unpredictable stuff.

All whites who have yellow fever are total retards and dont have any clue about female beauty

Keep pushing (really) - we need it

I love Asian women because they usually hate niggers and have the tightest pussy of all the races.

This is exactly why they don't choose low status men, state and beta orbiter plus technology mean that women don't need men and can wait for cream of top of prince charmings
Its like buying car, if you really need it you will get any piece junk but if you live in big city with public transport, taxis, uber you wont buy anything but your dream car

>met blonde haired, blue eyed woman
>boring, apathetic, unloving, doesn't want kids
>met asian 3/10
>fun, loves live, treats me like a king, wants to give me kids

why is it like this?

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why would it matter if a girl has a cat or not? Isn't personality more important. We have some girls from korea and vietnam here, they are very nice and far less agressive then polish girls, and they don't drink/smoke at all. But trying to go out with one is very hard.

oh you fell for the elektrojude?

okey, but then it is unfair to men. People don't have to benefit from some things, in the same way, but they have to benefit in some way. There are far fewer people that are 8-10, then they are 5 or lower. Why should men be punished for genetics they have no influence over, specialy as more girls leave town and or school as soon as they are 16, and go for the big city. 20-40 dating market here doesn't exist practicaly it is 100% men.

women arent sexually attracted to anything below an 8. It's just reality one has to deal with.

being mad at this is like being mad at your dick for getting hard at things you don't want it to. pointless

I suppose that's true.

As a naturalist, if Whites aren't evolutionarily fit, we don't deserve to survive, eh? Cold hard truth.

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两个日本女孩互相操 Free Tibet 同性恋交往 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 免费口交 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 肛门渗透 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 伟大的前列腺高潮 The Great Leap Forward 巨大的精液池 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 变性妓女 Human Rights 性奴隶 Democratization 虐待狂 Freedom 强奸 Independence 双重渗透 Multi-party system 强迫女性化 Taiwan Formosa 种族间性行为 Republic of China 大黑阴茎 Tibet 日本女学生 Dalai Lama 大山雀 Falun Dafa 同性恋公共羞辱 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 肛门手淫 Nobel Peace Prize 年轻的异装癖 Liu Xiaobo 我才九岁 我非常喜欢史莱克 我有所有的商品和电影 我每天晚上睡觉前都会向史莱克祈祷 感谢我给予的生命 史莱克就是爱 我会说 史莱克就是生命 我爸爸听我说 叫我一个男同性恋 我知道他只是因为我对史莱克的奉献而嫉妒 我叫他一个傻瓜 他拍了拍我 让我去睡觉 我现在在哭 我的脸疼 我躺在床上 真的很冷 温暖正朝我走来 我觉得有些事情触动了我 这是史莱克 我很开心 他在我耳边低语 这是我的沼泽 他用强大的食人魔双手抓住我 把我放在我的手和膝盖上 我把我的屁股脸颊涂抹在怪物史莱克身上 他穿透了我的屁眼 它伤害了很多 但我为史莱克做了 当我的眼睛开始流水时 我能感觉到我的屁股撕裂 我反对他的力量 我想取悦史莱克 当他用他的爱填满我的屁股时 他咆哮着一声强大的咆哮 我爸爸走了进去 史莱克直视着他的眼睛说道 现在这都是食人魔 史莱克离开我的窗户 Winnie the Pooh 史莱克就是爱 史莱克就是生命

I hate white city girls with a passion.

Much more positive experiences with asian city girls

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Because one is clearly better than the other.
You're basically asking why a Honda Civic is less expensive than an Italian Ferrari, and why the former is more feasible for you to acquire than the latter.

You know the answer.

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Sorry Asian femanon... Small, cute yes, can pick em up and throw en around... but NO HIPS!!!!
Asian women literally don't trigger my attraction circuits. Same way as fat women don't trigger them.

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Probably the most appropriate response to most posts in these threads:

>Pics or it didn't happen.

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>Asian women literally don't trigger my attraction circuits.

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I am not mad, am just saying it would be unfair. There has to be an explanation to it that makes sense. It can't be women do things only that benefit themselfs, marrige etc wouldn't make any sense. Dude that could would be just having sex with milions of chicks per life, while others would get nothing, and probably riot or something. In my area right now there is over 200 men in the age between 25 and 55, that have no wife. And will never have one, because all women and girls leave for big cities as soon as they are 16 and can go to high school. they always say they will come back, to care for parents etc, but they never do.

Leave the country then cunt, I don’t want to raise my kids art subhumans. These identitical pieces of yellow shit need to be hung from the nearest tree.

If you’re white then go to the yellow cunts country.

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why is the guy in op's pic so crosseyed

Yoshika Futaba, a very tasty teeny AV star. Only made a few videos but they're great.

honda civic is not more fun than a Ferrari. The white girl spends 75% of her time outside of work watching the office. The asian girl owns her own successful business and likes to shoot guns and go camping for fun. It's literally a choice between looks and everything else.

Tough love is still love.

Shes got an unreal body. Big perky tits, slim and visible abs and muscle.

dating an asian, they are fucking berko mate. one min its all cool, next second they get psycho on your arse. also they want to marry you quickly before you even shared farting together.

Sex is good, food is good, the psycho obsessive shit isnt good.

That anons retarded in his analogy. The white woman in this day and age is the second hand civic rusted out with lots of use.
The asian woman is the ferrari.

what is wrong with getting married? your both young, so neither one has anything and if you get divorced the court always separates what either of you earned, so it is not like your going to lose money. Court will make you set up a fund for kids, but who wouldn't want to pay for their own kids only an A-hole.

Are you comparing white women to a ferrari? Oh god my sides :'D

Sure thing fellas.

I guess.

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>Ever heard of 'left-over women'?
Yes. About 1 in 10 women will never have kids. Mostly because of their own personal choices.

And at the same time about 1 in 5 to 1 in 4 men will never have kids, mostly because they have been rejected by women who would rather share better quality men.

Ever heard of "left-over men"? No. Thought not, because literally nobody gives a shit.

>one min its all cool, next second they get psycho on your arse.

Asian women + mixed son + time = Elliot Rodgers.


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this image does not even appear in the jav and its got none of the female being solo. Fat japanese man the whole way through and few shots of the female. yoshika futaba is the name and its crap

Someone needs to do Haeryung deepfake porn.

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>it is unfair to men
Always has been.
European human contribution to our genome is 1.3 females contributed for every 1 male.
This equates to 23% of men never having children. The sexual selection pressure on males is enormous.

>Ever heard of "left-over men"? No. Thought not, because literally nobody gives a shit.
Well that's a given, but besides the point really.

Pic related is Isabelle Adjani in Nosferatu. Literally a half-Algerian, half German, French actress. You just tried to stop the mutt by posting a mutt you mouth-breathing retard.

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>seething boomer roastie

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> besides the point
Not when we're talking about race mixing.
We are complaining about exactly these men who would otherwise never have kids at all finding partners with women of other races.

what the fuck would a romanian gypsie know about white women

like the bulgarian early talking about white women having big asses lol.

noodles are equally shit. they just want white dick bad which is why it's easier to get a 'good' noodle

>tfw just at 6 inches and have never had a woman outlast me with them either blacking out or going into full seizure mode when I have sex with them

Yeah, that list is clearly made by whores or dumb cunts that think a big dildo is the same as a big dick.

Another day, another insectoid slidethread yawnnnn!!!!!!!!
Gook women all look the same, alien heads on 12 y/o boy bodies.
Wide frog faces with small eyes and crap bone structure.
>Easy pussy is the only thing they have going for them
Comparing them to white women is an insult

Sure thing maise.

How many necks does one woman need?

show me one that ages well.

Yeah well good luck with finding a good jav posted on a fucking pol slidethread

okey but now women don't have many babies, or don't have them at all. it should be 50/50. if they get the same stuff we get, why should we be getting girlfriends too?

Over 50

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>responding to yourself

>be Jow Forums
>complain about Europeans going extinct
>lol mixing with asians is so fucking based and redpilled bro! Roasties be seething yo!
Lmao, the absolute state of Jow Forums larpers

>no hips

It’s a trap!

Asian women will always make you feel incomplete. I dated one for 3 years, it was fun always stuffing her with my Cock, but once you start to realize that she’s from a different race and she doesn’t have the same goals and determination that you do, you realize that it’s a waste of time dating an Asian. Also she was a giant whore. One time she asked me to have a threesome. I obviously said no. Eventually we broke up and she immediately started to fuck with another guy to make me jealous. I then revenge fucked her and basically lead her on before I moved. Then she flew half way across the country to see me and I demolished her cunt one last time. Moral of the story: get a white QT. Got me one now and we get married soon, also we make fun of niggers and other races all the time. She gives me hope for the future.

What a stupid cunt.

yes no one answered, in a typical fashion we brits are better than all you shit countries

Entirely correct.

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>it should be 50/50
Yeah, well, bitch about the death of marriage, which was designed to create exactly that situation. One man, one woman.

So. Offer to marry someone. The women who are most interested in marriage are the 30 something leftover women who are finding that their value as mothers and spouses is in freefall.

why no talk about the jav

She was. Best part is she like kept trying to get me to contact her for the better part of a year or two after that. Also meeting family members were always awkward since they would always ask me where I was going to college, what I wanted to do, what I was doing for a job etc while I’m like fucking 16-19 or so. I’m so much more fulfilled now that I took the white pill. My life actually has meaning now instead of just fucking soulless pussy for so long.

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from little expiriance I have, from where I live, no women want to marry, because all of them go to the big cities, and go there and either never marry or move to germany/uk and marry there. And there is like two generation of dudes that have no women around them. Those that did try to marry ukrainian women, get divorced as soon as they get permit to stay, and then they too go to big city in UK/germany. the only females here are women way over 50 and under 16. nothing in between. even the early 50s all go to germany in holland to work there. It is crazy my small town has 2 bus going to warsaw, the capital of poland, and 11 bus going to brussels, and that is not countring privet mini busses that drive people illegaly.