>Europe doesn't have mass-shootin-


>Croatia police say man takes own life after killing 6 people

>A man shot dead six people, including a 10-year-old child, in the capital Zagreb, before killing himself, Croatian police said Friday.

>The man suspected of the killings took his own life early on Friday after a chase that saw large parts of the Croatian capital sealed off, police said.

>Police found the bodies late Thursday in a quiet neighborhood in Zagreb. In addition to the child, two men and three women were killed. A 7-month old baby was found unharmed.

>Croatian media reported that the suspect's ex-wife and her partner were among the victims.

>Media said witnesses described hearing loud cries before the shots were fired.

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it was probably niggers, Crohaitians are very violent people

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>Croatian media reported that the suspect's ex-wife and her partner were among the victims.
Based shooter

6 people dead
Population about the size of small village wiped out each time

also shot a 10yo - ded. the 7 month old baby survived. he's fucked tho, once he's in the croatian social services system...

He did suicide as i read this morning

yupp, murder and suicide.

Oh shit, mass shoot! Big happening, need more informa....
Ohh jeez who gives a shit?

I hate mass shootings ,very nigger way to mend your butthurt from life.
Leave others alone and hero out.

Its biggest mass murder un last 20 years here. America has something like this every 2 days