>Europe doesn't have mass-shootin-


>Croatia police say man takes own life after killing 6 people

>A man shot dead six people, including a 10-year-old child, in the capital Zagreb, before killing himself, Croatian police said Friday.

>The man suspected of the killings took his own life early on Friday after a chase that saw large parts of the Croatian capital sealed off, police said.

>Police found the bodies late Thursday in a quiet neighborhood in Zagreb. In addition to the child, two men and three women were killed. A 7-month old baby was found unharmed.

>Croatian media reported that the suspect's ex-wife and her partner were among the victims.

>Media said witnesses described hearing loud cries before the shots were fired.

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it was probably niggers, Crohaitians are very violent people

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>Croatian media reported that the suspect's ex-wife and her partner were among the victims.
Based shooter

6 people dead
Population about the size of small village wiped out each time

also shot a 10yo - ded. the 7 month old baby survived. he's fucked tho, once he's in the croatian social services system...

He did suicide as i read this morning

yupp, murder and suicide.

Oh shit, mass shoot! Big happening, need more informa....
Ohh jeez who gives a shit?

I hate mass shootings ,very nigger way to mend your butthurt from life.
Leave others alone and hero out.

Its biggest mass murder un last 20 years here. America has something like this every 2 days

Sorry we wont be beating american mass shooting records anytime soon.

I like that i can go to school without some autistic sperg ending me for his imaginary waifu shit or something.

remember the saying
>be american
>get shot

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I'm sorry, can you speak up a little? Hard to understand you with Islam's dick in your mouth.

I just canceled my trip to Croatia. Well done you stupid fucking niggers. You just lost my business. Hope you get nuked by israel


>be fat american eating mcfatty
>autistic sperg comes in guns blazing
>at least ill be on news at 7
>*shrug shoulders* cool ill finish my burger

>be fat american
>get to be random 24th victim of mass killer

Such is life in the school zone

American niggers whould have killed the 7 months year old aswell, because they don't understand moral.

it's fucking nothing, it's called domestic abuse, the whore probably bleed him dry, the dude fucking snapped and took care of it, justice system doesn't work in ex-yu countries, it's all corrupt

kinda shitty to kill the children though

>he posted that image again
kek was getting btfo in that duolingo thread not enough for you leaf?

>be obese fedora gentleman from United States of America
>get shot listening to music from random Vegas window with high power assault rifle

Man i envy you ,you could potentialy get to be among gun violence statistics while here you can only be among low paying statistics kek

>it's another "butthurt schizophrenic thinks everybody on Jow Forums is the same person" thread

Revenge homicides happen. Big deal. Especially coming from a mutt.

>Croatian media reported that the suspect's ex-wife and her partner were among the victims.

That's not a mass shooting that's a revenge shooting

>be midly overweight mixed american
>do basic math in school
>get shot anyways cuz two kids planned to get revenge on society
>somehow survive
>next day you hear spergo next to you humming to himself some killer song while drawing with excess red pen lines

You just cant win anymore.

Pussy bitch, bet you are scared from Spanish balconies too.

Wouldnt have happened if serbia was still calling the shots

There is something with croats and murdering kids

How did he get the gun

He smuggled it from UK

>be fit american with eating disorder (pc definition so liberals dont feel triggered)
>cancel trip to Croatia
> get shot anyways on street by balls trippin nig nog because he took a wrong turn in da hoodz

Why do you care?

>be serb
>already won at life

gg wp kek

sure leaf. whatever you say. but hey, at least you got two (you)s from me. enjoy them.

no i just got up from night shift and i feel bitter-sweet like belgium chocolate

>s-sure w-whatever l-leaf heh
take your meds

>land of the free
at least we are free to take our life away

Really? What kind of gun. Was it bought legally

it happens here all the time, retard.

Croatia is a turd world shithole with a female president kissing Brussel ass for gibs. Their economy is in shambles, the only income they have is tourism, mainly hungarian tourists who they treat poorly, ungrateful sour people who have excellent fertile lands, sea connections, rivers lakes and forests, but are too stupid to turn it into profit, because alcoholic slavshit is alcoholic slavshit

>central european

pick one

Hes trolling dummy. Bosnia/Serbia/Croatia had the largest concentration of arms in the world in the 90s, its not hard to imagine there is still some leftover

Any chance they were Roma?

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i thought only non whites committed violence
Jow Forums lied to me

The envy of the mutts is showing..

>Please, can anyone tell us where can white americans go to hollydays?

Face it we're whiter than you.
And I don't even count myself as white, we're slavs for what it counts..

> 6 dead, it's nothing guise

this is a domestic dispute, gun ownership in the Balkans is almost mandated as a national defence measure, nothing to see here leftist shills.

by our laws you're most likely to go to jail if you shoot a burglar in your own house
also getting a gun licence is hard and expensive

and people here wonder why 200k + rapefugees didnt do jack shit here when they were here or passing trough country and why are western countries under siege right now.

Countries size of France,Germany and UK alltogether dont have ammount of illegal firearms in civilian hands as we do,or more likely,as countries from balkans do even tough we are 10x smaller population wise.

just found out i know the guy,saw him yesterday,he was drunk as shit...

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Lets blame rakija now plz

>t-they weren't nice to me when i visited :(((((

i think he was drinking pelinkovac...

mate, i was in hungary, the average village there looks pathetic, the first time i saw a horse with a carriage on the road was there, groups of gypsies everywhere

That domestic shooting (all happened in one house) is the biggest singular kill count in the last 20 years of our country. Usually just one person being shot is a nation wide news story for weeks or months even.
You have news like that on the hour.