What is the explanation behind the wars in the Balkans? Between countries like Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia, etc?

What is the explanation behind the wars in the Balkans? Between countries like Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia, etc?

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Serbs ruin everything because they're bleached niggers.

Servian niggers that were running Jewgoslavia as a proxy for Greater Serbia and sucking off resources from Slovenia and Croatia, used JLA commie army to attack Slovenia, when it decided to peacefully leave, then they attacked Croatia because they wanted to hijack Krajina and other coastal Croatian lands.

When servescumbag tells you about Krajina always remember that they came to Krajina s refugees during the Ottoman times

Serbs are pretty much Balkan Russians

Serbs going full blown muh great serbia

The same fighting you see in Syria, Libya, Ukraine, The Koreas, Iraq, Yugoslavia (am i missing some?). Just US things

The CIA niggers come, divide and conquer, that easy

The reason why the wars happened was because the Communists managed to supress the nationalistic urges of all the different nationalities after WW2, as soon as the Warsaw Pact collapsed it was on for young and old.

> Turks brutally oppress whities
> Turkish empire collapses
> Muslims still being dicks
> Fuck it remove kebab

The turks are the biggest problem, they should have all been deported back to Turkey after WW1.

Slovenians and Croats are kebab?

Balkan Russians would be Slovenians in terms of genetics and Croats in terms of bloodthirsty racialist mentality. Serbs are Balkan jews/armenians/chechens - backstabbing jew-tier rats with eternal victim complex

The same explanation behind every war in history: dick measuring or toxic masculinity, as they say in the west.

Proxy war between US and Russia. Also, Yugoslavia had a semi powerful army that needed to be destroyed for safety of other European countries.

Nibiru Electrostatic Transduction
pulsing, and some karma.

Diversity + Proximity

t. servishit sandnigger posting from a farm

there was nothing to divide in Jewgoslavia, since Slovenians or Croats had nothing to do with ciganoservian apparatchiks to begin with

you were and are shitskin leeches that suck off the juices from real Europeans to this very day. Your diaspora in hated "muh Nazi Ustasha Croatia", "jew Slovenia" and "opressive Germany and Austria" further confrims that

literal fucking US niggers clone that bitch about being da good boy who did nothing wrong, but somehow still looking to live with Whites

why are all serbians room temp IQ?

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>shills for Jewgoslovia serveshit-mongrelisation project
>complains about his own servian kin being dumb
is this how split personality works?

serves are dumb because they inbred mixed raced descendants of illeterate serfs. nothing surprising given the genetic nature of intelligence



Yugoslavia killed itself so it doesn't kill others. Who in Europe could have stopped People's Army?

Probably a few villagers with modified shovels

Serbs couldn't handle Yugoslavia falling apart and went absolutely crazy

we were all tricked into killing each other like dogs by (((them))). Just admit. They all tricked us, BTFOd us with illegal weapons and then bought up our countries.

War is where the old and bitter trick the young and the stupid to kill themselves. There are no sides, there is only the wolf and the sheep


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>.t albanian mongrel shill

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They are melanin-deficient niggers.

We tried to keep shit together, but were lead by incompetent pieces of shit.

Jews fucked us and we acted like niggers in yugoslav war
Kosovo war on the other hand is pure jewry, they wanted the mines and resources in Kosovo

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Yugoslavia was too big to handle so the West pitted them one against the other so they would dismember it.