Why is the holy name "Mohammed" the most common name für Murderers and Rapist in Europe?
That's not his real name. Newspapers aren't allowed to print real names of suspects.
They even name their daughters Mohammad.
This guy actually does know
That doesn't make sense, why would they just make up a name then
All that blood on his arms didn't even phase him
How much would you bet he killed a ton of people in the Middle East and then Europe let him in and gave him free stuff
because the article reads better if you give him a name. Somewhere in the footnotes it will say "name changed ..."
Looks blond to me...
pretty sure that's actually Eminem.
Why is Islam the only religion where you see people posing with heads?
why does proxy bot have no ability to read thread?
Thats gruesome! And I'm pretty sure that aint a muslim. Hes pribably isis jihadi or al qaida created and funded by (((da joos))))
Why do fags think they have to police everything?
Why don't they name him Hans Liebermann then
what the fuck
Fucking attrocious grip and technique. Why dishonor nippon steer rike dis? Use meatcleaver, stupid gaijin
Looooool show flag mohammed
>jewish name
gee i wonder
I was going to say...
88% of muslim men are literally named Muhammad Muhammad
Basedboy eating onions
>it has nothing to do with nothing
A true braapsniffer
I saw some stories calling this weapon a machete rather than a legit sword.
It’s required to name your firstborn son for him. I don’t know how it got into their last name. Maybe they went to Iceland.
>Muhammad Muhammadson
The average reporter doesn't know the difference between a RPG and a Saturn 5. They probably just assumed that because it was a black, it must have been a machete.
>metal weapon
>neck injuries
Where does he think he's going? The Mossad got an exfil ready?
No it isn’t required to name your son anything. Imam Ali the cousin and successor to Prophet Mohammed nabbed his sons Hassan and Hussein. The Prophet himself named his son Qassim.
Literally just fake news cnn just like how they think bacon is kryptonite for us
>holy name "Mohammed"
Mudslims have no intelligence and they are just mimicing the name of their rapist prophet: Monkey see monkey do.
Get out of my country while you can.
>And I'm pretty sure that aint a muslim.
fuck off iqbal! he's following the quran to the letter
I thought spontaneously combusting due to a chemical reaction was your weakness?
Maybe i’ve been here too long.
In all fairness you guys are usually too busy freaking the fuck out about bacon to explain how you aren't really that worried about bacon
The best bit was the sword being mall ninja shit that bent over quicker than a British schoolboy.
So it’s just a fad that’s lasted 1000 years?
Blue shirt, wtf
>why do fags think they have to police everything?
Because sweetie, america polices the world, get used to our faggoty oppression.
German news actually done that a few times already.
there is even laws that prohibit to name where some one is from when it could cause people to get angry/ racist.
However they are also not interested to name it, since most German press is influenced by Nato and politicians.
police is still not allowed to check the race of criminals when doing DNA checks even though it would improve solving crime. Only since like a week they are allowed to name visual marks, like hair color.
Germany is lost, the jews won.
demographic already passed the point of no return, Germans will be a minority in a few years.
>a fucking golblin
This is what peak cuckoldry looks like.
this. The majority of under 15 in your schools are muhamedans and africans. Too bad, we needed your scientists to keep producing technological life saving drugs. Truly a clown world.
we are importing people from countries where 100% of them have committed crimes if compared to our societies.
Now they come to the west, take on all the debt they can, all the benefits, build as much wealth as they can, sent it back home. and wait for the debt bubble to hit. then they'll all fuck off back home where all their wealth is worth 50x.
leaving all the Canadians and Americans holding their debt bags. again.
It's just a cultural misunderstanding
Over 50% under 15 in america are non white, we arent doing much better.
another angle
Were all fucked burger.
We need a war.
This woman is retarded. It seems the car is hers and she just stopped nearby to check how the kids in the playground are doing.
Just drive over...
>"He had his reasons."
Absolutely based.
Wars dont kill enough, we need pandemics.
In Islam All first born male children must be named Muhhamad. This is also why Muhhamad is the most popular name on the planet. So, even if Muzzies werent a bunch of low impulse control rape monkeys...statistically, guys named muhhamad would still be raping people at higher rates, there are just more of them.
the jew is strong with this one
Pure jewden.
That was from mosul when Daesh took the city. He is a very very muslim dude.
not his real name
he is palestinian
sand niggers are all the same
The absolute state
Your past Israel cuck president caused this.
and the demographics don't look so bright for you too ameribro. Best to you and your people.
Look at this lying faggot.
>women literally walks within 2 feet of the man actively stabbing victim with a katana
>man keeps his distance on the phone
Retards and cowards, the lot of you
They renamed the guy that shot up Munich last year to David S.
however his actual name was Ali Dawoud S.
and that's just one example you cuck.
quite the contrary, they went that close just to get a better shot of the gore
what should they have done? fought someone with a fucking katana?
>obongo is the one that cucked germanistan
Oh hans
What's Zschäpes, or Mundlos? What About Ernst? Arent't these the real names?
Hes arab, the spirit of the samuri does not slow through him, the katana was no threat.
You mean Zschäpe and Mundlos, who achieve in 10 years what a 'refugee' with a truck achieves in one afternoon?
What's your point? Is this really a blatant try to move the goalpost?
>not getting in car and running the dune coon over
This is why everyone needs to carry at least mace and ideally a gun at all times.
Your katana has shit vs a magdump of 45 acp
Or alternatively, good luck swinging a sword when you can't fucking see.
no such thing holy fuck the traitor media is so retarded
The correct term is Russlanddeutscher my god how can they be so retarded?
If this was the case they'd name him Markus
Yes, and they said he was German, but he was from Iranian Origin. At least he killed some muslim bully's
You're right. His name was Karl Müller, the quintessential German.
Holy fucking beak in the background
Germans, put together a video showing the attacks on the German people from nonwhites. A compilation video and spread it throughout the internet.
>Unironically using a Katana
Lol, cringe weeb!!
so they were lovers?
this Fin gets it
Big ass schnoz!
I am an immigrant from a non-EU G8 country, so I like the idea of different cultures existing alongside each other and the EU, but I think there is a big problem of how Germany spends too much time and money on stupid petty crimes like no bike lights or checking tickets on the train when there are serious fucking problems. I went to the café yesterday and there's beggars who ask everyone for money, normally they're chill, but one of them I saw literally do an aggravated assault a year ago. How the fuck is he still a free man? He,s definitely a refugee or immigrant also. He is an asshole and gets in everyones face and refuses to leave.
Lol this bitch got irrelevant within a day, nobody remembers her
How deadly is Damascus steel folded over 1000 times?
The manifest will of Allah
Hes wedged the heads in the fence cutouts, LOL
Are you the same Afghan guy from yesterday?
I must be. What was I posting?
the eternal schnooz
So, statistically you are far more likely to be killed by a man named Mohammed then Jamal and 0 chance of being killed by Tom or Dave.
It'll come to this one day, I'm sure.
Pepperidge farms remembers
What about being killed by Shlomo over several generations?
>Why is Islam the only religion where you see people posing with heads?
Because it is a death cult.