How would you treat Muslims if you ruled the world?

How would you treat Muslims if you ruled the world?

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Make them govern Jewish neighborhoods
>to the northeast of Cambrai, Totenkopf cleared several villages from French Moroccan troops in house to house fighting — on 19 May alone Totenkopf suffered only 16 dead and 53 wounded while inflicting 200 dead on the Moroccans and capturing another 100.[8] Soldiers from Totenkopf executed many captured Moroccans, due to Arabs being considered “racially inferior”.

I’d go all Totenkopf in their butts

There wouldn't be any muslims if I ruled the world.

100% nothing else works for these """people""" but scorched earth tactics.

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I would accept you as our king if you could manage such a feat.

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I’d treat their women as my own personal fuck toys

Colonize their wimmins.


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Keep the women, get rid of the males

The jewz don't deserve to have any land. They've cause enough hatred and destroyed countless countries with their propagandas. Fuck Jews.

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I'd give them Australia, tell them to keep their shit there. Christians would get Greenland, they get to keep their shit there. Jews get the arctic circle, and get to keep their shit there.

Atheist niggers get Africa, because fuck Africa.
Atheist Candians get Canada, because fuck Canada.
Atheist Americans get Mexico, because fuck Mexico.
Atheist spics get Brazil, because fuck Brazil.

America is mine. As long as everyone stayed in their area, I would have no reason to nuke any of those areas. Anyone who stepped foot on the US without authorization would be shot on sight.

>never heard of them. must be fairy tales.

Give them the same options they'd give me. Convert or die.

Marooned on island with the Jews

Slaves and sex slaves (no breeding).

>How would you treat Muslims if you ruled the world?

Contained in the middle east.

The pale of settlement for every nation south of Caucasus

the same way you treat anyone else infected by a deadly virus. quarantine. Put them all in one place sealed off by walls the sea & security. just give them one small country and it would be a case study of what stone age thinking does to a society.

Depends. Some get reeducation, others (moroccans) a bullet.

castrated and enslaved.

like what they did to africans.

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Let them run the middle east how they see fit but stop immigration from the middle east apart from hot women who are white enough.

ITT: retarded edgelords

Do whatever you want to the Arabs, but the northern middle east could easily be saved by just btfo of Jihadists, xinjang style. This means mass murder and reeducation camps in certain areas.

Just put them on Australia and let the different sects kill each other off. Why should I have to get worked up over it?

Deport them all to sub-Saharan Africa and let two birds kill each other with the same stone. China can have the then uninhabited parts of the Middle East as lebenstraum on condition it builds a wall around Israel then relocates all the Ethopian Jews there.

Like they treat everyone else. They pay a tax, their men can only marry muslims, converting to islam is a death penalty, they can't build mosques, can't hold executive office, can't speak in oubluc about their religion, and if they speak out they lose protection and are stoned to death while their women are forceably converted and raped.
Its called Counter Shariah.

If I ruled the world people would ask “what’s a Muslim?”

mhm, i agree
putting poc in charge is the only way to defeat racism :^)

I opened this thread expecting a thread full of sexy women in hijabs and i am dissapoint

Will a cow work instead?

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I would kill them all and then adopt Sharia law for the rest of the world.

I'd give their own ethnostate; but they would need to cut all the "the world must submit to Islam" shit right the fuck out.

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They have more than one already. Just give them Arabia and ban them from leaving

lock them up in one area of the world and never let them out

This is the best solution. If they complain just point out its their laws we are reciprocating.

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every single resource available would be spent on space exploration with the goal of colonizing another planet so i wouldnt treat them any way, i would ignore them and simply keep the hordes away from the gates of my nation and eventually leave taking my people with me.

I would drop nukes on Mecca and Medina, kill off all men, elders and babies. Also I would bring young and fertile women as sex slaves/"potential citizens" which could be granted citizenship after proving themselves worthy and abandoning islam.

This is the way to go: wreck their morale by proving that their religion and "god" are wrong (nukes), destroy the force pushing their society forward (by killing off men and babies) and hijack their women with your own sperm to prevent their population from rebuilding.

No society would survive something like that.
And women? They have strong biological imperative of survival and reproduction and lack morale and loyality. They would rather give birth to your enemy's offspring rather than die with you.
So, based on that fact, they could've been easily converted into nice western ladies, especially if they could see the benefits.

Pisslam would be outlawed, and any muzzie who refuses to convert after 90 days would be treated the way a pagan is in a muzzie country.

Fuckin Hitler their asses! Exterminate

Probably the same way they treat each other tbqhf.

Came here to post this.

Could anyone keep a straight face while banging that?



>she's black, but the pussy is white



well after about a month there wouldn't be any left alive so I'm not sure how I'd treat them

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I'd be nice to them unless they started pulling stuff like trying to live in America or kill Christians then I'd bomb.

No. I'd be ahegao as fuck.

Wow cruel

Keep dreaming

contained in their desertic shithole land, make sure they don't hold the monopoly to oil, because would give theme extreme power

Well... If we follow thier doctrine to a tee... She will get gang raped repeatedly then honor killed before the last one in line finishes nuting.

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Fpbp, give me a total authority over a Jewish neighborhood and I'll teach those Heebs a good lesson. On an unrelated note: I'm also going to need a 100 oversized industrial pizza ovens.
t. Moroccan BVLL

Let them have their religion and practices but not pass any laws or policies directly benefiting them or catering to them. Not endorsing their religion in any circumstances.

I wonder how far they'd get without the strict State-backed bullshit they pull all over the world.

Make them disposable whores for the White man.

I'd treat everyone the same. However everyone would be forcibly confined to their own countries/regions.

Kill the men and breed the women
(Goes for races too not just islam, id bleach every race and abort the sons)

Meaning the women, of course.

The men can rot in their own lands and would be barred from ever setting foot in White nations.

Why not just keep them out of our country and let them be free in their own?


Muslims are pagans. Allah is a moon god.

Gebaseerd en red pilled broer.

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The same way I would trat jews, blacks, southasians, hindus, arabs, amerindians and australian abbos: Exterminated as soon and as fast as possible.

Came here to say this. fpbp

all religions would be banned

I would use the blood of a billion muslims to fertilize the Sahara, and go down in history as Earths greatest champion, an ecological wizard capable of turning a desert into paradise.

That's true.

If I ruled my minecraft server I would destroy anything that doesn't look like a pink block and reduce the overall population to a stable number. After the cleansing, I would allow people to become settlers and venture into the decimated areas, clear the debris and grow as much vegetation as possible and, from there, let them expand their own villages. I would promote that over technological developement but I'd assign as much as I could to medical investigations.

Oh no no no no

>fresian nigger

Congratulations on moistering 100 Km2, an area similar to central former London in size.

t. Jew

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Goes to show you there is a little good in everybody.

Usually it's worded as
>This happens one week after your last theft
.. but I'll accept it.


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The guys name is literally death head or some shit. Sounds FAKE

Throw them out of the western countries and never interact with them again.

That’s the name of the division you idiot.

It's a start, anyway.

fuck off cunt we're full just execute them you dumb cunt it isnt that hard

Why? They've done nothing to me.