Anime is degenerate
It promotes racemixing with asians, pedophilia and trannies
Anime is degenerate
It promotes racemixing with asians, pedophilia and trannies
talk shit get hit
It provides an outlet for all that shit so you aren't tempted in real life.
>Killing whit*oids
Anime is based
>Anime is degenerate
Not all anime retards
You got to be selective: the same goes with races
>racemixing with asians
So? Rather a gook than a spook.
>inb4 "da white race!!!"
No one is actually 100% white in this world, if you don't live in Northern Europe that is. We whites are actually the minority in this world, 56%'ers need not apply. What you said about pedophilia and trannies are a fact however. That's the only degenerate thing you've said.
People who watch degenerate anime are already degenerate. Not the other way around
eliminate asians
problem solved.
why are you on Jow Forums then
I guess I'll ask in this thread.
Why is it (especially in anime) that the women VAs can easily sound like real women but then sound like munchkins when voicing certain characters or certain situations?
Anime didn't start out that way. It was like Disney was in the early days, before getting pozzed.
Now all animated work is degenerate and evil.
That's because a long time ago, the shrinks of the world figured out how easy it is to affect and change attitudes in humans via subliminal suggestion. Edward Bernays, the nephew of Freud, helped start it all up.
The easiest way to demoralize a people is to demoralize the children first.
must be something to do with voice acting
you fear it's wholesome themes of self sacrifice, discipline and hard work
no we dont want your hollywood trash any more
No wonder Jow Forums loves it so much.
because women's vocal cords didn't change much during puberty so they can still do child voices pretty easily. They do the same thing when baby talking to cats and shit.
Why cant white women sound cute too?
Just create prowhite anime. Artists anons, get on it.
Some can. Tabitha Ray, 90s Laura Bailey, early Monica Rial, and Brittney Karbowski to name a few.
>I don't like fit, gorgeous, young women
ok faggot