Happening in Frankfurt Germany

Don't know what's happening but police tweeted cryptic tweets about a big police operation in Düsselforfer street, Frankfurt.

Police asked not to make pictures from police officers because it could put cops and univolved persons at risk.

Attached: cops.png (780x612, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:


anybody know what's ging on?

Attached: fusion.png (694x672, 652K)

unknown suspects have gained access to safe deposit boxes in a bank and caused alarm. When they fled, police shot at them. Three people arrested.

Attached: EA-E6hmXkAAWohh.jpg (768x1024, 124K)

Is it just me or does the Police carry more and more weapons every week or so?

part & parcel

armed hold up in a bank. Robbers fled into the train station. Train station is shit down.

Attached: doc76hn0srfua87liof1ej9_file76hmy5fxu4pghu4s16k2.jpg (900x500, 89K)

Frankfurt train station is Europe's No. 1 drug-trafficking area

Attached: 1540728492933.png (316x345, 105K)

>some nigs rob a bank
>entire transport network of the country is affected

Attached: kek2.jpg (540x534, 67K)

give it a few years so they can go american style

Attached: bearcat-boston-police-concord-copblock.jpg (955x500, 213K)

I hope they get thoroughly ridiculed for their left-wing activism.

for english speakers.
is the equivalent to writing

Actors_tresses instead of "actors" to desribe actors (which includes female actors) because it would be sexist to exclude actresses.

Thats retarded. German is too complicated to throw in gender neutral shit

the main problem is, you can't verbalize that and it destroys every text flow when you read it.

I studied German for 4 years and it confused the fuck out of me when I saw that tweet. I've never seen anything like that before


this thing is responsible

Attached: Lann Hornscheidt.jpg (635x357, 37K)

lmao in the wiki article they don't write "he says" or "she says". They just write "Hornscheidt says" because they don't know which pronoun they have to use.

>the country is crumbling under criminal activity they aren't prepared for nor ever had to deal with before
>they are focused the most on pronouns

honk honk

Because it's retarded as fuck, that's only one of the many variations. And I think that one is the most recent one. There was one with an Asterix instead of the underline, but that got removed fast because it was not possible to write that shit in braille.

Everyone hates that gendering but everyone has to be PC.
Video related where AFD btfo gendering

diversity is happening

train station is open again Small happening.

i loved this so much. This is great too

fuck. I have some silver in a bank deposit. should I rather burry it in my garden?
In Berllin they also emptied the deposit boxes not too lonng ago

Fuck, that thing looks like a tranny Maddin Schneider

It's a person that identifies as neither male nor female and wants to get called Proffessorx

its usually not that bad here, unless some kid calls them on you whilst you are streaming

based trump giving the dumb shit mutt caved head cops tanks

You have been visited by the Laura of not great, not terrible threads.

This thread is currently reading 26 replies (not great, not terrible).

Attached: Laura.jpg (1275x637, 108K)

Silver?And you pay the bank to hide away silver for you?
Put it in your freezer section of your frigde in the back.

diversity is our greatest strength

Attached: S6MAHiS.jpg (1200x800, 223K)