Sooo, why do most Jow Forumsfags deny global warming and other climatic problems? Instead of just being so stubborn and declining the facts, why not blame Asia and Africa instead? In fact, comparing the West with India or China would have probably been much more effecient AND probably turn the cards in a positive way. While most leftists are shouting about the global warming you'd be able to make them feel "slightly" uncomfortable by reasonably blaming 3rd world countries and, by that, forcing them to either shut up or rethink their ideas.
>In fact, comparing the West with India or China would have probably been much more effecient They tried that in Denmark, but the TV station kept sending in hysteric children screaming at the politicians >YOU ARE NOT AMBITIOUS ENOUGH And it worked.
The left won both the national election and EU election.
Joshua Rivera
azn? no no it be da joos behind global heating
Thomas Richardson
Have you ever taken a picture of two or more people? They have to be together to get them all in frame. The real question is why take a picture of such ugly people?
Temperatures are rising... During the last hundred years the temperature increased about 0.1°C because of carbon dioxide. The human contribution was about 0.01°C
In a nut shell here's what happens when the sun weakens and moves into a more dormant cycle: · Increased galactic radiation hitting the earth causing increased cloud coverage globally · Weaker jet streams · Increased volcanic activity · Increased frequency and magnitude of earth quakes · More erratic and unpredictable weather · Substantially increased precipitation and drought · Shrinking grow zones for crops and shorter grow periods · Massive crop loss and food shortages · Significantly colder areas at the north and south poles
The earth's magnetosphere is weakening at an unprecedented rate thereby letting in the largest amount of cosmic rays in recorded history.
Increased cosmic rays cause earthquakes, volcanos, and increased cloud cover thereby reducing earth's temperature further. Like the 'year without a summer'
they don't have to lean all over each other on dad's couch where did he come from anyway
Evan Lewis
For fuck's sake, could you please stop talking about that picture of hers? Just ignore the fact that she is ugly as hell, we've got more relevant things to discuss here.
Isaiah Lewis
What is your plan on how to stop Chinese-caused global warming?
Global warming is real. It's main threat, however, isn't rising sea levels or hurricanes or wildfires or crop failures. It's that when all those things hit the third world, they're going to flood to any country dumb enough to take them in.
North America actually in a good position compared to Europe. Our only border is a narrow land bridge to South America. We'll end up talking in a bunch of brownish conquistador rape-babies, but at least we won't turn into Africa 2.0.
So, basically all Western countries ruled by leftists or centrists with a bunch of exclusions?
Dominic Nelson
Jews are very inbred.
Robert Jackson
This is called fetal alcohol syndrome.
William Hill
Because if they admit that climate change is real, they have to admit the leftists are right and all the major right-wing politicians and talking heads are wrong. Why do you think anti-expert, anti-intellectual and anti-science views are picking up in our spaces?
Jason Johnson
Because the proponent of climate change activism think fetal alcohol syndrome is cute.
Kevin Williams
doesnt this climate change shit get brought up every decade but this time more people are believing it and its being pushed hard as fuck
I'm actually rooting for climate change so that potato faced fuckwit has a harder time.
every day I go out and turn on my 78 Buick and put a brick on the pedal. fuck you cunt.
Isaiah Edwards
>The sun has cycles yeah i pretty much though that we are just going through a period in time where its getting warmer and eventually will get cooler
Thomas Jones
This is actually a legit good argument you're making. You should drop the faggy memeflag and that stupid pic related though.
What really matters is race, and environmentalists are overwhelmingly white, AND you can ramp up their racial consciousness for sure, rather than these stupid cringey climate denial things.
and this is the child the Jew Media has forced down your European throats. At what point do you people say or do something? You dont HAVE to take this shit from a literal child.
I’m genuinely asking this, because of her face shape/ she retarded?
Christian Baker
Yep. See the pastebin
William Williams
It's been getting cooler for the last several years
Ryder Perry
There's two questions you should be asking. >if global climate change was real and really going to destroy the world within our generation, why those in power not care when they'll also be destroyed by it? >why does one potato-faced child supposedly know more than everyone else about an issue that's been around for decades (before even her parents were born)? The answers are that climate change isn't actually real, and they're using a retarded schoolkid as emotional black mail to keep people distracted.
Josiah Foster
hey guys, does anyone how this girl got HPV (STD viral infection) clearly visible on her skin at her age already? Some one needs to file a criminal report for her..LMAO
Benjamin Reyes
im 32, ive been hearing the sea level gonna rise up and drown us all ever since i was 7. 25 fucking years and nothing ever happens, fake and gay
Landon Perez
This, for decades we've been told of catastrophic consequences of global warming and climate change and so far not a damn thing has happened the way climate "scientists" thought. There are literally studies being conducted to find out why climate change isn't happening over how to fix it. I do agree with you, OP, China and India as well as the other third-world nations should be shamed and punished for their continued destruction of the Earth, but libtards would likely just abduct then into the US and white countries across Europe to let then fuck up society instead of the planet. Really what we need is a mass genocide of Africa, China and India and a better plan to switch to sustainable energy in first-world nations