What are current political situation in Russia? Redpill me on russian leader Ramzan Kadyrov.
Russian general
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Nothing has changed, r*ssia still a shthole.
So communist?
Every thread i see there’s always a Belgian that hates Russia, don’t you have more pressing and localized problems to deal with?
He is Crimean Tatar refugee
This eternally butthurt individual is not Belgian
hi mom
this, every year, for the foreseeable future
Just imagine the creation of first form of "Government" racketeer taking shit from plebs.
that thug did not change he is the same primitive monkey with muscles
And his collective name is Ramzan Kadirov
small european countries live in constant fear of being annexed by russia. they know deep down they are our property. some day we will return them back to the fold regardless
>meme flag
Good meme, TURKranian. Russia is 70% Slavic White as it is and decreasing fast due to Putin's politics
Luckily enough for us, nationalist uprising is coming sooner or later. Think post-Right Sector/Belij Molot Maidan, but bloodier
coming from a subhuman tatar living in post-Napoleonic creation
>post-Napoleonic creation
how is it a bad thing, r*ssian subhuman?
>how is it a bad thing, r*ssian subhuman?
Wow that is a lot of volume in her hair
was there ever a sadder story than that of Napoleon and Alexander?
look white to me desu
I've been in Moscow 5 years ago and it looked like this
Looks subhuman, inbred and alien to any European nationalist and plainly inbred and alien even to cucks of Europe.
Not like 85 IQ mixed race manlets are respected anywhere outside of Turkey.
Back to Belgium being a fake country and how is it bad for the locals. Well, we have Dutchmen Frisians, North French Wallons and Germans all forced into one fake state by the great powers just because.
Not having a state and living within other ethnicities torn abort from native Netherlands, Germany and France? Sounds awesome
Go figure, tatarshit should know what its like to not have a country.
Being landlocked slaves of Moscow in bumfucknowhere Volga whereabouts far from their native Central Asia
Not only Moscow, but all major Russian cities suffer from an influx of non-white subhumans.
But what about Ukraine? You have so-called ethnic Ukranians that look like turkic goatfuckers and balkanshits. Realistically both Russian and Ukraine are roughly 70% Slavic
How do you stop it though?
IIRC Russia consisted of
>inbred and alien to any European nationalist and plainly inbred and alien even to cucks of Europe
true, that's why r*ssian subhumans never were and never will be accepted as a part of Europe.
>How do you stop it though?
Step one - take over Moscow in same style Ukranians chimp out every 5-10 years or so
Step two - install the nationalist consitution and racial laws
Step three - enforce those laws and constitution via paramilitary groups, police and secret services
>IIRC Russia consisted of central asian subhuman inbred
opinion discarded.
Pic related looks far better than roofless cuckshacks rural Kazan Gubernia is full off these days.
LMAO you faggots were less than 10% of Kazan population before the revolution.
Just curious who would be the first to retake power - Belgian or Russian nationalists, because if it's the latter, then Belgians will have no place to deport your inbred family to other than Kazakhstan
>unironically comparing subhuman shithole populated by r*ssians to Europe
Is that how a typical russians look like?
Typical russian conservative who voted for Putin 5 times
Russia is a cucked leftist shithole, where man share their wifes with sandniggers, mongols, niggers and praise them.
Russia’s national sport is sucking Azerbaijani cock.
Most Russian men allow their wives to take trips to Turkey to fuck with Ahmets while they stay in Russia working to give their wives a decent life.
Russian women are notorious coalburners. They only worship niggers and sandniggers while they ignore every white one.
Russian men too cucked and brainwashed to realize how pathetic they are in order to kill themselves.
Majority of Russians are ok with race-mixing, globalism, islamization, mass immigration, multiculturalism, femimism, genders bullshit, SJWs and LGBTs.
Russians have always been against ethnonationalism.
Ukraine has more ethnic Russians than Russia at this point. Almost third of school in large towns are almost exclusively non-white.
Russian millennials and zoomers are the worst and most degenerate, jewed, cucked and weak generations and are the reason why Russia will collapse.
Right now in Russia there are radical feminism, SJW and LGBT movements on a very high rise.
Russia is doomed, it has fell in the hole of tolerance. Just nuke.
>Russia is 70% Slavic White
There are only 5-10% real Russians left. Rest are mixed churka LARPers. The real white Russians despise pidorussia for being a dysfunctional multiethnic churka shithole. Only the azeri-tatar-chukcha-bashkir-chechen-russian mongrels are proud pidorussians and will defend this dump of a country no matter what.
But.. Russia is the last hope of the white race. Please tell me things are better there than how you described. My dream is still have have Russian traditional girl who is loyal and bake me warm bread while I toil away in the factory for a meager wage. Please don't ruin my dream.
>true Russia is ukraine
>Russian traditional girl who is loyal and bake me warm bread
Good joke, dude. Finding a Russian traditional girl is like looking for the clean needle in the crocodile drug park in Russia.
haha.. aww man.. I was hoping that that they see the man for his soul and not his paycheck, and that they are ok with a life that is full of love and loyalty but not necessirily audis and mercedes and monthly holidays to Dubai. Say it ain't so Sergei!!
How about Ukraine?
Is there a Russian slav ethnicity that has a distinctly sharp chins, whose women have a roughly japaniese like bodies, but with more hips?
fuck off to vk, churka.
Russians hating ethnonationalism must be a fucking meme given how racist our population is and history of ethnic and racial segregation until recently.
>Right now in Russia there are radical feminism, SJW and LGBT movements on a very high rise
Imagine actually thinking shit like that is true
There are no real white Russians or Slavic Russians - just Russians. All others are subhuman mongrels that should be removed or killed - don't fucking care.
>5-10% real Russians left
And how could Russian population (Slavic/Baltic/Finnic/Scandinavian blood only) get to 5-10%? Just until recently all Russian areas were homogenous. Austrian and Russian myself I do despise all mongrels and antiracist cuckolds that inhabit every corner of Europe, but same goes for shitposting retard spouting self-hating nonsense
Гopдый Pycич =/= oвoщ-poccиянин
>Гopдый Pycич
Imagine saying it with a straight face
Based white nationalist Putin government is promoting this.
Mendeleev, Dostoevsky, Pavlov, Tschaikovsky, Bulgakov, Svyatoslav the Great, Dmitry Donskoy, Gagarin, Sikorsky, Kalashnikov and the list of ancestors who set the standard for next generation of Russians is almost endless
Dostoevsky was half Tatar.
oh no what is wrong with mom
t. never been to Russia
oh no.... mom....