So just a question... when SHTF with anti gunners finally getting their way and banning all semi auto guns but grandfathering you ones you already have; what will we do? Do we start a Civil war..? But we won't be shooting at cops cause they aren't coming to our houses to take away your guns but rather just not allowing you to buy anymore new semi auto guns. Who do we fight against then?? Is this how anti gunners plan on winning? Because we ALL know people won't do SHIT during the Boogalo especially when they let you keep your current guns. Are we all doomed?
So just a question...
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No, you crash your FatScooterTM into Shart Mart Aisle you inbred mongrel mutt. Kill yourself, faggot.
nothing will happen. nobody on the right will do anything, otherwise they already would have
Your comment took away a few of my brain cells.
It frustrating.
Its starts with you, when we going ?
of course!
that's why the BIG BAD EVIL all over the planet, is STILL white supremacism, trumping shit like mass pollution by shitholes, proxywars, and overpopulation via subhumans
This, When the 1986 ban came into place on some guns people should of already been fighting, but nope.. everyone just took it right up the ass with a smile and still do to this day.
Shooting anti-gunners is a waste of lead.
That is why accelerationism is required so they won't grandfather in currently owned guns but conduct confiscation raids.
There is literally no reason to shoot any anti gunners, because we all know they won't come into your house and take your shit, that's the Polices job or SWAT.
M8 we have miniguns for sale in places. It’ll just be a matter of getting a new permit or something.
Even if another gun was never manufactured, America will have the means to murder the world forever.
How's the federal reserve treating everyone?
>The Mexicans of Asia calling people mutts
>America will have the means to murder the world forever.
Yea, but here's the thing. They won't.
There is never legal merit to this, it's like saying that boomers and millineals get to keep their second amendment rights but Generation Z or whatever don't because reasons. Also lol at grandfathering roughly 25million AR-15 rifles and then millions and millions and millions and millions of AKs, Scorpians, Mpx's, PDWs, Tavors, ect..., and then tens and tens of millions standard capacity magazines... Remember that the courts will try to gutt the constitution so the only thing we have to save the 2A is Mass Non-complience. Just don't fucking comply, also Sancturary states/counties/cities
THAT is how you render gun control fucked...
BUT wait there is more!
Mags: 3-D printing mags is already a done deal, and it's getting more and more reliable... google "Ivan the Troll." After all magazines are just polymer boxes so that is hardly a challenge. If that is too hard though, just buy 10-round 450 bush master magazines and swap the follower to 5.56, there finished, you can make springs with guides on how to do so, google them but even in the shithole known as California, you can order a spring for a pre-banned magazine to "fix" it, use your noodle if you want springs.
Recievers: Learning some machine skills will help with this, focus on all reciever types, look at the lost PLA method, also... any cnc machine can make... well anything, buy a jig for 80s, there are plenty of videos out there of cool guys making perfect lowers out of a block of metal. even brass. Go check it out.
Gun bans aren't shit, get fucked.
you're the first to hang
>Do we start a Civil war..?
r/K selection theory.
The next civil war will actually get started by left-wingers since things are going bad for them electorally and judicially.
Then its open-season on left-wingers and we can kill them all indiscriminately.
>There is never legal merit to this, it's like saying that boomers and millineals get to keep their second amendment rights but Generation Z or whatever don't because reasons
But that's exactly what anti gunners want. They aren't stupid enough to believe that they can get rid of EVERY gun in the world, so instead what they wanna try doing is making it to where no more new guns are being made. Look at our Machine guns in America. You can't own new machines guns unless they where made before 1986 PLUS it cost a shit ton of money to buy one. And with time our machines guns keep getting older and older to the point there won't be any left that survived time. I'm pretty sure anti gunners wanna do the exact same thing to our semi auto guns now.
Yep. They've already collectivised themselves and everyone recognises that at this stage, so once a few chimp out its open season on all. It didn't have to be this way but they are in for such a big shock.
The second amendment is designed explicitly for slotting cops. In the event of such a ban, not immediately going out to slot cops is tantamount to waiting around with your thumb in your ass for them to come and take them.
traitors get the bullet first.
The world is in a very different place now. If they try and ban semi-autos, red state governors will ignore it like the blue states do with weed and illegals. Then the Feds will have to decide how far they want to push things. This is how you get ATF and local LEO standoffs.
Guess what comes next.
>This is how you get ATF and local LEO standoffs.
and I damn well better see you fucking faggots there
>Who do we fight against then?
The people who voted for the people who are trying to dismantle the constitution. It's pretty simple.
jesus christ...
I’ll disagree with your trips.
Regardless of the cause you could see some left wing groups attack people... but after a few stories of someone mowing them down they would back off. They don’t have the will to die for their beliefs. What they do have is the will to send others to die for their beliefs.
Enter police. For example gun control. If they tried to enforce confiscation the police would say “fuck this” after they lost 40% of their force by the time they hit the 5th house.
Most likely is grandfather strategy but that would take centuries to be effective. It’s a weak tactic. They would tack on life if your caught with them for something else.
It would have to start after Dems gain complete control. Which they will when Texas and Florida others flip blue.. giving them the power to implement all sorts of bullshit laws and policies. Open borders anyone? Then you would see people finally saying fuck it and guerilla attacks would start on dem groups and politicians. This will also lead to the reintroduction of the death penalty in all states as a deterrent to people who would do it and live life in jail.
>it's pretty simple
But it's not simple...
And no one is psychotic enough to shoot people who voted for anti gunners, PLUS, how will you find these "voters"??
>Gun grabbers
The can't grab what they don't know about. It's not like they would be confiscating "illegal" guns, that would lose them the nigger and spic votes.
Yea, but what about your brothers who bought suppressors and SBR's and Pre 86 machineguns? All of them are on some kinda list thanks to forcing them to go through the ATF.
I think the most inevitable SHTF scenario is some gun grabber tries to grab pre existing guns with an executive order (like Kamala Harris said she would) and entire state governments ignore it, some police departments ignore it like Connecticut did when they realized most gun owners were cops (and cancelled the buyback program), and some police departments actually try it in liberal areas and some conservative areas (mainly cities) and end up getting in shootouts with gangs and the likes. A civil war isn’t in the governments best interest, though.
Trips don’t lie
You underestimate people who feel like they are losing everything and everyone.
There are people out there who would have no problem mowing down a dem group gathering when they literally hate them for shit like anti gun, drag kids, and suck that beautiful woman’s penis bigot - type stuff
Out of hundred million people some would
illegal guns will become much MUCH easier to acquire. they aren't going to be "solving the problem" unless they want war or they are willing to wait a long ass time
I know there are people who are dying to mow down a bunch of libtard faggots, and i'd be laughing in my chair watching it go down on TV. However, these brave souls are few and far in between. There just simply isn't enough og these type of people to make any kinda difference other than their acts causing more gun laws to get enforced. *Cough* christchurch shooting *Cough*
The only war that requires no uniform is a race war, everything else is a battle of ideas
True or false?
>illegal guns will become much MUCH easier to acquire.
Why would you assume that? Who's going to be mass supplying these guns? how in the world would anyone find them?
See when they mention they’re going after semi-automatic weapons, they think they’re talking about rifles that look dangerous. Anyone who has ever touched a weapon, knows they’re talking about handguns, because the most common form of semi-automatic weapons are handguns. A semi automatic gun ban is an attempt to disarm us all and they’re too dumb to realize it, or are 100% aware of what they’re doing and feigning ignorance
Jokes on them, I’ve got my grandpa’s bolt action sitting in the garage somewhere. I just need to clean it up and grease it up a little and it’s ready to go.
>Jokes on them
Jokes on who? The cops? because the anti gunners won't be coming to your house. That's the cops job, and they will mow your ass down if all you have is a fucking bolt action lmao.
Who said that’s all I have, it was mostly a joke because even in the unlikely scenario that they manage to take away everything else I’ll still be armed. Of course I’m not going to have a go at the police with a bolt action
Half of my family is law enforcement anyway, and believe me they don’t want to take our weapons, and will refuse to do so anyway. Can you imagine the amount of resources and manpower needed to invade and search homes with people who are guaranteed gun ownership by the constitution? You either show up with a swat team of 20 people and hope your guys don’t eat shotgun spray the second they kick down a door, or refuse such unconstitutional orders
You will see a lot of the community show up. I hope Mayors, county commissioners and especially police chiefs have have started to think about this happening, and what they will do.
You can 3D print or desktop CNC an AR lower receiver. Gun control is DOA and will only serve to piss off actual Americans.
I would not recommend this, not unless you want the gun to fall apart and misfire after firing a few rounds
this .
+its painfull to listen to guntards screaming FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS.
when the knock on the door is 3 cops wanting your weapons, they will give them up
It's not 2012 anymore. That's not the case.
Owning firearms is enshrined in the document that made us a nation by goverment braking that contract we are no longer a nation.
>3 cops wanting your weapons
Try 20 cops armed to the teeth wearing as much body armor as possible
They DO not want our guns, most of them have small armories in their own homes and the last thing they want is to give them up. The day they start calling for cops to confiscate weapons is the day they all quit their jobs. They don’t give a fuck about taking some gangbangers weapons away because they know its a danger to society, but they’re not risking their lives to come take guns away from average people
This is an unfortunate truth. Tax stamp holders and dealers are sitting ducks for confiscation. The only good thing is that there are enough of them that there simply aren't enough agents/police to hit them all at once. Once they start getting hit word will spread fast enough for the others to take action. And once that happens everyone will know that the first move has been made and escalation is imminent.
I like the cut of your jib
We don't have the option to use Muhammad's like you do faggot.
It's not happening. Everyone who supports gun control in the US is under twenty or over 70. It's been a dead issue for longer than most of the people on this board have been alive.
Why are you even here Achmed?
My town doesn't even have twenty cops.
some of us still remember the clinton assault weapon ban. those were dark days, fren.
You pay a tax. I pay $200 a year for a suppressor on my AR
You didn't read his manifesto? That's part of the plan
bruh thats chile, theyre literally mexicans
That’s because of faggy boomers the generation of Americans is fucking radical either super far left or super fucking far right I promise shit will go down
>"guys, there are too many guns and that's why gun crime happens!"
>"Ignore the fact that most gun crime is attributable to illegally purchased guns, and that gun deaths count for .0001 percent of guns owned. It's guns that are the problem, ban all guns."
Oh believe me, everyone on the right is ready to fight, we just don't want to throw the first punch.
Hnnng wood looks so sexy on an AR
oh this thread wasn't intended for Europeans; it's an internal matter you see.
Dark days? The AWB was the single greatest thing that ever happened for gun rights in the US. It solidified the gun rights movement and turned the AR-15 into the most popular rifle in the country.
if you had lived through it you might understand. at the time we didn't know how it would end or if our rights would ever be restored.
>You pay a tax. I pay $200 a year for a suppressor on my AR
this is intersing , Cant the Gov just force a Tax on gun owners and raise it till its so high only very rich can own guns?.
People will just make their own lowers
It ended fifteen years ago. I obviously lived through it. It literally had a sunset clause written into it.
That was the entire point of the National Firearms Act. A suppressor cost a couple of bucks back in 1934. Even a Thompson submachine gun was well under $200.
that is a central european flag, faggot
How would we find them? I dunno, maybe try looking behind every blade of grass?
>obviously lived through it
>fifteen years ago
i don't know. you sound like a whiney little underageB& faggot, so it's not obvious at all.
embrace your steppe mongolian heritage, brother
Go back to shitposting on arfcom.
Nobody is going to do shit. You crackers are too scared to even admit your beliefs in real life at work or school, putting on some pathetic facade to fit in, and you think you'll have the balls to pick up a gun and die when the time comes. Stop LARPing you fucking nerds.
Yes they basically already do this with heavy machine guns and artillery
Speaking of larping. You know that everywhere that isn't a liberal infested ghetto has been increasing gun rights for your entire life, right?
before the full auto ban how many officers do you think were willing to confiscate machine guns from non criminals if they were to be banned. Now if you were caught with a machine gun today (that being your only crime) how many officers do you think would take you to jail? All of them. Don't be retarded, cops want your guns. The semi auto ban will be the exact same story as the full auto ban.
It's $200. If you afford to feed a machine gun or cannon, you can afford the tax.
I'm trying to invent the phasers from star trek breh just gimme a sec
Will keep u posted
The 2020 election is going to be so terrible to witness that something organic is going to happen. No need to hype people up for DOTR when the commissars are openly declaring their evil intentions
OP has the autism.
>the legal acquisition of firearms for all citizens has been spreading
You're just proving my point, dumbfuck. The availability of weapons has been increasing and widespread for my entire life, and white nationalists are still too much of pussies to take any action, hence why its sensationalized when 3 out of how many? white supremacists a year shoot some minorities
There are hardly any white supremacists in the country. You have a mental illness.
Whatever makes you feel better about your failed cause. Maybe if I lived in a shithole town in texas with less than 20 cops I'd have a mental illness, must have got a bad roll of the dice mentally in order to end up stranded there.
What failed cause? Gun rights have been consistently on the rise for twenty-five years.
>Don't be retarded, cops want your guns.
That's why you have to hold every cop accountable if just one cop wants to gun grab
if one cop in a police department wants to gun grab you have to assume the entire department wants to. Force the entire department to quit their jobs for their safety or have them face the consequences. The only exception is if the sheriff or somebody higher up gives a public statement saying they're refusing to grab guns
Never forget who sat behind Clinton as he signed the '94 AWB into law. I am certain that some cops will not enforce a semi auto ban, as I am sure there are still a handful of cops who quietly refuse to enforce the NFA (I've met one who violates it). However you must first assume EVERY cop is going to enforce it. Guilty until proven innocent. When their pensions come under threat, many will roll over and enforce it.
I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.