Climate change denialists of Jow Forums, explain this graph without getting confused or angry

Climate change denialists of Jow Forums, explain this graph without getting confused or angry.

Satellite view:

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its called weather lol. no but siriuos, we are a internatinoal natzional sozialist forum we are all high educated no one denies this shit, idiot

So why do you have median and melting ratios overlayed on another, when they are not the same thing?

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Then why isn’t it issue #1, #2, and #3?

the earth has been through periods of less ice than we have now long before industrial civilization

don’t be a fucking retard

why don’t you take this opportunity to explain to me why climate change hoaxers spread obscenely exaggerated statistics in order to make their point? if the science is behind you then why do you have to lie? even your magic nigger spreads these hoaxes. why isn’t anyone in your so-called scientific movement able to identify bullshit? why does it spread for years unchallenged in climate changey circles?

if climate change is real then why lie?

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>weather on the scale of months
>indicative of anything impacting the entire world
No, just like how no group has correctly charted how much ice caps have melted or how much the temperature will vary over years.

Do we have impact on the earth? Of course. Are we even close to understanding what that impact is? Absolutely not. Show me one study that has ever correctly charted out any of these things and I will shut up.

the highest goal of nazism is to make sure the own volk can survive and prosper. we get replaced by the jews and the jews push us into slavedom, this needs to end. after the existence of our people is safed, we go for animal rights like hitler did and the clima. but the planet will be fine the next 50 years plus. our people not

Fantastic argument.

>trusting any of the numbers coming from these clowns
they already manipulate raw surface temp data to create the trends they want to see. There's no reason to believe anything they claim

So, how do you want to fix Chinese-caused Climate Change?

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Why do you think we're Climate denialists?

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fake numbers

show me the graphs for each year between 1981 and 2010, then we'll talk.

I'll explain:
Climate is unpredictable in its essence

No one denies climate change.
We are on the middle of an interglacial period, thus receding ice caps and glaciers are expected.

Interglacial trend is already going down tho, so expect to see temperatures dropping in the next few centuries.

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What still baffles me is, that we live at the end of an ice age, that is still an undisputed fact. Yet they claim when it gets warmer it's the end of the world.

All factual evidence point to the contrary, grain harvests beat records every year (because due to warmer weather they can seed earlier and have additional harvests, the higher co2 produces bigger 0lants and so also higher yield).

Cold waves kilmm more people than several heat waves, but somehow it's bad that it's get less cold, when the past has shown the biggest failed harvests and resulting starvation where caused by cold weather.

This means more arable land, which is good, and wealthy coastal land owners are flooded, which they have the resources to deal with, yes?

I'm hard pressed to see how this would affect regular people, unless they live in Venice. We should welcome this change.

>explain this
more ice than usual melted in greenland in the summer months of 2019

there ya go. i explained it

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>Climate change denialists of Jow Forums, explain this graph without getting confused or angry.
No one says climate change isn't real. We say it's not man made.
Every planet in the solar system changes temperature at the same rate, it's caused by the sun not by man. If it was caused by man then the earth would differ from every other planet in the system in temperature changes, our planet changes temperature at exactly the same rate as all the rest.

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>Do we have impact on the earth?
yes we do, but our impact in greenhouse gasses is less than zero overall.
0.28% to be exact.

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Ban water vapor NOW

There is no way to fix the climate issue without killing all non-whites on earth. Normies will not accept this as a valid solution now, so we must convince them of n awe nationalism and white supremacy first.

Uh, no sweetie, if we wanted to "stop climate change" then we should wage a brutal genocidal war against Africa, India and China since they're the biggest polluters and their pollution levels will continue to raise every year as their populations continue expanding and globalists continue to send all the factories to them to bypass environmental regulations.

>The mean of 30 years is not as extreme looking as the data from a single year


Imagine being worried it will get warmer.
Literally just 400 years ago in Europe if it got too cold (all the time) they were mixing pigeon shit with the remaining grain to pretend they had bread. (mentioned in multiple books I have on the medieval period.)

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I think it's a generational thing. The boomers here tend to be strong climate deniers, while the zoomers are more into pic related. As of now the old farts are still dominant on Jow Forums

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Millennials are government school retards. Watching them suffer from their own stupidity is my hobby

Its hot in the summer, sometimes really hot.

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climate is always changing retard

even if you exterminate all humanity, climate will never be stable like you retards want

if you want to do something, go to africa, india, china and tell them not to polute, we live environmentally friendly enough already, now its their turn, BUT NOBODY CARES ABOUT THEM POLLUTION THE ENVIRONMENT - THEREFORE IT IS ALL LIE AND FAKE

Zoomers are too retarded to realize that you can't have semis and heave equipment without exploding things.
They literally think their world is just going to magically go all electric and solar in 10 years and that during this time their material life will actually improve.
There has never been a group more detached from reality.
They don't want to go back, they think they can have it all like fucking morons.

[Agriculture intensifies]

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another retard

Just stop breathing, problem solved

Are we discussing weather or are we discussing the climate?
Cause the climate changes, all the time.
Don't confuse the weather and the climate. Thus graph is shit.

and, as always, OP is a faggot and living proof of the human religious drive
>the priests in white coats told me its true! Don't be a science denier! Look at this chart made by the priests!!! Reeeeeeeeeee

Exactly. There is always some shady thing going on i.e. measuring temperature over ocean or land and not distinguishing it.

No doubt we should protect nature but taxation is the motive in the hype.

People who believe that the world will end in a few years if carbon emissions aren't drastically reduced should be in favor of nuking China because that it the only way to get them to stop.


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40 years is shorter than the period of cyclic climate change

Hey we can always fix it, OP. The only question is who to start with? Africa, India, or China? Massive polluters that pollute to no end. You wipe human life out on one of them. The planet will get cooler. Do all three, you'll make the world a lot cooler and make it a far better place as well.

It's called coming out of an ICE Age faggot

Your graphs and numbers are all lies presented by known liars


gimme a version history of the algorithm they're using to determine melt extent from raw brightness measurements. given the bullshit that "climate scientists" have pulled with other datasets -- i.e., changing reconstruction algorithms to create the appearance of temperature increases (or sea level increases) where none were previously observed -- I would put even odds on some similar shystering going on here. The people involved with these projects already have a history of creating extremely misleading representations of data, and changing those representations when they don't create the results they want. I'm not going to start immediately trusting them any time soon.

>muh global cooling
>i mean muh global warming
>i mean muh climate change

Attached: globull-warming.png (2080x1456, 523K)

Give the source of all three graphs.

Don’t say “google it fagg0t”.

You provided the information. Back it up. Give me the source of all three graphs.

This, unironically. The methodologies/algorithms used to create reduced reconstructions of thousands and thousands of measurements are wholly in the control of usually a single small team, and these algorithms regularly change over time. Note that they are *never* altered in the direction of "less warming," which is suspicious in and of itself. These are the people making the claims, and the burden is on them to provide every last detail required for others to reproduce their work. If they cannot and will not do that, they should be immediately dismissed.

The individual providing the melt extent data is Dr. Thomas L. Mote of the University of Georgia's Department of Geography. Someone should contact him and see if he'll provide a "version history" of the algorithm being employed, and whether it has changed in any way over time. I bet the answer will be resounding silence.

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Mining geologist here. I can do something as simple as slightly change the sill, nugget, and range in the semi-variogram of a Kriging earth model and get substantially different results for probable ore reserves. And, yes, managers will pressure you to bump those numbers up as high as you're comfortable doing. In private industry, though, the repercussions for being wrong are pretty much immediately felt. If you over- or under-value an asset, you're gonna get hosed. In esoteric academic fields, 99% of the people who would dig deeply into your work aren't going to question it unless you go against the established narrative. There's no real check in place. So no, I don't trust them either.

(((Realtors))) btfo... waterfront property isn’t finite

Because quite frankly there are too many fucking people on this planet.
>Working in a garage
>Customer comes in complaining about how his windscreen washers aren't working
>Check reservoir
>No fluid
>Anger literally generates the urge to shit
>Go to the bog and browse Jow Forums
>First thread - "Save White People".
FUCK PEOPLE. White, black whatever. Cull anyone under an IQ of 130 and you'll be left with a multi-ethnic society that works.

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If i get it. Its about ice caps melting?

Who would have thought ig ypu put ice in water it desolves over time..... Like ice cubes in a glass.