Why do huWhites here hate black people?

Besides your white women. Majority of us are well behaved. Also, if the level of patrolling of our neighborhoods were equal of other neighborhoods. The result will be the same. Go to sleep racists.

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Have disgusting homosex faggot.

You just don't like us moving ahead.

>well behaved
atleast try to make it believable nigger

>Go to sleep racists.
And there it is. You hate me more than I could possibly hate you.

SOmetimes I come to www.Jow Forums.com /Pol to read the news because you guys are always right (lol) but honestly it really does bother me deep down to my bones when I see genuine racism and hatred on this web sight. I like funny memes and ironic frogs too but seriously guys you make it really hard to red pill normies like me when all you do is call eachother niggers all day.

I really, really, like this place but sometimes it's just a little bit uncomfortable having to wade through all the virtiolic bullshit. Does any body whose an old fag know how these filters work?

Vote Kamala (slave owner) Harris

Low T fags, Is that why White Women here and in Europe perfer other races and Men have to settle for Asians? LOL payback is a bitch. Good luck making huWhites Babies again.

We shouldn't have to send white cops to patrol your neighborhoods, we should make black cops do it.

Any just response to sufficiently shitty behaviour from members of one particular ethnic group is indistinguishable from systematic racism - Arthur C Clarke

People want to breed with the superior genes. Its just NATURE.

Faggot, even niggers hate niggers.

Most of you aren’t


The FBI records literally zero instances of white men attacking black women, while the opposite has tens, nay, hundreds of thousands of instances a year

Your neighborhoods are dogshit; baltimore is a hellhole

But fuck, I do love some black women tho

Ps sage

Whores with daddy issues want to hurt them by fucking the most disgusting thing possible. Niggers. Nobody wants Laqivious at the dinner table

>The result will be the same.

No, they wouldnt be you sheltered pozzed faggot, go out in the real world sometime

>Majority of us are well behaved

Define "well-behaved".

Also, FYI, "racism" is nothing more than pattern recognition.

13/50, bitch.

Nah, I have problems with niggers. Black people are ok.

It's not racism!

If we cannot talk honestly and openly about the issues each race has, we are never going to improve ourselves nor the planet.

You know how in Alcoholics Anonymous they say something like you can't fix a problem until you admit that you have one? It's like that.

>The FBI records literally zero instances of white men attacking black women, while the opposite has tens, nay, hundreds of thousands of instances a year
>Your neighborhoods are dogshit; baltimore is a hellhole

Pattern. Recognition.

I want to enslave her so bad. I would like to chain her up and whip her while she screams and begs me to stop. Then i use a rope to bind her hands behind her back. I push her face into the ground and put my thumb in her mouth. She can barely speak and but i manage to hear a silent and exhausted "master, please" coming out of her mouth. I pull on the rope and it gets ever tighter around her hands. Blood stops coming through, she the feeling in her hands

Because black women are superior

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He's not black, hes just another gook larping

Very hateful sentiment. Get help.


Charcoal nigger.


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Thats why I lost my virginity while her family was home and her brother next room. lol fag. they heard everything.

because of systemic racism that was built into this country

First post best post, /thread

Because of all of the crime and violence.

Thats not an own mate, we don't want your ugly women (nobody does and stats prove it) or our women if they fuck niggers. You can have all of them.

>Thats why I lost my virginity
you are not kidding anyone

weak bait, black woman are most unloyal

The african American culture is disgusting. Oh, and all the rape, destruction, violence, murder, etc etc, gibs, shitty attitude, etc etc. If all the blacks suddenly disappeared, even the good ones, the net effect would be overwhelmingly positive.

I don't hate anyone. Just prefer huwhite people to the loud, low IQ, black Kangzzz

make huwhite babies, hows that campaign going?:)

payback is a bitch

>8K and 5 be goy
What did the jew mean by this?

why do you keep changing your memeflag?

are you mentally challenged?

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I don't hate them. Nothing good can come from hate. Understanding that nigs are a problem is not the same as hating them. Knowledge is useful, but hate is never useful. Hating nigs for nigging is like hating flies for flying - utterly pointless.

typing pattern analyzed:
>facebook mom
further notes:
>only son is now a daughter
>is older than 50
>been on Jow Forums for 2 days
>no understandiing of memes
>probably gay
boomer analysis completed

Yesh because if niggers are moving a head its because they fucking decapitated it from some innocent. Stealing it from someone else is the only way niggers know how to get a head.

Then leave nigger. Swim the fuck back to africa

I've been here since march new fag

Meanwhile Whites are crashing economies and Jerome is getting beat on the side of the road for a bag of weed.

Again, Who is the biggest threat?

>Why do huWhites here hate black people?

Experience: Experience is the knowledge or mastery of an event or subject gained through involvement in or exposure to it

Why do chinks and poos like to cuckold post as niggers so much? Your hatred (envy) of the white man is unhealthy.

Whites may be crashing economies. But niggers never created one. You see africa. The only civilization in the whole nigger continent is where white men created it.

If you can’t handle the bants stay out of the kitchen

Retarded chink mongrels come here from r/hapas because they are angry that white women want nothing to do with them.


>Whites are crashing economies

They're really not. Negroes take far more from the system than put in; same goes for spics.

Leaf being a leaf. Whodve fucking guessed.

But they wuz kangz before whitey showed up. A continent where everybody was the kang and queen or something.

>Go to sleep racists.
There. That's the accusation made from a worthless self loathing nigger to those who love their kind.
Wanting to preserve your race and not be tainted with subhuman filth is portrayed as something negative, undesirable by mentally sick people.

most niggers dont move ahead. the ones that do in a non degenerate way i respect but thats a fraction of a percent of blacks

whites and blacks are simian brothers. Google leucism. An entropy- doomsday cult rules the world. Weve all been indoctrinated into Satanism. English language is controlled opposition. thats why its called spelling. Forgive each other.

>less than a year
>new (space) fag
>flag checks out
>doesn't even take the time to lie about his time on the platform
>muh racism
either lurk more or never return. your choice, newfag.

Chapter 1

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Kangs of being slaves. Dumb niggers.

>ID: goy
>settle for Asians
You ugly zipperheads are fucking delusional
Never mix with Asians. Hapas are fucking horrible

Falling for his obvious bait shows that you are the newfag.

Nobody likes, you are not well behaved, and you destroy everything you put your hands on.


He's an idiot who didn't notice we have IDs.

Blacks had many successful countries and civilizations without colonization. To huWhites unless you're recorded in their imperialist history books, it doesn't count.

Blacks are running the culture for the past century and huWhites can't handle it.

Nigger, you be convincing no nigga that u ain't subhumanz. sheiitt

I dont hate them
but considering in todays climate
everyone needs to try harder to be better people.
And help others be better people.

Nigs have achieved NOTHING without gibs me dat nigga sheiiit

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No, you know what? I came here to be nice and talk about redpills and post memes but fuck you. I don't understand why you people act like this website is so amazing and then whenever somebody new comes here your like "OMG like go away i hate you!" its honestly like really fucking stupid and probably i wont be coming here anymore

reminder that there are all forms of good and bad representations of people on earth.
When anyone here thats been here for more than a few fucking months says the word nigger, they are referring to an archetype of the negro that is uncivilized, has no way of complex thought and resorts to ape-like behavior when provoked. This is a common theme for most negroids since they are closer to apes than Caucasoid and mongoloids.
In reality, all people can be tought to be civil, and most of it starts in your early years as a child, and how you are raised from there. Blacks brought up in high end neighborhoods still have monkey tenancies but tend to grow out of them in their older years. Whites brought up in niggerhoods tend to exhibit monkey like tenancies, but to a lesser extent.
The real redpill is the fact that blacks are always and always have been more violent and more retarded than whites. I saw it in college, high school and now in the workforce and i refuse to hire any blacks that have the stereotypical niggerbabble ghetto accent, but i will hire one with a normal accent and a good portfolio and have before because they were raised right, and are more intelligent than their mentally handicapped bretheren.

>hurr durr i was just acting retarded
>now that ive got you, YOUR the retard
you tried

I'd hit it. Then throw a bag of red hots, some barrels of juice drink and a handful of pocket change at her, call her a cheap nigger whore and leave.

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good, please leave and never come back

I have no issue with black women or women of other races. There's great pleasure to be had in fucking them. Marrying and breeding them is a different story tho. I hate nigger males, the majority of them are too fucking dumb to be allowed in society. It doesn't matter if women are dumb, they'll follow anyone with a higher status.


WTF i love niggers now

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Fucking women of other races is ok
Just dont breed them

the heifer looks better than the 2 sows

yeah, im going bac to reddit, probably gonna make a post about this so nobody else comes here ever again

>Majority of us are well behaved.

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Fuck off and kill your family, you triggered cuck.

Put me in the screencap, yo.

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>LOL payback is a bitch.

payback for what exactly? supporting the first-world standard of living, which blacks would be unable to sustain if left to their own devices? try being thankful for once in your life.

Your culture just sucks. Not to mention all the whining about injustices generations ago

Just like niggers don't want to live with white people, we feel the same way. The only thing that pushes us together is the Kikes. Maybe if we got rid of them, we could then live ideal lives far away from each other.

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Yeah! Fuck these racists! We should make this place a sanitized shithole like reddit and require every poster to register with their email and credit card information! Why stop there?! Lets be like facebook and make people who shitpost under fictional names send pictures of their Birth Certificate and Driver's license! Fuck free speech, we gotta get rid of the racism so maplecuck over here wont shed a trail of tears whenever he sees the naughty, naughty nigger word!

leave it to canuck to sound nice about the ugly reality of it all

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The day an iceaxe pierced his body, the universe breathed a small sigh of relief. Good riddance.