What's your opinion on trannies?

What's your opinion on trannies?
Should they have a place in the Ethnostate, and if so what role should they fulfill?

Attached: tranny_fash_pride.png (1920x1080, 18K)

My opinion may be a controversial one;

Actual transgender people, which are a fraction of a fraction of the populace, get the support they need to live a happy and productive life. Professional support will be provided to see if that should be to assist them in transitioning (Extremely unlikely) or to remove the urge medically as the specific situation requires.

Trans-trenders, which are very nearly 100% of today's transgender people, will be burned as fuel.

they shall fill the void left by roasties and feminism. with artificial wombs, we can repopulate the white race

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>what role should they fill?


Transgendered people are people who experienced some kind of early life trauma with respect to their gender.

This can be anything from being raised by a single mother with no father figures or male mentors, to being raped or molested by daddy. It can even be something as simple as another child making an unkind remark.

In short, trans are deeply, profoundly mentally ill, and it's a form of self-loathing to deny who you are biologically.

Humanity evolved to be straight. We are all born straight. If transgendered people are right in that they were "born that way", there would be no human species on this planet, period. Anything else outside of this evolutionary, biological paradigm is mental illness.

Mental hospitals/prisons
Or the gallows which I much prefer

>Humanity evolved to be straight. We are all born straight. If transgendered people are right in that they were "born that way", there would be no human species on this planet, period. Anything else outside of this evolutionary, biological paradigm is mental illness.
transgenderism is a mechanism that goes mostly unused in our species. It is a way to balance the playing field when roasties start acting up. The roasties will see us being more desirable to males, and they will suddenly want to be monogamous again. it is a very slow process that may take generations

They certainly understand the need to maintain a certain figure; it's part of why they're so attractive.

mentally ill and need to fuck right off to

Wish they visit more often.

Probably the only time you'll see me agreeing with someone who openly identifies as Bolshevik- granted they should be turned into fertilizer as well.

trannies that are stupid enough to side with fascists can rot in the same gulags

>transgenderism is a mechanism that goes mostly unused in our species. It is a way to balance the playing field when roasties start acting up. The roasties will see us being more desirable to males, and they will suddenly want to be monogamous again. it is a very slow process that may take generations

Attached: life uh finds a way.jpg (1024x554, 60K)

Why should white transgender people side with hostile brown nationalist?


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Zoo animals

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people who see life on race based lines are too stupid to function

>having place in the ethnostate
OP are you fucking retarded?

>another memeflag thread

Not but you are for taking the memeflaggot b8 and not saging this thread

Based natsoc trannies are welcome, trender tranners get the rope.

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found the nigger