
Jow Forums anyone here that wants to weigh in on a vaccination debate? would love to see how this board goes in depth on the topic.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I got my vaccinations as a child and I'm perfectly fine. Same goes for all of my friends and family. Not one of us has suffered from a major illness such as polio or smallpox or chickenpox or tetanus, whooping cough, etc.
I don't really understand the huge fear behind it... There is no reason to believe it causes autism, which is a genetic disorder, not a disease...

Big pharma loves you plebbit brain

>all my vaccines are covered by insurance
I didn't spend a dime to get my vaccinations

Are vaccines necessary to keep away deadly diseases? Yes.

Are vaccines dangerous and harmful?
Yes to a tiny percentage of people it can be deadly. Not enough studies on the long term side effects for everyone.

Is big pharma starting to experiment and over prescribed unnecessary vactions?
Yes. And we don't know the side effects in the long term.

If i don't get vaccination will i be ok?
Yes. As long as you keep yourself healthy with a strong immune system you should be fine. Herd vaccinations keep diseases away so not everybody can go unvaccinated.

Vaccination is good for public health. That means good for the average. Individual cases that go wrong are ignored as collateral damage.
As a baby I went into anaphylactic shock after receiving a vaccine for whooping cough.
Lo and behold I have some form of autism/adhd and all kinds of problems.
Vaccines are not 100% safe, (((they))) just don't care about the few that get fucked for life from it.
Be very wary.

Fair enough but how many shots were in your vaccine schedule? It was probably 1/4 of what infants/toddlers are getting now.

Also, are you familiar with the National Vaccine Injury Court? Kids are getting fucked up from vaccines regularly and no one involved can be held liable or accountable for these injuries.

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Which means the pharma companies got paid... You can’t be this stupid burger.

it's not out of my pocket so who gives a fuck? You sound like a socialist commie bastard. fuck off back to leafland faggot

Exactly. People are only numbers to big phrama. If you take 1000 vaccines about 10 out of the 1000 vaccines will have very serious reactions even possible death. Herd vaccination does help society but the unlucky ones get caught. They don't release enough honest information on vaccines. The public should have the right to know. I know it can fear monger people into not getting vaccines and create more problems but people need to know the whole story.

Anti-vaxxers should be deported

I have a friend whom I took to the doctor so his child could have its vaccinations. He had 3 shots. Where are you getting this information? How many vaccinations do you think they do? Dozens?

Both sides of the debate are retarded.
>thinks all anti-vaxxers are white Facebook moms
>ignores the Jews who created a huge outbreak in Brooklyn
>actually hope non-vaccinated kids die of disease to spite anti-vaxxers
>ignore rise in autism and dismiss the fear as “better diagnoses” (this is anti-science at its best)
>attribute rise in autism to a bunk study, would probably refuse to accept any other environmental causes if they were discovered
>pretty dumb, but largely non threatening as they are extremely small in number


Antivax is a disinfo campaign to get people to fear vaccines instead of oestrogen in water and §oöý oils, if not to just create a group of crazies to compare actual conspiracy theorists with.

All this is saying is that the CDC owns patents on vaccinations. Fucking duh? It's the CDC. It's their job to control disease. What's your point? Is it really something you can post and go 'AHA!'? It just nakes you look like you don't have common sense.

This isn't what I think, these are facts. 20+ shots by 6 months. CDC. Where the fuck do you think I'm getting this information?

Which Big Pharma payroll are you on? How's the pay?

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watch this video

pretty much explains the vaxxing issue

>u r a shill xd lolol
you just lost any respect for your argument I might have had

Vaccines debates are funny because the retarded consensus is that anti vaxxers are all retarded rednecks when I've never seen any argument from anti vaxxers that fits that description. Most people I see are either very critical about vaccines, which would include how effective they are or how safe they are, or they're a libertarian and take issue with vaccines being forced onto people.

I think this is pretty accurate. I fit anti vaxxers in the same group as flat earthers in the sense that it is used to discredit actual conspiracies.

Based JewTube dabbing on anti-vaxxers.

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I revaccinated myself last year and my child is getting all recommended vaccinations plus some optional ones.

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Guess I'm not allowed.

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how sad and empty your life must be for this to be how you're choosing to spend it. insisting conflicts of interest, which are illegal for very good reason, are nbd and it's common sense to not think otherwise is going to come back and bite you hard. enjoy that college debt.

I believe in choice and I also believe vaccination should be voluntarily. sure these anti vaxxers are mostly crack pots but have you seen how the other side carry on?

>how the other side carry on?
Yes, literally drooling everywhere, eating fast food, slaving for corporations, spend all time on sportsball. Ridiculous.

I have a kid. Researched both sides of the questionbefore hand. Spoke to doctors, people with kids, etc. Decided to vaccinate (don´t know about the american vaccination schedule). I think anti-vaxxers inflate the potential damages. Portugal is a small-community. You have nurses who´s job is to give vaccines everyday. These nurses have kids and families too. If the adverse effects were as bad as anti-vaxxers make it, these health professionals would see it in their day to day work and speak out, IMO!

???? what the fuck lmao

>Spoke to doctors
Yea the guy down at the lot said I needed a new car, seemed to know quite a bit...

whenever anything is shilled in the mainstream, believe the opposite. its that simple

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>Jow Forums anyone here that wants to weigh in on a vaccination debate?
I would just like to have a reasonable discussion on the list of ingredients in the vaccine. I can't even have that without being labeled an anti-vaxer.

Was the post deleted?

Blind acceptance is the only acceptable stance and you know it.

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the one in orange was, or do you mean the thread itself? in which case idk how it works over there i dont have an account. i just browse and change the url to either or and look at all the censored shit

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Yes I mean the one in the red but I was too stupid to see the "removed by moderators" line. And that post was just saying we shouldn't trust big corporations and then he gets censored, the irony.