"White genocide"

My favourite thing to see online is this whole concept of "white genocide". Who is it, exactly, who is genociding white people?
Out of every race of people save a few (like the Japanese), whites are the only race of people who just decide to not have kids en masse.
Out of every race of people, white people, when you raise the subject of personally having children, will tell you:
>muh economy
The economy is worse in all the third world countries with eight kids per family.
>muh degeneracy
Blacks have kids despite that.
>muh environment
>muh comfort
The argument of a child.
>muh feminism
Everything you can complain about for white women goes double for blacks. They still have plenty of kids.

White people aren't being genocided, they're committing mass suicide because they're overgrown babies. Watch people call me a shill because they can't prove me wrong. How many "white nationalists" have children?

White people deserve to go extinct. You're the human equivalent of the giant panda.

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Other urls found in this thread:


You keep making this exact same thread over and over again. There has to be a better way for you to get social interaction. I'm starting to worry about you, leaf. You need to reach out to people in the real world.

>white "people"

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Interesting that you're in every one of these threads and still have yet to have a real argument.
Not an argument.

Best thing is that "White" Americans aren't even white

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Get help.

Have kids.

Swine merchant! Your time is near at hand!

>You need to reach out to people in the real world.
says the guy complaining on an alt-right website about white genocide. get your fucking head out of your ass retard I know it's roomy in there but seriously

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I'm not here to argue with the disabled. you're a fucking kike piece of shit sent here to regurgitate hate speech. Anti white racism is still racism you fucking bigoted nigget like cunt faggot.

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It's just a battle cry to cull the colored

>yakub created wh*Toids who were then thrown directly into slavery
its karma that niggers were enslaved

Sorry in my anger I forgot to tend to auto correct. NIGGER KIKE FAGGOT CUNT. STOP BEING RACIST.


>pointing out my flaws is raycis
And you people shit on BLACK men for doing that. Sad!

Albinoids were welcomed with open arms until they caused too much trouble, as a matter of fact. Learn your history wh*Te boi.
Have kids.


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It’s not white ppl that are going extinct, stupid. It’s smart ppl. Just happens that the smartest ppl happen to be white.

I'll dilate my nonexistent axe wound if you have kids.
Which you won't, you're too busy drinking yourself to death.

this thread is so much better the third time around!


No saying white people should be exterminated is racist. You are a massive fucking hypocrite. You are literally quoting hitler and changing the subject and claiming not to be racist. Get. Fucked. Nigger.

>the smartest ppl happen to be white
Clearly, yourself not included. You're also wrong, the smartest people are Asians and Jewish.

>a fucking leaf

Idk why your flag hasn’t been listed as a meme flag yet.

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>You are literally (...) hitler
omg i literally can't even right now

I didn't even say that you fragile little ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ dog.

you never have an argument without cherrypicking the most racist picture you can possibly find. You probably went on to google images and looked up the n word to get that picture. fucking pathetic idiot

>sent from my iPhone
yeah I just heard t_d was down that sucks eh

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Kek mentally ill confirmed.

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Trust an american wh*Toid to run to the defense of his "163% Irish genetics".

All op arguments basically say is niggers breed with no regard for their own well being, while white people dont. Meaning if you actually want to lower white population as a proportion, you can with economic factors.

>it’s a leaf
Every time

Insects and rats aren’t ppl.

What the fuck does BLACK people supporting Cheeto Benito have to do with this thread?

it's really not that hard to spell. Guess how I know your mother tongue omits vowels

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>Americans don't have arguments
Every time.
>tfw to inteligent two breed

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You know you’re going to die from a cold and that’s a good thing.

>white genocide is a myth
>but i'm glad it's happening
typical lefty talk

bible says those who destroy his children will
be destroyed themselves. so, keep it up non
whites, you're being allowed to do this so God
won't feel any guilt when he wipes the shit race
of non whites off earth forever.

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I'm glad wh*Te SUICIDE is happening, for sure.

Now I cant report this thread
Really makes me think

You have a problem with black ppl?

You are not the children of God, Edomite scum.

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the difference is you can't tell whether or not I have kids where as I am 100% sure you have a wound in place of your dick.

I don't have a large protuberous nose like you so no I probably won't die from rhinovirus

blacks are above people, they are literal kings and queens.


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>we wuz chosen an shieet

I'm a BLACK MAN and your child is a bottle.

drinking and having kids arent mutually exclusive, shitty non argument from a braindead tranny.

Laugh, wh*Te dog. Laugh while you still can.

But you don't have any, still, or else you wouldn't be posting on Jow Forums on a Friday evening in August.

Nigger, muh dik, gibs, we waz kangs. Thanks Leaf you never fail to disappoint.

>drinking and having kids arent mutually exclusive
I'm pretty sure ever irish baby was conceived in a pub

thanks dad you too

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unlike your kids which were conceived at the interracial breeding grounds

No problem ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ ᵇᵒᶦ.

>admits that ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ bitches CRAVE BBC

jokes on you I'm chinese you stupid drunken little leperchaun

you're trying too hard

sorry for you

You're drinking too hard.

Have sex nigger

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Damn they caused too much trouble with all that reading and writing, concepts of law and order. I'm sure niggers hated it.

I bet you are

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shut up stupid racist white cuck. oh wait your american you cant be white


>Who is it, exactly, who is genociding white people?
Jews. Wow, that was easy.

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You mean, what you STOLE from BLACK KINGS with your tricknology, ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ ᵇᵒᶦ.

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>white people are just letting this happen

haha fucking cuck you all are. jew never do this to chinese man

Chews are
When they say they hate huwhite people what they mean is light skinned Christians

I do, pretty often. I also have several kids with several different women, what's your excuse wh*Tey

>the JEWS are the reason I refuse to have kids
I see.

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It is fitting that your space nigger has two giant testicles where a brain should be. God knows niggers are incapable of rational thought.

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They don't have enough Jews in China. I'm sure they're working on it.
I have kids. Neither myself nor my children are responsible for flooding America with shitskins and blasting antiwhite propaganda for decades across all forms of media. That's Jews.

Take your meds schizo shill

Heh. Leaves.

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>space nigger
Show respect to your maker and creator Yakub, wh*Te scum.

I really really want my own kids, just need a gf first.

not bad pilpul but in essence, yes

sort of agree, sort of disagree
the deck is purposely stacked against us because our only way to gain meaningful employment beyond going into trades is to work for a (((corporation)))

having said that, I'm doing what it takes, buying land with a tiny house/trailer and marrying a trad I been talking to who is down for that lifestyle so we can raise a family. always a way if you have a will, most whites don't have a will other than Will Friedle nostalgia

>0.2% of the world
>only take over the white man
>white man supposed to be strongest best most based race on whole world
>white give up everything for jew
>chinese man don't do this

this thing make me think really hard

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So you be saying that wh*Te "people" have no self-agency. Explains a lot.
Have kids wh*Toid.
>posting a picture of a typical wh*Te "ᵐᵃˡᵉ"


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No wonder you're going extinct if it's as easy as telling you to not have kids. wypipo are pathetic.
So tell me how I have six kids and I'm 24. Seems like the "inferior" races are doing a lot better than you.

Over grown babies..

Modern technology, calculus, fridges, cars, space travel.

The list goes on and on. Everyone knows children are more free and creative than adults typically are.


"doing" better than us? they're breeding, yea. Most have no fucking clue about the conspiracy though and are just as serfed out as anyone else

still agree that whites could be doing more and offer millions of lame excuses to continue being NEET children

Jew: stop having kid whit guy

White guy: ok i will thank u no problem


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>ʷʰ*ᵀᵒᶦᵈˢ are so smart they're going extinct

Stop pretending you invented things you STOLE from the BLACK MAN you pathetic ʷʰ*ᵀᵉ scum.


Ya dumb cunt. You're acting like having kids is this revolutionary and amazingly 'strong' and 'impressive' thing.

No one's impressed. The quality of your children will be garbage.

Come back at me when your kids are good people and not just locked up in prison or out gang banging and I'll be impressed.

>So tell me how I have six kids and I'm 24. Seems like the "inferior" races are doing a lot better than you.
also proper apologies for the reddit double post but
you married to their mother? do they have the same mother?

The funny part to me is that by doing that, wh*Tes pay for me to have children and reap none of the benefits. I don't even have a job and I don't need one.
>You're acting like having kids is this revolutionary and amazingly 'strong' and 'impressive' thing
It is when you think about the fact that wh*Tey refuses to do something so simple.

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Of course not, two of the bitches are now dating some wh*Te boi too lmao

>You're acting like having kids is this revolutionary and amazingly 'strong' and 'impressive' thing.

diference is everybody else have children but white guy

only revolution here is you not haveing baby.

if chinese guy have sex you can to

Sheeeeit. The only thing that nutsack headed meme ever made was a bunch of retard niggers believe they were anything more than retarded niggers.

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Choose one.

ohhh ok so you're just literally a dumb nigger who thinks breeding multiple motherless welfare tit-suckers is an achievement
hope you die user

You're not really worth the time. For any newfags here, the economic reason is a systematic oppression due to widespread and overuse of affirmative action. This has caused the millennial crisis.