Judge Says Cop who Killed Eric Garner Should be Fired

Cop who choked to death Eric Garner for selling a loose cigagette to be fired


>The New York City cop charged in the 2014 death of Eric Garner should be terminated, a judge recommended Friday, and Officer Daniel Pantaleo was suspended -- though the decision to fire him is not yet official.

>The decision by NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Trials Rosemarie Maldonado comes amid a ruling by the U.S. Department of Justice last month to not bring civil rights charges against Pantaleo, whose case has become a national story and even seeped into the Democratic presidential debates.

>"Today's decision confirms what the Civilian Complaint Review Board always has maintained: Officer Daniel Pantaleo committed misconduct on July 17, 2014, and his actions caused the death of Eric Garner," Fred Davie, chairman of the review board that served as the prosecutor, said.

>Garner, who was black, died during a 2014 arrest in Staten Island when he refused to be handcuffed by several officers. Prosecutors in the case argued that Pantaleo, 33, used a banned chokehold to take Garner down to the ground but his attorney argued that he used an approved "seat belt" technique to subdue the suspect.

>In a cell phone video taken by a bystander, Garner could be heard saying “I can’t breathe” 11 times before falling unconscious. That phrase has since become a rallying cry for the Black Lives Matter movement.


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The cop who killed Garner is the faggot in green slamming his head into the pavement and acting hostile to people filming

Attached: garner+death+photo.jpg (1200x675, 123K)

Officer Pantaleo trying to stop people from filming after he realizes he's choked Garner to death.

Attached: garner death2.jpg (576x324, 183K)

The cop waving at cameras filming him as they put Garner's corpse on a stretcher and pretend he's still alive despite his eyes being open, while nobody does CPR on him

Attached: garner cop.png (275x482, 155K)

Lol it was a nigger, who cares you fucking faggot. Shill somewhere else

Why is the judge’s opinion relevant?

Imagine being this much of a bootlicker to faggot cops

All this shit does is encourage nigger organizations like BLM, but you're a short sighted zoomer and can't realize how endorsing such actions could possibly encourage leftist organizations and in turn fuck whites in general.

Attached: simon says die.png (1273x918, 866K)

It wasn’t a chokehold, it was a submission hold. Garner was not asphyxiated, there was no damage to his windpipe or neck bones. He was placed in a submission hold because he was resisting arrest. He died because he was a fat fuck who didn’t take care of himself.

Decides on whether or not he gets fired after a refusal to prosecute, since all the cops will just turn around and say they would have done the same thing and say they were scared, just like they did in the Daniel Shaver case and all other cases.

Attached: I AM THE LAW.jpg (600x371, 36K)

long as they stick to killing niggers i do not care one iota

Who gives a single damn? I wish they both died there on the sidewalk.

>muh bootlicker
try harder shill, your buzzwords have no power here

BLM doesn't even exist anymore, retard

>judge making moral statements unrelated to the law
Always a good sign

>It wasn’t a chokehold
Oh, then what was this >he was resisting arrest
>briefly pulls his arm away
>immediately gets tackled by a dozen cops

It's like you like being fucked by the police

>He died because he was a fat fuck who didn’t take care of himself.
If he died from that why did the cop who choked him to death try to stop people from filming him and then wave at the cameras? As a lawyer would say, it's consciousness of guilt. He knew he fucked up. And he did a chokehold, which wasn't allowed and triggered his death regardless of the fact. It doesn't matter if he didn't cause the air to physically leave his lungs, dead is dead.

Yeah, they're called Antifa and not they're even worse

> unrelated to the law
It's decided over whether or not he loses his job, which he is

>what was this
A submission hold.
>If he died from that why did the cop who choked him to death try to stop people from filming him and then wave at the cameras?
Because we live in an extremely anti-police climate and they knew the videos would be selectively presented to jeopardize their lives and careers. And gee, look what happened.

>judge recommended
No apparently it wasnt


Attached: Daniel-Shaver-and-Mitch-Brailsford.jpg (957x527, 89K)

he Should be lucky to just be fired. Garner was a bigger and an idiot, but he could have saved his life by just complying. Likewise, the cops didn't have to kill him over a fucking cigarette.

A recommendation isnt a ruling moron

If it was a finding of law, the article wouldnt be wishy washy about it. The fact that the prosecution characterized it as he did pponts to that as well

Non-lawfag fucking retard

The main issue is that they killed him over a cigarette and he barely resisted. He just pulled his arm away trying to talk his way out of the situation and instantly got tackled by a dozen cops using excessive force and giving him the death penalty.

>he just pulled away
Uh huh
>death penalty
Uh huh

>grand jury didnt indict
Uh huh

>recommendation isnt a ruling moron
>it decides on if he gets fired or not
>the judge was hearing the facts for this matter in the first place

It's like you're retarded AND gay

>Kills a guy
>"He should lose his job"
Fair and balanced

Completely disregarding everything else in this case isn’t a judge stating what “should” happen before the jury reaches a verdict susceptible to getting the case thrown out for jury tampering?

If you’re under arrest, you’re under arrest, period. You do not “talk your way out of the situation,” you comply. Cops deal with violent wacko nutjobs every day and they do not have the time to evaluate how much of a threat you pose. If you resist arrest you will be tackled, possibly worse.

Imagine defending an ex con morbidly obese criminal who resisted arrest and died to being fat while his family got to collect the ghetto lottery.

A jury refused to convict Daniel Shaver's killer as well, just because he and other cops claimed they were scared of an unarmed man who was crying and begging for his life.


Attached: daniel_shaver.jpg (540x405, 45K)

So what did the judge literally rule as a matter of law?

Show me the quote

>being under arrest for selling a guy a cigarette for a $1

I bet you let other guys fuck your wife as well

Not an argument.

I frequently speak out against police acting like cunts in these threads, so you can shove that up your ass
>daniel shaver
I would have to see the facts for myself because you people tend to be lying retards

Imagine defending the police who will imprison you and murder you if you don't comply, then cry about monday morning quarterbacking afterwords

Well viewing the footage it seems clear to me that he used excessive force and that resulted in death so he should be fired and face some sort of charge. Garner also should have just complied as well. Fuck both of them and may the nigger burn in hell as well as the Italian with a Greek last name.

seething nigger, animal control was just doing their job

The judge made a recommendation which will directly affect his firing. That's the whole reason the judge was involved in the first place.

>Not an argument.
>had no argueent before

I mean you could try not acting like a nigger user if you're going to say such things

Judge must be a democrat that watched the debates a couple days ago, what a fucking worthless faggot.

>>had no argueent before
It’s spelled argument. And no, you did not.

How are you on Jow Forums and aren't aware of the facts in the Daniel Shaver case? We've had threads on the case going for a few years now.


Let the riots start, im ready

Look, either the judge was involved in his capacity as a judge to make a legal ruling, or he was inviting to make a recommendation, which is not legal, and therefore garbage

Why is this so hard for you?

The cop is not on trial

>no argument
You could try having an argument then user and not resorting to 14-year-old summer fag shit like crying over grammar

There have been hundreds of these things newfag, i cant remember all of them

What was the police argument in this case? Because from the video i would probably agree with you. That doesnt make this other case synonymous

This happened 5 years ago why the fuck are they bringing it up again? To incite the Apes

>either the judge
Why do you thin the judge was involved in hearing the case then if you think the judge has no say in this case? I'd like to hear someone who's retarded explain their particular thought process and why it's disconnected from facts and reality.

Judges serve in advisory roles all the time moron

Wheres the ruling quote?

In the Garner case they argued that although the choke hold wasn't allowed to be used by NY cops it was a technique cops were trained in elsewhere. Basically a tactic they're personally not ok with, but said it's ok in some other parts of the country. They also said he brought it on himself for pulling his arm away and that it was justifiable force. Some tards also cite Garner as being fat as the cause dismissing that it doesn't matter, because he would have to be choked in the first place to trigger his death.

While the issue here is whether the officer involved used excessive force. A grand jury refused to indict likely because of the argument that the chokehold was acceptable in some other places. A judge said the cop should still lose his job though for fucking up and using a chokehold when it's not allowed in NY and proceeded to do things like wave at onlookers filming the death.

Keep sliding them goal posts fag. You still haven't explained why they would need a judge in the first place. The article in the OP post even states that the judge's decision will likely be used to decide if he's fired. Try reading the article instead of acting like an ape.

>likely be used
Its like you know absolutely nothing about the law but run your faggot mouth anyway

>when its not allowed
Where is that stated?
>wave at onlookers
Why isnt that allowed?

>Garner, who was black,

He wasn't choked to death you brainlet. He died of a heart attack. If you're going to slander cops and be a self-hating white cuck, at least get your facts straight.

One less nigger. He should be given a medal

Not sure what's worse really, niggers or bootlickers. I'd shoot both twice just to make sure.

Perhaps Mr. Garner shouldn't have resisted arrest. It's an unfortunate accident but I don't believe the peace officer should be punished.

Only self hating whites support the police, sorry bud

you have wet dreams about being oppressed you nothing