Spics hate thread

God i fucking hate all these brown fucking gremlins

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if all these things descended from gooks crossing the bering strait, then why do they look like niggers?

they're Aztec rape babies

shouldn't they be hapa looking then?

Spics are a plague on the planet that desperately needs to be snuffed out. Should be an environmental program to advocate for the genocide of spics.

Aztecs are descendents of Siberian people as well.

They're a mix of Australian Aboriginal and East Asian, which is weird, because they parallel the lives of Dravidians in India to a tee.


aboriginals from the american continent are probably a mixture of chinamen and niggers that then got further mixed with more chinamen 4 or 5 generations down the line and then niggers again only to repeat with chinese people again 1 more time, then the 100% pure chinese left the place and allowed them to continue among them with that mixture until present day.

I can only asume the 2 nigger generations from ancient times were killed by their mixed children and 100% pure gooks.

i guess that explains why latin america is not succesful being half asian half european

mexicans have the worst hair lines lol

Che, speak for yourself Diego Batistuta Kirschner.

it's just a generallity, is your country doing good?

If we had no niggers, colombians and venezuelans we would be 1rst world. If you had no Menem and no bolivians you would be 1rst world.

dont hate us hermano, we are the same.

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I fucking hate them too. And I'm supposed to sympathize with fellow spanish speaking people for some reason.

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Someone post the monkey face kid in brasilia soccer jersey

Damn with so many beaners and niggers you're fucked. Start taking action before it's too late.

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Wtf,why do they look like chinese.

Keep crying bitch nigga

jesus, these things are abo-gook abominations.

Says the negrified Amerimutt with 17.5% spic heritage.
Cope harder kike and prepare yourself to die for Israel.

show real flag you triggered seething beaner

The USA is 47% spic already

t. der untermensch

this is probably a honduran or guatemalen - a lot of the indians mixed with the african slaves. So you have a african-indian hybrid.

47% mexican more like it. They represent 85% of all spics living in the US of A.

I hate them too,and i'm a spic

>we are the same
No. Americans visiting Mexico bring money, spend it, then leave.
The only thing Mexicans sneaking into America bring is their appetites.
Locusts. "No spic Inglis." to cops but fluent with case workers.
So yeah. We're in hate.

What about chad European white ones?

They're "migrants" user. Even though they don't migrate BACK to their shitholes they spawned from.

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Don't forget spics are white

85% of 47% isn't 47%

*step on city bus*

*next 20 minutes on the bus*


we're the spic castizo master race. heil hitler

you're a fucking pocho. no longer a mexican but you will never be an amerifag. fuck off, faget

They're 33% East Asian, 33% Australian Aboriginal and perhaps tops 33% European. The conquistadors were Morisco rapebabies Philip III expelled and used as cannon fodder to conquer the new world in the Americas, so they have Moorish admixture as well.

The Jew has turned the Spic into a nigger.

i got a burrito yesterday and 3 illegals fell out of it shit is crazy

You are such a literal fucking faggot. Neck yourself you dumb cuck retard. I can fucking believe you consider yourself human you scum bucket load of trash. You are a shame upon your whore mother and your nation of buttfuckers

your president is a faggot just like every goddamned leaf out there. Your mother is secretly a coal burner. You're weak, dumb and gay as fuck.

>but but they are white, hard workers, Catholics, conservatives..... and MUH TACOs

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the southwest is already gone and they have flooded the north easf as well



Their women aren't even good for sport...they have evolved so that they can shit a beanlet out of their front-hole and be back in the fields in 20 minutes. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10895030

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Absolutely Based

they aren't Asian, thats like saying whites are niggers because we came from Africa. They are a very different race and far more hot blooded than mongols. Also they have hot blooded European (spaniard) genes and often 5-10% nigger.

they are asian retard, just another type of asian

Based spic

You know why they're all gremlins, with the exception of the ones with white admixture?

Because their Aztec priests chose the brightest, best-looking young and fertile Aztec boys and girls to sacrifice to their shit-tier god(s). They used to be a taller race (not much, but still larger than gremlin size). And the Aztec priests sacrificed so many good-looking, tall, smart young people, adolescents, and children, that they transformed their entire subspecies in short period of time, a transformation that left them short, stupid, stunted.

>Locusts. "No spic Inglis." to cops but fluent with case workers.

Yep. Total parasite people. Learning Spanish so I can fuck with them in the coming months.

they arent. They have evolved.

t. Spic living in a cement house

You're an idiot if you think the Mexicans of today have any more then like 5% aztec blood. They were made extinct. The Mexicans of today have Mexica blood in them (surrounding tribes that the Aztecs used to steal and torture and practice dysgenics on)

so basically aztec (((priests))) had an incel-weeb mind and they hated the chads.

just like your parents and grandparents, pedro kevin johnson ramiez

How Aztecs chose victims for ritual sacrifice.


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whites didn't come from africa nigger

No no your houses are literally shit they have no insulation whatsoever and the floors aren't even carpeted the whole house looks gray and bland as hell every Mexicans house in Mexico is like that they just add little statues and frames to make it look nice but it still looks like shit.

Spics are so utterly repulsive it drives me insane. I cannot be around these subhumans for even 15 seconds without getting visibly angry

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Los Americanos blancos.

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>the Caucasian introitus is significantly greater than that of the Afro-American subject.

White women confirmed by science to require the BBC to get maximum pleasure, no wonder why they wont sleep with you white boi, you can only please a introituslet niggete or gook

The Mayans ritually sacrificed their citizens, too. Plenty of Mexicans who have Mayan DNA; alternatively, "Meso-American" is a better word.

Combine those genetics with admixture from other races---white and black, other tribes from farther south or north---and you wind up with a stupid and violent race of human beings. Hybrids are always crazier than their parents.

That's how we wound up with ultra-violent cartels.


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You hate us, because you ain't us sweety.

lmfao no one wants to be a mutt living in a shithole.

yea we did bro.

Based. They do.

Tell me about it. I live in illinois

Diego Rodrigo Perez Lopez Martinez Gomez Sanchez

Registered democrat

They look so similar

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