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Antifa are a terrorist organisation.
Didn't that one Antifa cuck try to firebomb an ICE facility?
Who made that?
Domestic terrorism: Perpetrated by individuals and/or groups inspired by or associated with primarily U.S.-based movements that espouse extremist ideologies of a political, religious, social, racial, or environmental nature.
sounds about right
a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
AKA Antifa's entire mission statement.
When ANTIFA does kill someone, they'll start with
>ANTIFA only has 1 dead person on them, how many do right wingers have?
>terrorism requires killing
>at the same time, I support the fbi declaring conspiracy theorists "domestic terrorists"
Being an incompetent terrorist organization does not absolve them from being a terrorist organization.
classic whataboutism
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>Yeah we are smacking people in the head with bike locks, shooting up baseball games, and derailing trains, but we didn't manage to actually kill anyone doing it so it's fine!
>impact of terrorism is measured in number of deaths
>kills drop to 10 in the last panel
Based right wingers resurrecting people.
Fuck jannies
This post is spam
A retarded, incompetent terrorist organization is still a terrorist organization.
based antifa for attacking gook andy
Israel is a terrorist organization.
I think the numbers are going off the panel.
And antifa is a sissy terrorist organization.
>antifa claims to be anti corporate domination, anti climate change, anti repression of the poor, anti billionaire
>wastes their time LARPing around Portland instead of mailing anthrax and bombing Google server farms and burning Amazon warehouses
For people who are 100% convinced that we're living in the last days of human civilization, they're sure pulling their punches. Or maybe the NSA is just doing a much better job of picking off the violent ones early, who knows.
Only because Antifa is currently hiring Wino Tier losers to bait normal people into fighting back. Antifa also has the protection of the Democratic Party, State Police and National Guard. If Charlottesville thinks their anti white attitude will be forgiven, they are in for a rude awakening. Cville chose to be anti white in a sea of white people. That leaves them very vulnerable to ambush because they can't tell a normal white from a pro white.
it is not an organization
Antifa ARE and they will ALWAYS be terrorists! They are on the same level as ISIS and others..!
>Canadian OP posting shitty leftist propaganda
Canadians need to be range banned
thanks, boomer
can you be a terrorist organization if you never kill anyone?
>muh sophistry
Shitty stonetoss cover
Yes if you go around physically assaulting your political opponents in an attempt to intimidate them into silence.
Notice how they consider "right winger" itself as a faction that should be blamed for terrorism. By that logic why don't we call every nigger gangbanger a Left Wing killer.
Yes. Terrorism employs the use of violence or the threat of violence. It doesn't require that anyone actually die.
>stone toss edit
reddit can't meme
>unconnected rando's that hand no communications inspired by various motives to pull some shit
>hundreds of people at one time planning and targeting certain individuals and events to show up and fight with while wearing masks and claiming their moral superiority makes it okay
the capital punishment is back on the menu, get ready
The Stonetoss edit board of R*ddit
right wing boomers are anarchists
>ignores fact that antifa tried to destroy ICE facility
>NSA is just doing a much better job of picking off the violent ones early
Must have started right after stephen paddock.
>b-but nobody actually died! That makes throwing petrol bombs at people fine!
I don't colour outside the lines and I don't read outside the panel.
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, after all.
"Right wing" isn't an organization.
But Antifa is a terrorist organization.
They use violence to advance their political agenda. They are terrorists. Violence doesn't necessarily end in death.
antifa is a leftist terrorist organization.
Every corpse laid in the street by one of their pet shitskins is a victim of left wing terrorism.
it is.
>being shit a game means you aren't playing
Absolute state of Antifa's K:D ratio
That's what I mean, he directed all that labor and anger towards a crowd of people obliquely related to a culture he hated. He didn't go after any of the infrastructure that created them. If he'd just shot up the casino staff it would have made sense.
If you're going to get yourself killed or get years in prison for acts of violence, stop going after people on the same rung as yourself, goddamn. Direct that shit.
It still is
>right winger
not an organization
AntiFa and Leftists don't need physical violence, they can ruin lives through intimidation, doxing, and the media fully and legally
I would consider antifa a terrorist organization. Conservatives are generally sheltered and more fragile beingf born in the suburbs or middle/middle upper / upper class families, so things like having a milkshake thrown at them is terrifying to them.
Declaring right wingers terrorist would be a fascistic action of the state. Why are they whining?
>Anitfa "We want to bring down fascists"
What the fuck. I thought stonetoss was based. Sad to see him become a cuck
They use violence and fear to get what they want, the literal definition of terrorism.
It isn't a stonetoss comic it's an ass mad retard's parody, you retard
> not knowing an edit when you see one
Well yea no shit they don't have any kills have you seen what these faggots look like? They're still terrorist tho.
>If I make it into a comic maybe they'll think it's real
it's not organized (read the fucking definition, nigger)
Stonetoss has turned full cuck fuck him
Ignorant, poorly researched leftwing ctrl+v comic.
This is the exact sort of thing I'd imagine would appeal to Canadians.
Using violence and intimidation to achieve a political goal makes you a terrorist, by definition.
The fact that Antifa are shit at fighting and can't aim a gun is irrelevant, from a standpoint of definitions. Their intent is to exercise violence for political purposes, and that makes them terrorists.
We know why right?
I mean, besides the obvious fact that they'll inflate any non-political incel mass killing as "right-wing" and inner city nigger killings aren't tacked as leftist despite being the reasoning.
Left wing is Jow Forums selection, strength in numbers while weak individually. If you accounted for all gay sucker-punch style antifa attacks against people not attacking them we know the number would be much higher, but they dont kill, they take their fighting startegy from the office
Now legitimate right-wing mass killings are solo people, Jow Forumsselection yet efficient cause they're less retarded(yet still retarded enough to do what they do thinking it'll help anything) Even the fucking loser incels from all school-shootings are more effective.
This is a fun and VERY rare time that the "numbers" are in the left's favor, so they'll use them. We can try to argue it the way i noted above, but they finally have the numbers! They can stick to the original argument without strawmanning and deflecting! It's so new and exciting to actually argue and stick to the facts!
Of course it's all a virtue signal, they've never even given it a thought why incels mass-shoot or anything else, I'm assuming it's more cause they're stupid rather than they don't care. Even asking "why do you think they do it" you'd get a basic bitch response with no real insight or empathy. These antelopes are happy that they can smack buffaloes with their hooves during government mandated riots, and turn around and cry victim that some autistic lion faggot goes and mauls 12 african bush animals
I came in this thread specifically to find your gay fucking post and call you a fucking nigger. There, I said it. You're a nigger and we all know it. Fuck you.
Antifa uses threats of violence against civilians to further a political goal. Therefore, antifa is a terrorist organization.
that was a quick trigger
>Antifa is terrible at everything they try therefore they're not terrorists despite being the literal textbook definition of terrorists
All this is saying is that the left are even bad at terrorism because they are ineffectual cucks. Antifa isn't some virtuous bastion of ethical restraint, they are simply too weak to commit the evil in their hearts so instead of killing people in the name of their beliefs they timidly throw milkshakes from a crowd comprised mainly of overweight women.
>last days of human civilization
nah, just giga corporation running the show and allowing which topics can be discussed. nothing last forever tho user